
A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Eunuchs were a humble group, but the study of ancient history must not ignore them.

Today's protagonist is Zhao Gao of the Qin Dynasty.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Speaking of Zhao Gao, the evaluation from ancient times to the present is: This is a great traitor who has caused chaos in the dynasty. However, do you think that his approach is actually counterintuitive? What good would it do Zhao Gao to destroy the Qin state? He was not just official, but he was also scolded.

You must know that Zhao Gao can be appreciated by Qin Shi Huang by virtue of his talents, but he is not a person without a brain.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

There seems to be only one reasonable explanation: he deliberately destroyed the Qin state on purpose! In fact, he is a spy, an underground hero who bears the burden of humiliation.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Then some people have to ask, then Zhao Gao is a spy of which country? Is he a Qin national? Of course not.

You see what his last name is, his surname is Zhao. He was actually a nobleman of the Zhao State and only wandered into the Qin State. Sima Qian has already written clearly in the "Records of History", "Zhao Gao, Zhu Zhao is alienated from the genus also."

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

When the State of Zhao was destroyed by the State of Qin, Zhao Gao's entire family was captured and taken to Xianyang as slaves. This was enough to be a slave, but Zhao Gao was also clicked with a pair of scissors. Without aristocratic status, but also lost the dignity of men, uncle can not bear the aunt can not bear.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

At a young age, he became a minister of subjugation, and at that time, jin Yong, the founder of the Sunflower Treasure Book, was not yet born, what can be done?

Fortunately, Zhao Gao was wise from an early age and knew that Qin Shi Huang ruled the country in the way of the Fa, and the chancellor Li Si was also appreciated by Qin Shi Huang because of his legal origin.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

So Zhao Gao studied hard, and with his ingenuity, he mastered the classics of the legalists and became the first-class legalists and calligraphers at that time. Even Qin Shi Huang heard of Zhao Gao's talents, so he promoted him to be his personal assistant and served part-time as a tutor for the little prince Hu Hai.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Zhao Gao found out the nature of Qin Shi Huang and Hu Hai, and he was not good at cultivating Hu Hai, and taught him to be a second son, but he formed a deep friendship. Qin Shi Huang saw that Hu Hai was not a weapon, so he chose Fu Su as his heir.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

However, all this was in Zhao Gao's plan. Zhao Gao had long ago used Qin Shi Huang's trust in him to grasp the Chuanguo Jade Seal. As soon as Qin Shi Huang died, he forged a will and testament, forced Fu Su to die, and supported Hu Hai as emperor.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Hu Hai originally had deep feelings and great trust for Zhao Gao, and was personally sent to the throne by himself. So for a moment, Zhao Gao's position was untouched. However, Zhao Gao knew that the foundation of the Qin State was solid, and there were many famous generals, and it was difficult to shake it for a while. So Zhao Gao brainwashed Hu Hai on the side: The Mengtian Mengyi brothers are the Fusu Party and must not stay. The other side ran to fool Li Si, saying that the emperor ignored the government and asked him to take the lead in advising Hu Hai not to pursue pleasure too much.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Soon, the Montessori brothers were killed. Zhao Gao also took the opportunity to encourage Hu Hai to kill the Qin royal family. Li Si on this side also planned to advise Hu Hai, which caused Hu Hai to be angry, Zhao Gao took the opportunity to add oil and vinegar, and Li Si's family was beheaded. The two most powerful and capable pillars of the Qin state were easily taken down under Zhao Gao's planning.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

At that time, the world was already full of anti-Qin rebels, but Zhao Gao personally destroyed the pillars of the Qin state, which showed his good intentions. After killing Li Si, in order to test his control over the Qin state, Zhao Gao ordered his men to lead a deer into the sacrifice to Hu Hai, which led to the famous deer as a horse incident.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

From then on, Hu Hai was even more indifferent to the government, and the last military strength of the Qin state was under the control of Zhang Handan, while Zhao Gao refused Zhang Handan's request for help, and Zhang Handan was forced to surrender to Xiang Yu, and the Qin state lost all its elite. Then Zhao Gao went so far as to talk to Liu Bang again, and wanted to give Liu Bang an internal response. So Zhao Gaosuo killed Hu Hai and made him the King of Qin. Unexpectedly, Zi Bao was also a scheming person, saying that he was ill and could not ascend the throne, so he took advantage of Zhao Gao's personal visit to ask him and killed him without any defense.

However, after the State of Qin was blindly tossed by Zhao Gao, it had already lost its vitality and was weak, and not long after Zhao Gao's death, it was attacked by Liu Bang and perished.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Zhao Gao, with wisdom and bravery, completed the great cause of breaking qin that the Six Kingdoms had not achieved, and compared to the martial artists such as Xiang Yu and Jing Ke, he did not know where to go.

A pair of scissors was actually the culprit in the demise of the Great Qin Empire?

Many historians about Zhao Gao's life have debated endlessly, whether Zhao Gao was the Zhao clan of the Qin State or the Zhao Clan of the Zhao Kingdom, and both sides quoted the scriptures and said that no one was convinced. However, the side that insisted that Zhao Gao was a Qin person could not explain the key problem, that is, since Zhao Gao was of the royal blood of the Qin state, and since the Qin state was in a high position above ten thousand people below one person, and he was talented, why did he destroy his own country? Could it be that he is sick?

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