
The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

Zhuge Liang, who is close to the demon, Second Master Wushengguan, Lü Bu, who is invincible, Zhao Zilong, who is full of guts, Boss Cao, who has a unique taste, and so on, is definitely a prosperous world.

But if the talents of this era are allowed to emerge, this world will eventually fall into the hands of Sima Yi.

Sima Yi is also a talent, but for those geniuses who are flaunted and outward, they bloom with dazzling brilliance all the time, and Sima Yi will be introverted countless times.

There is no shortage of talents under Boss Cao, Guo Jia, Xu You, Xun Yu, Yang Xiu, and Zhou Bu.

But what happened to these people? Guo Jia was one of Cao Cao's favorite advisers, and apart from this one, none of them were "normal deaths." In particular, Zhou Buxian was a genius teenager with the same name as Cao Chong, who was wary of Cao Cao because he was too smart, and was worried that his son would not be able to control him in the future, so when Zhou Buxian was 17 years old, he sent someone to assassinate him.

It can be seen that although Boss Cao has a good reputation for loving talents, in fact, he does not care for talents.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

For Sima Yi, Boss Cao is also very far-sighted. He discovered that Sima Yi was a very special person early on, and warned Cao Pi to be careful, and even harbored murderous intentions several times.

However, Cao Cao did not kill Sima Yi after all, in addition to Sima Yi itself being of great use to Cao Wei, the Sima family was also very influential at that time, so it escaped the disaster. After Cao Cao's death, Cao Pi succeeded to the throne, and Cao Pi had a very good relationship with Sima Yi, and at this moment, the world was divided into three points, and Sima Yi was able to deal with Zhuge Liang, which was of great use, so Cao Pi did not move Sima Yi.

However, during the reign of Emperor Ming of Wei, Sima Yi's position was more awkward.

Because Sima Yi's status was getting higher and higher, it had reached the point of threatening the monarchy, and coupled with Zhuge Liang's illness and death, Sima Yi had no use value for a while.

The Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui was a fierce character, and looking at sima Yi, who was ranked as the third duke, the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

For his own situation, Sima Yi was also very clear that he had evaded the liquidation of Cao Cao and Cao Pi before because he was still useful to the State of Wei. But now that it has lost its effect, it is time to think of another way.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

However, this was difficult for Sima Yi, and a clever trick came to his mind - the art of self-defilement.

For example, Xiao He of the Han Dynasty, when Liu Bang became suspicious of him, resolutely defiled himself, bullied men and women in the city, and squeezed the people, although he fell into a bad reputation, he also released a signal to Liu Bang that he would not win the hearts of the people, so he failed to end up with Han Xin.

What was the Emperor worried about? Undoubtedly, it is the powerful power of the courtiers that poses a threat to themselves.

So good, Sima Yi self-destructed his image, and let the people and his subordinates deviate from himself!

In the second year of the Jing Dynasty (238), The Prince Wenyi of Liaodong plotted a rebellion, and Cao Rui sent Sima Yi to attack Liaodong.

Before leaving, Sima Yi first gave Cao Rui a "reassuring pill". He gathered a group of old friends and held a huge dinner for several days. At the banquet, he lamented that time had flown by, and although he had done a lot of great things, he looked back and saw that he was dying of old age. In addition to the sigh, an impromptu poem:

Breaking new ground, the sun and the moon are shining. The time is right to go on an all-out expedition. He will sweep away the enemy and return to his hometown. Eliminate the miles and unify the four sides. Accomplish the success of the body and retire, waiting for the sin to dance the sun.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

This poem is actually for Cao Rui: I have a lot of merit, I will help you unify the four sides, and then I will retire from success and will not pose a threat to you.

Cao Rui saw the beauty in his heart: This Sima Yi is still a good acquaintance.

Since Sima Yi took the initiative to show weakness, then I also had to show some concern for my courtiers and prove that I was a wise emperor. Therefore, before Sima Yi went out on the expedition, Cao Rui personally sent him out of the city. Not only that, Cao Rui knew that the Eastern Liaoning region was freezing cold, and he also specially prepared a batch of cold cotton clothes for Sima Yi.

It's a very intimate one.

The two of them were happy on the surface, but secretly they had already fought quietly.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

After arriving in Liaodong, Sima Yi quickly put down the rebellion, and after putting down the rebellion, Sima Yi made a very cruel move: slaughter the city, and kill all men over the age of fifteen!

They also laid their bodies on the walls of the city for everyone to see. The Book of Jin records:

The man was fifteen years old and had been killed, thinking that it was Jingguan.

Slaughtering the city is an extremely cruel act in ancient warfare, and once this action is carried out, it is after all spurned by the world. But Sima Yi did just that. Sima Yi wanted the people of the world to scold him, and the more unpopular he was, the more Emperor Wei Ming was relieved of him.

Not only that, Sima Yi felt that it was not enough to offend the people of the world, so he deliberately offended the soldiers again and again.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

The climate in Eastern Liaoning was cold and coincided with heavy rain for several days, and the soldiers on the way back were hungry and cold. At this time, some people just thought of a batch of short jackets sent by Cao Rui, the Emperor of Wei Ming, before the expedition, so he asked Sima Yi: "Fortunately, there are many old clothes (fortunately, there are more than one batch of clothes), which can be given." The generals thought that this was a very common request, and the clothes sent by the emperor were used to protect the soldiers from the cold, so they directly asked Sima Yi for it.

But Sima Yi said:

The officials and goods of the people, the people and the subjects are selfless.

This reason is very lame, what is called "is a public thing?" "These clothes sent by Cao Rui were originally worn by the soldiers!" As a result, a lot of soldiers froze to death along the way, and as a result, the generals in the army also became resentful of Sima Yi.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

This was what Sima Yi wanted, and he used this to defile himself, so that he could eliminate Cao Rui's killing intentions against him!

When Sima Yi's class returned to the dynasty, Cao Rui was already on the verge of death. Sima Yi's actions completely made Cao Rui let go of his guard and treat him as a pure courtier, so he grabbed Sima Yi's hand and told him what was going on, and finally he died.

After that, the author will not dwell on too much, sima Yi finally launched the Gaopingling Rebellion, holding the Cao Wei regime in his hands.

Many scholars believe that Sima Yi's coup d'état was actually forced, that Sima Yi really had no objections, and that Cao Shuang was the one who usurped power, otherwise Sima Yi's coup would not have been supported by the ministers of the DPRK.

It was also inevitable that Sima Shi would eventually replace Cao Wei.

Because when the power reached a certain level, it had to be usurped, huo Guang, a powerful minister of the Han Dynasty in the past, controlled the government, and finally although the government was returned to the Han Xuan Emperor, the Huo family still ended up with the end of the extermination of the clan. If Sima Yi returned power to Cao Wei, then he would definitely be liquidated in the future, which was the cruelty of imperial power.

The emperor sent the army winter clothes, but Sima Yi preferred the soldiers to freeze to death, and only afterwards did he find his cleverness

Regardless of whether Sima Yi was rebellious or not, for decades he had carefully walked on the tip of the sword, and if he lost it slightly, he would not be able to escape death, and the degree of forbearance and wisdom were terrifying.

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