
When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

Text/Beibei bean (original article, welcome to reprint and share)

Diapers or wet diapers?

When it comes to parenting, there is a clear generation gap between the older generation and the younger generation. From pregnancy to childbirth, every step a new parent takes seems to struggle with the "experience" of the older generation.

Because there is no sense of spontaneous excretion, children need to rely on the outside world to solve their own excretion problems for a period of time after birth. Whether to use diapers or not to wet has become a matter of debate among adults.

In the eyes of the older generation, diapers are cost-effective and more gentle and skin-friendly;

In the eyes of young parents, diapers have hygiene problems, and they are not as safe and convenient as diapers.

On the question of when to "quit" diapers, the two generations also have different opinions. Don't look at these details, in the critical stage of child's production and development, every choice is related to the child's health.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

When it comes to what new parents are most afraid of encountering when they are raising children, living with the older generation has almost become the answer of most people.

Xiao Li, who had just become a mother not long ago, had such a problem. She posted online that she was about to be tortured by her mother-in-law at home and "crazy".

It turned out that shortly after giving birth, Xiao Li's mother-in-law came to Xiao Li's house to take care of it.

In the matter of parenting, she has many conflicts with Xiao Li.

Xiao Li believes that diapers are more hygienic and convenient, keep changing frequently, and can also free up time for themselves to do other things.

But her mother-in-law said that the diaper is too "hard", or the traditional diaper is safer, but also economical, a diaper can be used for a long time.

Xiao Li, who felt that using diapers was unhygienic, communicated with her mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law said that after the diapers were used up, she was also ready to use a period of time to "urinate" for the child to cultivate the child's ability to urinate independently.

Listening to her mother-in-law's words, Xiao Li completely lost her temper. Not to mention whether the habit of urinating will make children more dependent on adults, the time point when the mother-in-law removes the diaper also makes the novice mother Xiao Li feel guilty.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

So, when is it best for children to "quit" diapers?

At 18 months, it is best for babies to use diapers throughout the day

During this time period, the bones of the baby's body are still very soft, and all aspects of the body functions are gradually growing, which is the key period that requires the outside world to "help".

If you remove the diaper at this time and choose to "urinate" for the child, it may hurt the baby's fragile bones.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

At 18-24 months, your baby can try to "quit" diapers during the day

Over time, the grown baby begins to gradually get rid of the dependence on the bed, begin to explore the world under the bed, and learn to walk.

At this time, the effect of diapers is weakened.

When the child grows up to be able to adapt to underground life, parents can try to remove the diaper during the day and only change the diaper for the child when sleeping at night.

During the daytime activity time, parents can guide their children to learn to express their own demands and develop a good habit of finding a toilet.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

2-3 years old, parents can try to "quit" diapers for their children

Children aged 2-3 have mastered basic standing skills and their language skills have also improved.

At this time, parents can completely "quit" their children from diapers and let them play freely.

In addition, at this age, when the child goes to kindergarten, if you do not "quit" in time, it may be difficult for the child to adapt to the life of the kindergarten, and it is easy to be ridiculed by other babies.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

Children "quit" diapers should be careful, too early or too late is not good

Some people may feel that sooner or later children will learn to solve the problem of urination and defecation on their own, and whenever they "quit" diapers for children, this view is actually wrong.

If the timing is not right, it is likely to endanger the health of the child.

If you "quit" diapers too early, your child's kidney function will be affected

Even the kindest parents have times when they get mad. When faced with trivial parenting problems, most parents have had moments of irritability.

Too early for the child to "quit" diapers is not wet, parents may have extra time to do other housework, but if the child does not develop the habit of calling people when defecating, and can not go to the toilet by themselves, there is a high probability that they will directly wet their pants.

In the long run, parents will inevitably get angry because of children peeing pants, in order not to provoke adults to be angry, children will unconsciously begin to hold urine, hurting kidney function.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

Too late to "quit" the diaper is not wet, the child's voluntary discharge will be affected

Wearing diapers for children for a long time will make children dependent on diapers, and when children grow older, they cannot get rid of their dependence on diapers and will also affect the child's normal life.

For example, in the above kindergartens, children who do not have the ability to defecate voluntarily need extra care from teachers. Once the teacher can't take care of it for a while, even if he can go to the toilet independently, the child will die waiting for the teacher to come to help, losing his sense of self-defecation.

When is it good for the baby to "quit" diapers? The developmental performance should be firmly grasped, and the late withdrawal affects the function of defecation

Write at the end

How to raise children healthily has always been a topic for new parents to continue to learn. On the road of children's growth, parents and children are also novices.

If you want your child to grow up healthily, parents need to observe their child's performance anytime and anywhere, and make the next step of the training plan according to their development.

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