
Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

Another loving mom

Speaking of children eating picky eating, I believe it is a problem that plagues many young mothers. After all, children are not only picky eaters when they are young, and even for more children, they are not picky eaters when they are very young, and often they will always be picky eaters when they reach the age of four or five years old and have independent consciousness.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

This situation will continue until they grow up and need their parents to care about what to eat. But this stage is precisely the age at which they need nutrition the most in the process of growing up. If you need to persuade them not to be picky eaters every day, in fact, it is also a very hard thing for parents.

In addition, sometimes children can not be around when they eat, for example, in schools and many schools have arranged lunches, in fact, from primary schools, there will be some nutritious lunches, and the original combination of these nutritious lunches is very reasonable.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

Whether it is meat or daily patterns, it will be adjusted according to the scientific diet, but I am afraid that some children are picky eaters, they are often unwilling to eat some of these vegetables, etc., and parents can't see how to be good in such a situation.

How to solve this problem

In some Western countries or Japan, their lunch is brought to school in the form of a bento. At this time, the simple nutritional collocation or taste can not solve the problem of picky eating for children, and some mothers who originally liked the two-dimensional dimension and were good at cooking came up with a reliable way to help children not picky eaters.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

That is to transform these delicious meals into the appearance of the second dimension, so far away, these meals not only give people a sense of appetite, but also because the overall image is closer to a two-dimensional person, then children may be attracted to such food at first sight when they see it.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

Unconsciously, you forget what the ingredients behind these characters are, and you may not be picky at once. After all, sometimes picky eating is a kind of thing that is not difficult to say, such as coriander, but some people always like to be picky eaters.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

For those children who do not like to eat green vegetables, some of the mother's practices are also very instructive. That is, using this method full of two-dimensional characteristics to make food into the shape of various anime characters. Perhaps because they like this food, they ignore the food that they did not like to eat.

Of course, when they eat the food they didn't like to eat because of this, they will suddenly find that the food that they have always thought is difficult to swallow in their impression is not so bad. In fact, such a meal is felt to be a lot of work in the eyes of many viewers.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

In fact, it is not difficult after all, practice can be skilled, just like some chefs in our country in the cooking of some more brand-style meals, will pay attention to a color and flavor complete, in these requirements there will be an external aesthetic requirements, such as the technology of carving flowers, then for those who are good at carving, to make such a plate of two-dimensional type of meals, perhaps just a few more processes than usual.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

The extra process only needs more practice to shorten the time, and it can also achieve the effect of increasing the selling point. If such a restaurant with a two-dimensional style can appear in life, it may be very attractive for many children.

Foreign mothers make rice into a two-dimensional appearance, so that picky children may love to eat

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