
Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

author:Home cooked and delicious

Pasta and rice have always been two staple foods in China. To be precise, the main way to eat pasta is northerners, and southerners are mainly eating rice. It's just that now with the improvement of people's living standards and the frequent flow of people from north to south, the gap in this eating habit is gradually narrowing, but in any case, the status of pasta in our lives is very important. The types of pasta foods are even more varied and numerous. Today I want to talk with you about the "fried buns" and "raw buns" that we are very familiar with.

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

Raw fried buns

Fried buns and raw buns, as the name suggests, they both belong to the category of buns for pasta foods. For these two kinds of buns, I believe that many people have eaten, but I believe that people who have eaten these two kinds of buns may not be able to distinguish them. For a long time, including myself, I thought that fried buns and raw buns were the same thing, nothing more than "calling" different. But in fact, it is not what I think, although they look alike, they are actually two different kinds of buns, not only different in name, but also in many ways there is a big difference. Let's take a look at the difference between fried buns and raw buns.

——The difference between fried buns and raw buns——

First: the appearance is different

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

Pan-fried buns

In fact, for food, such as snacks such as fried buns and raw fried buns, we usually buy them outside to eat. If you are not particularly interested in food, you will generally only care about his price and taste, and pay little attention to other details. Fried buns and raw buns, indeed the appearance looks very similar, but pay close attention, you will find that the general fried bun is larger, the raw bun is smaller; the color of the upper and lower sides of the pan bun is golden yellow, just like the pot sticker we usually fry, very beautiful. The raw pancake bun only has a golden or yellowish black bottom, and there are auxiliary ingredients such as sesame seeds, chopped chives, and chopped coriander on the surface.

Therefore, from the appearance point of view, although both are "fried" methods, there are differences in size, color, and auxiliary ingredients used. The pan-fried bun is large, golden on both sides, and the raw pan-fried bun is only golden or yellow-black at the bottom, and the face is sprinkled with sesame seeds, chopped chives, chopped coriander and other auxiliary ingredients.

Second, the endemic areas are different

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

Raw fried buns are mainly popular in the southern region, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Guangdong. In the above southern regions, snack streets, breakfast restaurants or supper shops can often see the figure of raw fried buns, and there are many people who like to eat. Fried buns are mainly popular in the northern region, mainly in Henan, Shandong and Shaanxi. More precisely, fried buns have a longer history in Shandong and belong to a famous dish in the Lu cuisine series.

Therefore, from the perspective of the popular area, raw fried buns are mainly popular in the south, while water fried buns are mainly popular in the north.

Third: the production method is different

The reason why the raw fried bun looks small is because in the production process, the degree of fermentation of the opposite group is not high, and only one fermentation is required, that is, mild fermentation. The method is to fry the bottom with a little cooking oil until golden brown, then add the right amount of water to cook it, and finally sprinkle sesame seeds, green onions or chopped coriander for decoration.

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

On the contrary, the reason why the pancake is larger is because its dough is fermented for a second time, so the dough after fermentation is larger. The method is also to use the method of frying in oil and then boiling, after the bottom is fried and fried, it is hard to set, and then add water to steam until it is cooked. And the water frying buns we see are several sticking together, because in the process of frying the water frying buns, the batter is added to the pan to make the pan more crispy.

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

Therefore, from the perspective of the production process, most of the steps and ingredients are the same, but the raw frying bun only needs to be mildly fermented, and there must be auxiliary materials such as sesame seeds, chopped green onion and chopped coriander; while the fermentation degree of the pan-fried bun dough is heavier, and a certain amount of batter is added at the same time. Therefore, the practices of the two are quite different.

Fourth: the fillings used are different

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

Since it is a bun, there must be a filling in it. The filling of the raw fried bun is exquisite, generally speaking, the filling is mainly fresh pork plus skin jelly, and there will be shrimp, beef, pork and other fillings. But for fried buns, there are almost no restrictions, just like the ordinary buns and dumpling fillings we usually make, in addition to some popular fillings, such as leek egg filling, cabbage pork filling, leek pork filling, cabbage tofu filling, etc., you can also follow your own preferences, such as vegetarian and all meat can be.

Although the filling ingredients of the fried bun are not exquisite, they are very particular about the filling seasoning. That is to say, the filling of the general fried bun will be mixed with several spices such as onion, ginger, sesame oil, fine salt, and five-spice powder.

Therefore, from the perspective of filling, the difference between fried buns and raw buns is also very large. Raw frying buns have basic restrictions on several fillings, while fried buns, although there are no requirements in the type of filling, put forward higher requirements for the seasoning of the filling.

Fifth: the taste is different

Looks very similar, why is one called fried bun and the other is called raw bun? It's only now that I understand that there is a big difference

With differences in methods and materials, there will inevitably be differences in taste. Raw fried buns have the characteristics of more filling, thin skin and juicier, so it tastes fragrant, tender and juicy, but it is important to pay attention to the need to slowly taste this delicacy, if swallowed, be careful that the hot juice inside will burn yourself or hurt others. On the contrary, the fried bun is added to the appropriate amount of batter in the process of frying with oil, so the fried bun looks golden on both sides, and it is crispy and tender on the outside, crisp and not greasy.

Therefore, in terms of taste, raw fried buns and fried buns can be described as two completely different snacks. The raw fried bun is tender and juicy, the skin is thin and filling, and the fried bun is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, crispy but not greasy.


Seeing this, I believe everyone will understand, "Why does it look like mingming, one is called raw fried buns, the other is called water fried buns"! Although they look alike, there are 5 aspects of difference in appearance, method, taste, material, and popular area. After understanding the difference between the two, you will no longer be stupid and confused.

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