
Zhuge Liang abandoned Wei Yan's plan, and Sima Yi laughed at Kong Ming, only to learn the real reason a thousand years later

During the Three Kingdoms period, the figures of the Three Kingdoms have now become the topic of discussion. Zhuge Liang launched the First Northern Expedition in 228 AD, and at this time Wei Yan gave Zhuge Liang advice. However, Zhuge Liang abandoned Wei Yan's suggestion, and Sima Yi laughed at Kong Ming, only to learn the real reason a thousand years later. After all, Zhuge Liang felt that he had to take the road step by step to seize Liangzhou. Wei Yan's idea and Zhuge Liang's thoughts were precisely what they thought, thinking that they should be in place in one step.

Zhuge Liang abandoned Wei Yan's plan, and Sima Yi laughed at Kong Ming, only to learn the real reason a thousand years later

In fact, looking at the Three Kingdoms to understand the way of power and strategy, Zhuge Liang and Li Yan were officials in the same dynasty, and Li Yantuo's lonely position was slightly higher than Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang was not saying one or the same in the DPRK, and there was no good way to overthrow Li Yan, only to send troops to fight, one was to show that he had military power in hand (assigning Li Yan to prepare grain and grass), and the other was to highlight his importance (the country and mountains were not solid and completely looked at me), Third, we can look for opportunities to lay Li Yan down (in fact, it is very likely that the escort of grain and grass is wrong, and there are too many objective reasons such as the difficulty of personnel allocation on the simple roads of rain and wind transport, and as a result, Li Yan has not withdrawn from the stage of history? )

Zhuge Liang abandoned Wei Yan's plan, and Sima Yi laughed at Kong Ming, only to learn the real reason a thousand years later

The key is that Zhuge Liang fights and is not victorious, and to win there is an improper use of people, he knows that the time has not yet reached the Wei kingdom is invincible (Zhuge Liang can pinch and calculate, can not calculate the national fortunes of the Wei kingdom?). Year after year, looking for opportunities to strengthen his strength, zhuge liang proved to be indeed clever. It is said that Sima Yi is powerful, but zhuge Liang did not get any benefits. Zhuge Liang came whenever he wanted, and left when he wanted, without damaging a single soldier or pawn. Nor did I see Sima Yi make a strange plot to make a trap to attack Zhuge Liang. It can be seen that Zhuge Liang's military ability is not bad, at least Ma Yili can't help him!

Zhuge Liang abandoned Wei Yan's plan, and Sima Yi laughed at Kong Ming, only to learn the real reason a thousand years later

Wei Yan's plan seemed to be possible, but it might also achieve the goal of temporarily capturing Chang'an. But can not insist. If, after the capture of Chang'an, the Wei people inside the city rose up to resist, the Wei army outside the city took the opportunity to attack the city, Zhuge Liang's army could not arrive in time, and the Wei army outside Tongguan took the opportunity to attack the key, how could the five thousand Shu troops in Wei Yan District be overwhelmed? If that is the case, the Shu Han regime will collapse even faster. Not to mention the long-term purpose of "returning to the old capital". To talk about the real reason, in fact, since the ancient Shu Road is difficult, Zhuge Liang is well versed in geographical knowledge, especially Zhang Song's geographical map of Xichuan has helped him a lot, the Meridian Valley has no way to go, Wei Yan also went while marching to build roads, and the time delayed the strange plot to break itself. Why did Zhuge Liang send someone to die? If you don't get it right, you will fall into the reputation of murdering a great general, and zhuge Liang did not lose money. So how do you evaluate Zhuge Liang's approach?

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