
The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

author:History is not a lesson
The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"



Whether it is the streets and alleys, or shops and supermarkets, in many places in Fuzhou can see the figure of light cake, the method of light cake is relatively simple, for the round noodle cake, perforation in the middle, baked out of the oven with high temperature furnace wall, crisp and delicious.

The history of Fuzhou Light Cake has to start from Qi Jiguang's resistance to the Wo.

According to the Fuzhou Chronicle: In the forty-second year of Ming Jiajing (1563), the anti-Wu hero Qi Jiguang led an army into Fujian to pursue and annihilate the Wukou, and it rained for several days, and the army could not open a gang, So Qi Jiguang ordered the baking of a simple kind of small cake, which was hung on the body of the soldier with hemp rope as dry food. Later generations remembered Qi Gong and called this small cake "light cake". The "light" of the so-called "light cake" contains the commemoration of General Qi's initiation.

(Pictured is Qi Jiguang)

Memory A palm rope strung up a light cake,

How is it made?

【Ingredients】: 250 g of flour

【Excipients】: milk powder 15 grams, yeast powder 3 grams, milk 120 grams, white sesame seeds to taste

【Seasoning】: 1/2 tbsp salad oil, 1/2 tsp salt, 15 g sugar, 10 g lard (plate oil).

1, put 120 grams of fresh milk, 15 grams of caster sugar, 1/2 tbsp salad oil, 1/4 tsp salt halved, lard 10 g, mix in order to form a smooth dough, let stand for 40-60 minutes, expand to about 2 times larger;

2: Flatten the expanded dough out of the air, roll into long strips, divide into equal portions of 9 small dough, roll round and flatten

.3, brush the surface with sugar water D (sugar water appropriate amount (1 tsp of fine sugar + 2 tsp of hot water stir until the sugar melts and cool), raw white sesame seeds to taste), dip in white sesame seeds, let stand for about 15 minutes, with your fingers from the middle to the end;

4: Preheat the oven, 180 degrees in the middle layer, bake for about 15 minutes.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

In addition to Fuzhou light cake,

In fact, Fujian has other delicious and unique local light cakes,

Like Yongtai Light Cake, Jian'ou Light Cake, Fuqing Light Cake...

They look similar, they are the same size,

Even the legend of the light cake is almost the same,

So, let's walk into them today with Xiaobian!

Yongtai shallot cake

This guy is actually a derivative of light cake. Its surface is covered with dense layers of white sesame seeds, and its stomach is filled with chives and a little baked fat. Freshly baked shallot cake, after a moment it is crispy, take a small bite, green onion, meat, sesame lips and teeth left fragrant, let people taste endlessly!

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

* Picture annotations

At a cursory glance, it is really the same as the Light Cake with onions and meat on the surface of the Jian'ou Cake! But one is face kung fu, and the other is lizi kung fu!

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

It is one of the traditional Han Chinese names in Yongtai, Fujian, but it has never been advertised as an official Fujian specialty, probably because it comes from a black and dirty-looking earthen brick kiln... But so what, delicious to burst, has long been in Fuzhou blossoming everywhere ~ ~

Fuqing light cake

Except for Fuqing, those who have not photographed sesame seeds are called light cakes. But in Fuqing, there are sesame shoots, which are called light cakes! Fuqingguang cake making method is special, with fine flour as the main raw material, with appropriate salt and alkali, add water to knead into a dough, knead into a cake, pat sesame seeds, punch holes in the middle, after waking up slightly, put into the special cake oven baked red in advance, and then use the newly picked pine needles to ignite and bake until crispy and then shoveled.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Fuqing light cake looks golden and pleasant, smells fragrant and tempting, and tastes with relish, which is slightly better than other light cakes in Fujian. But the strange thing is that how clever the master left Fuqing, he couldn't make a delicious Fuqing light cake! This is probably related to the water quality of Fuqing and the local pine needle baking in that year.

(Seaweed light cake, now very popular, Xiaobian highly recommended)

Hongshan Bridge Light Cake

People remember the Hongshan Bridge Light Cake Shop, until the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there were only two - Xinyixing, which opened in the seventh year of Qing Guangxu (1881) and Yuanli, which opened later. The Xinyixing Cake Shop was opened by Fang Renhua (grandfather of Fang Guanying and Fang Binggui, a famous folk culture person in Rongtai) downstairs in Xixiang (now Jianxin Town) in Fuzhou. Fang Renhua is proficient in the ancestral light cake (including bags, cut noodles) skills.

When making light cakes, they are fried in a pan at the beginning, and then they are changed to stickers, and the light cakes are delicious. Hongshan Bridge is the main road of water and land transportation in Fuzhou, there are many people, the price of light cake is cheap and hunger-resistant, so there are many buyers, the daily supply is in short supply, with the production and sale, there is still residual heat in the hand, and it is more popular with buyers. Because of this, "Hongshan Bridge Light Cake" is famous.

Fuan light cake

Also known as Jiguang Cake. Among several Fujian light cakes, the number of Fu'an light cakes is the most faithful, although everyone's source is Qi Jiguang anti-Wu, but! Only Fu'an light cake, left the name "Jiguang cake"! Only Fu'an light cake, as far as possible to keep the same as the light cake that Qi Jiguang ate 400 years ago.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Fu'an light cake pays attention to the "copper face iron bottom cotton heart", copper face - light cake surface is burnt yellow, the color is like bronze; iron bottom - cake bottom is crisp and hard; cotton heart - the cake is soft and delicious, slightly salty. Overnight regular eating can cure stomach problems, you can soak the light cake into water to make a dish.

Jian Ou light cake

Among the Fujian light cakes, the Jian'ou light cake has the largest variation! With flour, add an appropriate amount of nancao (alkali water) and salt water, after the noodles are penetrated, knead by hand, make a cake cut, and then use wood to grind into a cake blank, poke a small hole in the middle of the blank, if the cake surface has onions or meat, poke two holes. The cake blanks are then pasted to the hearth and baked over charcoal fire.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Jian'ou light cake eating methods are also very diverse! There are light cakes cut in half with a sharp knife, sandwiched in the middle of a few slices of white meat, green onions or egg in the skin, or stir-fried pickles, which has a unique flavor.

Zhou Ningguang cake

After Zhou Ning's 'light cake' is baked by charcoal, the surface of the cake seems to have a thin shell, yellow with purple, crispy crust, soft and slightly salty, crispy taste, very delicious. You can also listen to the sound of sesame oil when you eat it. Not only is it delicious to eat, but it makes people who watch from the sidelines salivate and have a different flavor.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

The strangest thing is that the light cakes in other places can't adjust the taste of Zhou Ning's light cakes. Zhou Ning people said that it was because the water quality of Zhou Ning was different from other places, and it seemed a little reasonable to think about it. Eating the light cake alone is not enough, Zhou Ning people love to divide it into two pieces of sandwiches along the edge of the light cake and stack it. The buns are made with rice milk, shredded radish, green onions, etc.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Fuding light cake

Lixia in the eastern Fujian region of Fujian is mainly based on eating "light cakes" (flour baked with a little salt). Banana City, Fuding and other places are cut into two halves of light cakes, and fried bean sprouts, leeks, meat, bad vegetables and so on are eaten.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Gutian light cake

Gutian light cake is round, the size of a small bowl mouth, leaving a fine hole in the middle, threaded into a string can be hung, also known as hanging cake. After fermentation, the cake is accompanied by salt, sesame seeds, green onions, etc., kneaded into a circle, baked by fire, and the taste is crisp and slightly salty, very delicious.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

With the improvement of living standards, the variety of light cakes has become more diverse, and now there are also green onion light cakes, peanut light cakes and Jian'ou crisp light cakes on Gutian Street, which are also deeply loved by the public.

Light cakes are fragrant and delicious

When I was a child, I watched others eating all the bread, and my own saliva flowed out,

Now looking at these light cakes, Xiaobian is salivating,

I really don't know what it is to be out of breath,

Don't put up with it!

Now Xiaobian will take everyone to look for,

Those light cake shops that still retain the taste of old Fuzhou.

Guanglufang light cake

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: Sanfang Qixiang Road Mountain Road Wushan Community and many convenience stores next to

Price: 2 yuan / piece

Recommended reason: The seaweed meatloaf is just out of the pan for a minute to dry crispy, the appearance of white sesame seeds covered with one-sided, the inside of the seaweed is moist, occasionally salty, but does not affect the taste!

Old Fuzhou traditional cake shop

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: Fuzhou City Cangshan District Licuoshan Road

Recommended reason: 53-year-old Chef Huang has insisted on using a traditional charcoal oven for 20 years, arranging the cakes neatly on the stove wall, and the air is wafting with the aroma of light cakes, which has not become familiar for 20 years, and everyone has time to remember to try it.

Zheng Jiaguang cake

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: Cangshan Gongnong Road

Netizen evaluation: Thirty years, handmade charcoal fire light cake, day after day in the early morning of the day to knead the dough charcoal fire life. For thirty years, Xiang Piaocuo is another light cake that allows you to taste the most authentic and memories of childhood.

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: East Street Kou Jintai Road snack street

Price: 5 yuan / 6 pieces

Netizen evaluation: Roadside stalls The original Jian'ou light cake is relatively small compared to other places and it seems to be relatively flat, and it is a green onion, and I personally think it is quite delicious The light cake made of traditional baking methods is a bit like a pot helmet in Hubei.

Master Zhang's light cake shop

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: No. 262 North Avenue (near the Construction Department)

Price: 1.2 yuan / piece

Netizen evaluation: This reputation is super high, the cake is very delicious, the filling is still very full, the skin is crispy, salty and moderate, baked oily, bite up crunchy, miss this taste!

Peking University Light Cake Shop

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: No. 208 North Avenue

Netizen evaluation: the taste of light cake is super good, friends push over,

The cake bites in the mouth and is crunchy, especially the freshly baked light cake, and the taste is simply superb!

The fragrance of deep alleys, childhood light cake memories in the oven "Taste of Fuzhou: Issue 7"

Address: Yangqiao Middle Road, Fuzhou City, Yangnan Street, Yangqiao Market.

Netizen evaluation: Hongshan Bridge light cake has been handed down for a hundred years, and has now been passed down to the fifth generation, the key to the delicious light cake is baked with charcoal, but this flavor of the cake was only eaten when I was a child. And now you can find this flavor only in hongshanqiao light cake shop.

The taste of light cake

It is a long memory of old Fuzhou,

It's the smell of missing

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