
Is it true that "the next pregnant man, the upper pregnant woman"? Hear what people have to say!

My grandmother is a person who looks at the belly of pregnant women very accurately, according to him, "the lower pregnant man, the upper pregnant woman" is definitely not an empirical talk, but each has its own accuracy. As an intellectual woman in the new era, although I, the granddaughter, am embarrassed to say it, I understand in my heart that the old man's statement is just a folk saying without scientific basis, and there is a certain probability. It wasn't until I became a doctor myself that I discovered that folk sayings are sometimes quite accurate. But after all, it is still a matter of probability! The accuracy of the impression is just a coincidence!

Is it true that "the next pregnant man, the upper pregnant woman"? Hear what people have to say!

In fact, whether the upper or lower is pregnant has a certain relationship with the position of the fertilized egg. When the position of the uterus where the fertilized egg is located is located below, the position of the pregnant woman's manifest pregnancy is naturally downward. But if the fertilized egg finally implants in the upper part of the uterus, then as the fetus develops we will feel that the pregnant woman's belly is in an upper position.

It can be seen that the upper or lower pregnancy has nothing to do with the birth of boys and girls. As for why everyone feels that pregnant women will definitely give birth to boys?

Is it true that "the next pregnant man, the upper pregnant woman"? Hear what people have to say!

Actually, it was just that we just happened to meet. The proportion of boys and girls is about half of the children. That is to say, half of the boys are indeed in a state of inferiority during the process of conception. The other half of the girl happened to be in the state of pregnancy when she happened to be in her mother's belly. If this is happening all around us and is seen by us, we will subconsciously think that this statement is of great universal significance, and we will form an idea that there is nothing wrong with this old saying.

In fact, the sex of a fetus is determined by the fertilized egg, and the initiative lies with the father. The formation of a boy, the chromosomes appear "X" and "Y" two states, at the time of conception, the fetus's chromosome is XX, that is, the baby girl. But if the chromosome is XY, it's a baby boy. The Y chromosome does not exist in women, so it is up to the father to decide whether to give birth to a boy or a girl!

Is it true that "the next pregnant man, the upper pregnant woman"? Hear what people have to say!

Now let's go back to the question of the upper and lower arms. There are several main reasons for the different states of upper and lower pregnancy

The first reason: the implantation position of the fertilized egg is different

When the fertilized egg is in the front wall of the uterus at the time of implantation, when it is conceived to a certain extent, the pregnant mother's belly will be particularly large, which is what we often say about pregnancy. When some fertilized eggs implant, they are in the back wall of the uterus, and the stomach looks less obvious, which is also regarded as a lower pregnancy in the eyes of some elderly people.

The second reason: the width of the pregnant mother's pelvis is different

Some pregnant mothers have very wide pelvis and a large inclination, so that it seems that the position of the fetus is "lower", which is obvious. Some women's pelvic bones are not only narrow in width, but also small inclination, so it seems that the position of the fetus is "upper arms". Saying a lot, in fact, is to tell everyone that whether it is upper or lower, there is no slightest key to the sex of the fetus.

Is it true that "the next pregnant man, the upper pregnant woman"? Hear what people have to say!

During pregnancy, we do not adjust our mentality during pregnancy and its concern about the relationship between upper and lower pregnancy and the personality of the fetus, especially the mother who is pregnant, we must avoid accidental falls caused by not seeing the road under our feet when traveling.

The process of pregnancy and childbirth is very important, not sloppy at all, recommend this set of good books, from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy to postpartum coverage, to novice parents scientific guidance, to help mothers smoothly transition this important stage.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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