
The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

author:The smell of fireworks

Fireworks in the world, the most touching, is the simple three meals a day; hello everyone, I am Xiaoping, sharing the food in life every day, let love enter the kitchen, let the home be full of love. Eat more shrimp in late autumn, wash and throw them into the pot, and freshly drop eyebrows without adding condiments; nutrition is particularly high, and children who are learning eat it especially well.

Autumn is the season to eat seafood, and the seafood at this time is fat and fresh. Shrimp is a very popular food, its nutritional value is rich, whether it is freshwater shrimp or marine shrimp, the meat is particularly sweet! Shrimp is rich in protein and low in calories. According to my check data, I saw: shrimp in addition to it is a good source of high-quality protein, other nutrients, such as iron, niacin, potassium, vitamin A, phosphorus and other nutrients. Whether it is for children who are growing up, or the elderly is a very good tonic. Due to the low calories of shrimp, many friends who lose weight will use it as one of the dietary diets.

If shrimp is said to be a high-end ingredient, it is not exaggerated, because it is rich in nutrients and suitable for most people. For high-end ingredients, simple cooking methods can maintain the original taste of the ingredients; so in our daily life, prawns are steamed or fished in water, and then made into a soul sauce dipped in it, really fresh and fragrant.

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

There is also a way to do shrimp, that is, braised prawns in oil! Now with the progress of society, more attention is paid to health, so they are pursuing healthy diet. Many people in the oil braised prawns will add a lot of condiments, in fact, so unhealthy, but also the shrimp original umami covered, is a waste; today to share the oil braised prawns, no condiments, made out of the shrimp fragrant and fresh, the key is still old and tender moderate, after the pot the whole family said delicious, the shrimp we bought are no longer steamed and boiled, are doing this, 10 minutes out of the pot, let's take a look at how to do it.

Ingredients to prepare:

Shrimp, garlic, ginger, salt

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

Production process:

Step 1: Put the prepared shrimp into a basin, add the right amount of water, wash the shrimp and set aside. Prepare a toothpick, pick it up in the second section of the shrimp, and soon the shrimp line will be removed. The shrimp we buy in the market are normally raised, boiling shrimp is best to remove the shrimp line, as we all know, shrimp line is the dirtiest part of shrimp, if not washed and eaten unhealthy, but also there will be a fishy smell. However, many friends by the sea, shrimp are directly fished out of the sea, boiled shrimp basically do not eliminate the shrimp line, so look at the source of shrimp. After the shrimp line is removed, wash it with clean water and drain it.

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

Step 2: Remove the skin of the garlic, wash the ginger and garlic, put it on the board to cut it finely, and put the cut ginger garlic aside for later.

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

Step 3: Prepare a clean pot, heat the pot and add the right amount of cooking oil, put the ginger into the pot and fry it to make it fragrant; ginger has the effect of removing fishiness and freshness, and we like to add some ginger to freshen up when we cook seafood. Put the washed shrimp in the pan without turning, directly cover the lid and simmer for about 5 minutes.

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

Step 4: The time for the shrimp to simmer in the pot is up, open the lid, the shrimp in the pot have turned red, the instructions are also cooked, and use the spatula to turn it over. Sauté the garlic foam together in a pan and stir-fry well. The shrimp and garlic in this way are full of flavor, and the meat is delicate and nutritious, loved by the family, happy to eat, and happy to cook.

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows

If you also think that braised prawns in oil need to add a lot of condiments to taste good, you are wrong. Try this, wash and throw directly into the pot, the whole process can be less than 10 minutes to get out of the pot. Out of the pot all over the room full of fragrance, garlic flavor, pick up one to eat and eat, can not stop.

The home version of braised shrimp in oil, washed and thrown into the pot, without adding any condiments to freshen the eyebrows


When cooking shrimp, remove the shrimp line with a toothpick, and the cooked shrimp is fresh and has no fishy taste.

Braised shrimp in oil, when simmering can not be too long, long time to make out of the shrimp old, poor taste.

If you don't like to eat garlic, the last step is not to add garlic foam, sprinkle with the right amount of salt, more fragrant.

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