
Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

Guan Yu: Second Master Urine Sex

Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

The strength of Tianmei is still very powerful, especially when designing the best skin, the model of this skin will be changed, such as Guan Yu's new collector-level skin, although there is news that it is going to delay the sale, saying that it is necessary to carry out a little redo, but I think the redo may be to carry out some small details of the adjustment, we can see that the main structure has come out, is to make out a second master riding a motorcycle, I can only say that this second master is too urinary, seeing such a special effect feels quite windy, What do you think of the effect of such a collector's-grade skin? I don't know why I was reported, but I feel that there is no problem at all.

Sun Ce: Mecha

Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

Sun Ce's mecha skin has also undergone a lot of changes, you can take a look, mainly to change their own ship, in fact, Sun Ce's hero's other skins have also been rectified a lot, such as cat and dog diary has become a dog, this doomsday mecha has become a very scientific and technological spaceship, this change is definitely able to make the player feel very sincere, which skin do you like? I think this doomsday mecha skin may look a little better, after all, from the feel and special effects, this doomsday mecha is better, especially this big move special effect, and there is an accelerated effect.

Son Goku: Supreme Treasure

Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

Sun Wukong's Supreme Treasure skin can also be said to be very big for the model change, I don't know if you have paid attention to the skin of this Supreme Treasure, in fact, the skeleton model has not been rectified, but everything that is displayed externally has been changed, and there is no difference at all from redoing a hero. In particular, the skill effects have also changed a lot, which is why so many players like this skin, the feel is actually only one of the reasons, the model change is the most important reason.

Dianwei: Keyboard Man

Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

Dianwei, this hero has a keyboard man skin, so what changes have been made to this skin? Can you see what the original Dianwei looked like? What does this keyboard man's pawnweight look like again? This skin has not only changed its appearance, but also gone further than the Supreme Treasure skin, changing its own skeleton model, and the weapon in your hand has also become a keyboard, you say such a skin, do you like it or not? Anyway, most of the Dianwei players I know like this skin very much, and they all think of this skin as their own skin, and even say that they use it as the original skin.

Wu Zetian: The Heart of the Ocean

Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

The change of the model includes not only the model of the hero itself, but also the skill model, so which hero's skin skill model change is the biggest? Maybe immediately some players think of Wu Zetian, look at a few skins of Wu Zetian, the most garbage skin is definitely the oriental undefeated, basically no one plays, the better is this ocean heart, and the better is the collection skin, however, considering that the price of the collection skin is relatively expensive, I believe that most players may still like this ocean heart skin, the biggest change in the ocean heart skin, should be this big move, right? Got a whale straight out.

Xiahou Huan: Treasure skin

Tianmei is too hard to spell The extreme skin model has changed too much Seeing Guan Yu's new skin, I want to say that the second master is urinary

Have you ever played xiahou huan's hero's mecha skin? You can take it and compare it, this skin not only has the model changed, but also the skill effects have been adjusted, you say it is not a fairly careful skin? This skin is definitely a superb skin, because many players have said that this is a hero. Mainly because the change in the model is really too big, originally Xiahou Huan this hero should be regarded as a relatively ugly hero, after using this mecha skin, directly became a super handsome hero, for such a skin, I can only say that Tianmei is a little more powerful, and then design a few colors, so that we like to play this hero more.

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