
In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

Interpretation of emotional topics, taking you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional relief, but you have to know how to let yourself go!

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

Text | The wind stops at night

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I believe that many people will recognize the statement that "men are rational and direct, and women are sensual and delicate".

In fact, the biggest difference between men and women, in addition to the external expression and the actual inner feelings are completely different, in the face of feelings:

Men's and women's views, performances, and needs are also different!

In the relationship, the only thing that women and men have in common is that they are accustomed to "different hearts and mouths", but "different hearts and mouths" are not synchronized!

A woman's various dissatisfaction with the man in front of her, due to the sensual effect, she will express it through emotions! Then, the heart obviously did not do not completely angry or did not completely forgive, but for the sake of this relationship, she would rather adjust herself in her heart!

Moreover, in the future together, I will use the steadfastness, security and touch of search to give myself the feeling of being loved, and all the previous dissatisfaction will be suppressed!

However, whether such emotions are repeated or not is entirely based on whether men "repeat old problems".

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

And the man's dissatisfaction with the person in front of him, he generally shows only a small part, and even he does not express it at all, until he is completely disappointed in the woman in front of him, he directly leaves.

It's not that the man is too ruthless, it's that his "bookkeeping" is full!

It is not that the woman is too emotional and cannot let go, it is because she feels that she has been "self-emotional mediation" too much, and the man turns around mercilessly, and he cannot accept it!

In fact, two people together, all the contradictions, most of them are inseparable from "transposition thinking" did not do it!

I once saw a sentence that said:

I accept this world that doesn't accept me, and my life is much better!

In the same way, this sentence applies to any corner of our lives! In particular, in the relationship between men and women, since the choice has been made, it is always more beneficial to accept than to consider the problem from the perspective of the self!

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

In the relationship between men and women, many men will not understand:

Why is she always upset with me? Why does she always cry so much? Why does she always ask so much of me? Why is there such a big gap between her and when she used to know?

In fact, it is men who do not fully grasp the ability to think from the perspective of women! Because, most men, are not willing to be "too tired" in the relationship!

If a man exists in his own life and brings him unhappiness and freedom, then he would rather not!

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

It is not that it is easy for a man to let go of the shallowness of his emotional investment, but that he understands more than women what he wants!

The woman men want is nothing more than:

Gentle, considerate and virtuous;

But take more control of your freedom;

Sweet, cute and salty;

You don't have to make much money, but you must know how to feel sorry for your hard-earned money...

Can be the best "roundworm" of its own!

As long as you achieve my satisfaction, I can raise you for the rest of my life, and I will not say "I raised you"!

In fact, men are more demanding than women in their feelings, but they didn't say it! Then when you see what kind of man a woman wants, you know that this sentence is not a lie at all.

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

The Man Women Want:

If you can't give me love, give me money;

If you can't give me money, give me love;

Be dedicated to me, dedicated, and affectionate;

Be sure to be nice to me;

Be sure to be nice to me...


In the end, the most said request is nothing more than "good to me"! The woman who loves you will not leave you because you are poor, and the woman who loves your money will not break the horse because you do not accompany her!

In the eyes of women, a man is nothing more than who is good enough for herself and she will go with whom! Love or money...

However, men have particularly complex misconceptions about women. In intimate relationships, women's grievances are all in these truthful statements, and men really need to take a good look:

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

1: Anger and disappointment are two different things

In the eyes of many men, all the emotions of women are unreasonable, disappointed in themselves, and deny themselves!

But for the vast majority of women, her emotions are mixed with the implicit hope for men.

It's just that she didn't manage her emotions well when faced with the problems of the moment. So that it is impossible to express demands with men in the most direct and acceptable way as men imagine!

And when a woman is really disappointed in a man, she doesn't have much language!

Have you ever seen a disappointed woman who is willing to waste her energy on a man who can't "live"?

Therefore, when a woman makes an emotional fuss with you, you must be "coaxing" at the first time, and then trace to where the root cause of her emotions is, and the two people do the root correction together, and the problem will be solved!

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

However, some men want to do the opposite: women are angry, he is even more angry! The woman said harsh words, and he said more harshly than the woman's words!

Don't forget that the discord under the emotions is the biggest "problem" of women.

When she says separation with emotion, you don't have to rush to agree! She said let's roll when you better not roll! When she says that you don't have to care about anything, you must not have a cold war with her...

Because you love you deeply, you will let her suffer from gain and loss. Because I want to tie the rest of my life to you, I will be more restrictive to you! Although love cannot be morally kidnapped, if you are willing to stand in her position and look at yourself, too many of her emotions are things that can be understood by you.

Therefore, a woman's first grievance is to feel that men do not understand their own hearts and do not know how to think differently with themselves!

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

2: Obviously I have paid a lot for you, but I feel that I have been disappointed

In intimate relationships, women mostly put in more energy and love than men! Men can be busy or not busy, and neither wants women. However, women are busy thinking and thinking more in their leisure, which is a woman's love for men!

In the relationship, women obviously know that excessive enthusiasm and dedication will increase the chance of themselves being riddled with holes, but they really can't make themselves pretend to be "wooden".

Long-distance love travels thousands of miles, long-distance marriage for love, tolerance of difficult mother-in-law for love, connivance with men's various parties and liquor bureaus for love, and efforts to make yourself very sensible for love...

For love, always centered on men, can no longer live as they once were...

None of these manifestations of love is not a woman's past when she is sad and remembers to make her cry...

However, men only perfunctorily expressed their emotions and joy at the time of the incident, and after the behavior and language that hurt women, none of them remembered those past...

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

Many times, women's quarrels and complaints do not only refer to one thing, but because the problems that occurred in the past have not been well resolved!

When your woman is willing to turn over the intestines with you, don't be impatient to say: Do you have an end?

You know, if the last time things were reasonably resolved, how could old problems break out frequently after the fact?

As a man, don't always put "I'm tired" and "I'm stressed" on your lips! In the face of a society where this woman can be alone, the pressure on women is far greater than that of men!

Man, just work hard and you can do it! What about women?

To be pregnant in October, to have a baby and reproduce, during this period, you must always worry about the unpopularity in the workplace...

Always be a good mother, a good employee, but also always guard against external troubles...

If the mother-in-law is a fuel economizer, the woman is better off, otherwise a man's "busy" word can escape the war between two women, where should the woman flee?

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!

Why are there more and more women saying "If you can, you don't want to touch feelings for the rest of your life?" If you don't touch feelings, you won't have anything, and if you touch your feelings, what trouble will come."

It is because an intimate relationship brings you more helplessness and heartache, and no matter how much you pay, it is easy to be turned into "unworthy" by a man's indifference!

Women, in intimate relationships, more desire is "love", men in intimate relationships, more desire is "happy" and "free".

However, people in love, where is there so much freedom to speak of? In addition to the fact that you love her and can deepen your feelings at will, everything you do should be related to her.

You, the ones who stay together for the rest of your life, shouldn't you consider her feelings?

A woman's sensibility is nothing more than not getting a more down-to-earth feeling.

The ruthlessness of men is nothing more than the reality of wanting to live more freely.

If, you don't have the ability to take on intimate relationship responsibilities, then don't approach a woman in the name of love! Otherwise, you think that the small things are enough to make her sad for a long, long time!

Own woman, hurt yourself, not ashamed!

In intimate relationships: women's grievances, all here!


Love is man's purgatory in the world. Love or friendship, the right time meets the right person to cultivate the right results!

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