
Of the six emperor-level warriors in the Strategic Edition of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Kingdom alone accounted for 4 people, and it was easy to regret it

Foreword: The public account of the first [Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition with General Jun] was first published in this article, and it is not authorized to prohibit "plagiarizing articles" to other platforms.

Author: Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition with General Jun

Hello everyone, I am a three-battle general, every day to help you with the general to open up the wilderness, and you say that the choice of martial generals who ask for the meritocracy, I hope to help you!

In the strategy version of the Three Kingdoms Chronicle, there are many martial generals who have their own tactics of war, but the trigger probability is quite embarrassing, the most uncomfortable thing is that it still needs to be prepared to trigger, the probability itself is not engaged or may be interrupted, and eventually it is easy to appear a variety of acting, a down a battle method is not triggered, full of red are directly overturned!

The game's six Shadow Emperor-level warlords:

No. 1 – Huang Zhong

Of the six emperor-level warriors in the Strategic Edition of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Kingdom alone accounted for 4 people, and it was easy to regret it

Among the many martial artists, Huang Zhong should be able to rank first in the drama, which is why his own combat output is quite violent, once triggered, he may directly hit five or six thousand or even tens of thousands of output damage, but the result is basically invisible in the mainstream team!

2nd place - Guan Yu

Of the six emperor-level warriors in the Strategic Edition of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Kingdom alone accounted for 4 people, and it was easy to regret it

Guan Erye this martial general is also more interesting, many times even if you have the exclusive "martial saint" is the same acting, many times the Taoyuan team or the five tiger gun win or lose and other martial generals have nothing to do, mainly depends on whether Guan Yu's combat method is triggered or not! It is undeniable that even if Guan Yu loves to act, the tactics once triggered are really powerful, which also leads to the reason that he has been active in the mainstream team.

3rd place - Cheng Yu

Of the six emperor-level warriors in the Strategic Edition of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Kingdom alone accounted for 4 people, and it was easy to regret it

Wei Guo drama essence first place, Cheng Yu who did not bring the Taiping Dao Method basically brought his own combat method without considering the damage after the trigger, even if it was instantaneous, it was difficult to play, occasionally triggered two or three times, even if it was super long play, the mainstream gameplay was still with the Taiping Dao Method and Shibetsu Three Days or high redness to choose to take the front to destroy the impermanence of the soldiers!

4th place – Pang Tong

Pang Tong, the martial artist who once performed in the S2 season, is easy to hit tens of thousands of damages, playing the late lineup often triggers 3 times is normal, and then look at the current normal trigger 1 time is not bad, occasionally can play twice has been very rare, and because of the change of the serial meter, the damage today is not as good as before.

5th place - Zhuge Liang

The early Zhuge Liang was definitely the nemesis of the active team, often able to calculate thousands of damage, and even the big guys used the front arrow array to cooperate with Zhuge Liang, a calculation directly hit the horror data of ten thousand damage points, and then look at the performance of Zhuge Liang in the Qilin Bow now, it is really old Zhuge Ge.

No. 6 – Jia Xu

To be reasonable, jia xu comes with the trigger probability of the battle method is the highest batch in the game, although occasionally can be triggered 5-6 times, but most of the time it is still 2-3 times, which is still a bit unqualified for the instantaneous combat method, the early players who played Jia Xu compared to today's Jia Xu, basically feel it!

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