
Which province killed the most devils in the War of Resistance? It's not here! Killed 200,000 Japanese troops in 6 years

From the beginning of Japan's invasion of China in 1931 to its unconditional surrender in 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression lasted for 14 years. According to the statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of Japanese troops killed in the war of aggression against China was 440,000, and the results of the Nationalist government after the war were the killing of 480,000 Japanese troops. The reason why our country was able to win the final victory in this war is inseparable from the concerted efforts of the people of the whole country to fight the war together. So which province killed the most devils in the War of Resistance Against Japan? Hunan is the only one.

Which province killed the most devils in the War of Resistance? It's not here! Killed 200,000 Japanese troops in 6 years

From September 1939, when the Japanese devils stepped into Hunan for the first time, the first Battle of Changsha began, and the Japanese surrendered in August 1945, the Japanese army has been trapped in the magical land of Hunan for nearly six years. Throughout the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Nationalist government organized a total of 22 large-scale battles on the frontal battlefield, of which 7 occurred in Hunan. In these 7 major battles, the Japanese and Kosovars were killed by more than 200,000 people, accounting for nearly half of the total casualties of the Japanese army in China.

Which province killed the most devils in the War of Resistance? It's not here! Killed 200,000 Japanese troops in 6 years

These 7 battles included 4 battles of Changsha, Changde, Hengyang and Xiangxi in 39 to 44 years, in the first three battles of Changsha, Xue Yue relied on his original heavenly furnace method of warfare to inflict heavy damage on the Japanese army, annihilating about 110,000 Japanese troops, and he was also known as the "Tiger of Changsha". After the outbreak of the Fourth Battle of Changsha, Xue Yue rejected the suggestion of Chief of Staff Zhao Zili to "not hit people with a dead frame", and still used the Heavenly Furnace Tactics to meet the battle, which was destroyed by Hengshan Yong and Changsha eventually fell. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Changsha held out for a long time and caused heavy losses to the Japanese army, and I am afraid that no city in China at that time could compare with it.

Which province killed the most devils in the War of Resistance? It's not here! Killed 200,000 Japanese troops in 6 years

After the fall of Changsha, Yokoyama led 100,000 Japanese troops to attack Hengyang. At this time, only more than 18,000 people of Fang Xianjue's 10th Army were guarding Hengyang, not only were their weapons and equipment inferior to those of the enemy, but their strength was also very different. Before the battle, Yokoyama yong said that he could take Hengyang in 3 days, but Fang Xianjue and his 10th Army held hengyang for 47 days and nights, and killed more than 38,000 enemy troops, which was more than twice the number of their own troops. If we look at the ratio of losses between the enemy and ourselves alone, the Hengyang Defense War was the best defensive battle fought by the Nationalist army in the frontal battlefield during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. As a result, Hengyang has become the only memorial city in China to commemorate the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Which province killed the most devils in the War of Resistance? It's not here! Killed 200,000 Japanese troops in 6 years

The last Japanese offensive against Hunan was the Battle of Xiangxi, also known as the Battle of Xuefeng Mountain. In this battle, the Japanese army dispatched 5 divisions plus 3 independent brigades with a total strength of about 100,000 people. Under the command of Wang Yaowu, relying on Xuefeng Mountain, the Chinese army adopted the tactics of gradual resistance and enticing the enemy to go deeper, and finally inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese army in the area of Longtan Town, Qingyan and Tieshan, killing more than 30,000 enemy and winning the Battle of Western Hunan. After this battle, the Japanese army was no longer able to launch a new offensive against Hunan until it finally surrendered.

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