
The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

Many pregnant mothers often think during pregnancy, what is the baby doing in the stomach? Most can only rely on guessing, can intuitively see the baby's activities only when doing color ultrasound, sometimes see the state of the baby in the belly, pregnant mothers will even be surprised.

01 The baby "stands upside down" in the pregnant mother's belly, the mother says it is cute, but the doctor is worried

Ms. Lin went to the hospital for obstetric examination when she was 9 months pregnant, and the doctor found that the state of the fetus was "handstand" through color ultrasound, which was the opposite of other fetuses. Ms. Lin looked at the fetus in the display and said, "It's so cute." ”

The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

After seeing the doctor on the side, frowning slightly, as if thinking, Ms. Lin suddenly fluttered in her heart at this time, is there a problem with the fetus? He asked, "Doctor, is there something wrong with the fetus?" ”

The doctor said, "Now there is no big problem, because this fetus shows a "handstand" situation, and when it comes to childbirth, it can only be delivered by caesarean section, not a smooth delivery, and now there is a situation where the umbilicus is circumferential, if the baby is naughty, it may aggravate the situation." ”

The doctor's words made Ms. Lin, who was originally happy, panic, but then the doctor's advice made her relax her mind. The doctor said, "After returning home, pay more attention to adjusting emotions, and pay attention to all aspects of action, do not stimulate the fetus, and cause the fetus to be too excited in the future." ”

The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

When it was almost time to give birth, the baby in Ms. Lin's belly was still in an upside-down state, and the doctor originally wanted to try to correct the fetal position with bare hands, but in view of the serious situation around the umbilical cord, he finally chose to give up and go directly to the caesarean section, which was safer and safer in comparison.

02 Why does the baby "stand upside down" in the pregnant mother's stomach

Many pregnant women will find that their baby's fetal position and other people are exactly the opposite during pregnancy, other people's fetal babies are head up, but their own baby's head is down, which is mainly because the pregnant woman's belly is larger, and the fetus is smaller, so the activity space is relatively large, and the baby is more convenient to move.

The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

For some more naughty and active babies, if stimulated, it is likely to turn their bodies sharply, resulting in a "handstand" situation, and some babies are not willing to change back to their original position after the handstand, and after the follow-up slowly grows up, it is more difficult to turn back.

Of course, there are also some babies because of greater stimulation in the stomach, stress response, fetal movement is frequent and intense, then there may be changes in fetal position at this time.

03 The baby "handstands" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called fierce

If you find that the baby's fetal position is upside down, in fact, it is not impossible to solve, first of all, we must pay attention to various living habits during pregnancy, adjust the living state, and the baby in the belly will also adjust with the state of pregnant mothers. Frequent touching of the baby is not recommended, as this will also affect the state of the fetus and stimulate the maintenance of the current incorrect fetal position of the fetus.

The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

Secondly, pregnant mothers can make some appropriate adjustment exercises, such as climbing stairs, doing yoga during pregnancy, etc., to promote the fetus to return to the correct fetal position. Many pregnant mothers with similar conditions have been recommended by doctors during pregnancy, and many people have returned to normal.

During this period, we must pay attention to a problem, that is, if the baby has an umbilical cord around the neck, it must be checked in time, because it can be observed whether the baby's umbilical cord circumference situation becomes more serious. Of course, this is not to say that babies who do not use umbilical cord-around the neck do not need obstetric examinations, but also need regular obstetric examinations, because babies may also have umbilical neck symptoms in the process of adjustment.

The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

In addition, for those babies who do not have an umbilical cord around the neck, or the umbilical cord around the neck does not affect, the baby's fetal position has not returned to a normal state before giving birth, and the doctor will also take certain measures at this time.

I believe that many people have seen doctors correct the fetal position with their bare hands, at this time they will now be pregnant women on the stomach smeared with some olive oil or other products conducive to rotating the fetus on the stomach of pregnant mothers, and then the hands across the belly slowly protect the fetus, began to rotate, the fetal head and foot positions are exchanged, so that the fetus returns to the correct fetal position. Many people say that this operation of the doctor is called cruel, and usually requires an experienced doctor to try, otherwise it may threaten the safety of the fetus.

The baby "stands upside down" in the stomach, and the prenatal adjustment is made through three things, and the doctor's operation is called cruel

In the end, pregnant mothers still have to pay more attention during pregnancy, do less things that will stimulate the fetus, so that the little one is not prone to stress response. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the normal development of the fetal baby, so that there will be no excessive belly, but the fetus has not kept up with the development speed, it is still thin and small, so that the little guy is also very dangerous, not only will there be abnormal fetal position, but also the symptoms of the umbilical cord around the neck.

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