
When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

author:Sister Song cuisine

Hello everyone, welcome to Sister Song's gourmet kitchen! Cooking in the summer is not an easy task, one is hot in the kitchen, and the other is that there will always be a surplus after eating, but if the soup is different, every time the soup can always be eaten! In the summer, I like to cook kelp rib soup the most, fresh but not greasy, the method is simple and convenient, after drinking a bowl, I want to have another bowl!

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

The surface of high-quality kelp will be covered with a layer of white substance, which is called mannitol, which is the essence of kelp. Use it to stew soup with ribs, rich in nutrition, but also to remove the moisture in the body, because blowing air conditioning, blowing fans after bathing will increase the moisture in the body, often drink some kelp rib soup is very suitable.

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

Stewed kelp rib soup is very simple, but when to put kelp under the pot is the key, put the right time, the soup is milky white and delicious, kelp soft and refreshing, put when it is not right, ruin a pot of soup. Here's how I made kelp pork rib soup!

【Preparation of ingredients】

1 dried kelp, 1 pound of ribs, a little ginger and shallot, balsamic vinegar, pepper, red pepper

【Preparation steps】

Step 1: Soak the dried kelp in warm water of about 35 degrees And pour in a few drops of balsamic vinegar;

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

Step 2: After about 10 minutes, the kelp will be soaked, fish out the control of dry water, cut into pieces and set aside;

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

Step 3: After washing the ribs, put them in a pot and blanch the water for 5 minutes, then fish out and wash the foam on the surface;

Step 4: After the oil in the pot is hot, fry the aroma of the ginger slices, then sauté the ribs until fragrant, add a pot of water, boil, and cook for another 15 minutes (you can put a dry red pepper to cook together);

Step 5: Add kelp cubes, drop a few drops of balsamic vinegar, cover the pot, bring to a boil on high heat and simmer on medium-low heat for 40 minutes;

Step 6: When the time comes, add the right amount of salt, pepper, sprinkle some green onions and you can get out of the pot.

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

【Sister Song said】

When foaming hair and stewing, put a little vinegar, can play a role in softening kelp, can save a lot of time; ribs are more difficult to stew than kelp, first cook the ribs for 15 minutes, can balance the time used for ribs and kelp stew, so that the two ingredients can be cooked thoroughly at the same time, not to kelp is too soft or too hard taste is not good.

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

Do this soup kelp is more important, before buying kelp in the supermarket encountered several bad experiences, the surface looks very good, after going home to open, there are a lot of small pieces inside, thrown a pity, bubble bar and thin as paper, not delicious; sometimes encounter a lot of sediment, clean several times, and finally stewed out of the soup pot bottom there is a little sand. Once in a while on the headlines to see this kelp, to see the comments of friends who have bought it is not bad, I bought it to try, and after receiving it, I found that it was OK.

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

Although the packaging is very simple, there is a lot of white mannitol on the surface of kelp, and when opened, it is a complete sheet, without crumbs, and there is very little sediment. The important thing is that after foaming, it is very thick and feels very handy when cutting with a knife. It is said that it is hand-picked by fishermen along the coast of Fujian, hung on the seashore, and dried by using the sea breeze, and it feels that the taste is indeed better than that bought in the supermarket.

When stewing kelp rib soup, when the kelp is cooked is the key, and misplacing will ruin a good soup

I have bought it several times, whether it is making kelp rib soup or making cold kelp shreds, the taste has not disappointed me! Friends who like to eat kelp can click on the small card below to see:

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Fishermen self-dried kelp ¥28 purchase

The above is today's sharing, thank you for reading, I wish you a happy life!

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