
Tian Heng: He is the last nobleman in history, not Xiang Yu, who died to save the lives of five hundred people on the island

Tian Heng: He is the last nobleman in history, not Xiang Yu, who died to save the lives of five hundred people on the island

So far, the sea is vicissitudes, and the sky is windy and clear

Master Xu Beihong has a masterpiece that took two years of painstaking efforts, based on the large oil painting "Five Hundred Soldiers of Tian Heng" based on the story of Tian Heng in the "History". At this time, when the Japanese invasion was in place, the master intended to use this painting to sing the praises of the spirit of indomitable death, and to praise the qualities of 'rich and noble cannot be adulterous, and mighty cannot be bent' that the people of Chinese have respected since ancient times, so as to inspire the broad masses of people to resist the Japanese Kou."

The picture selects the scene of Tian Yoko and the five hundred heroes, focusing on the indomitable passion. Tian Yoko solemnly bowed his hand to bid farewell to the heroes on the island, and there was no sorrow and sadness in those glowing eyes, but a solemn, resolute, and confident glow. Some of the strong men were silent, some were sad, some were angry and opposed to his departure, and the lame man was hurrying forward, as if to stop Tian Heng from leaving, and the horse in the whole saddle stood aside, twisting its head and neck uneasily, and the thick white clouds hung down darkly. The whole picture presents a strong tragic atmosphere.

Tian Heng, a descendant of the State of Qi, after the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guangzexiang, he responded with his family and embraced Qi Di and called him the King of Qi. After Liu Bang unified the world, Tian Heng was reluctant to rely on it, and after his defeat, he and the last five hundred brave soldiers were trapped on the isolated island. Liu Bang issued an edict: If Tian Heng came to surrender, he could be crowned a prince, otherwise he would wash the island in blood, so Tian Heng took two retinues and marched to the capital. Thirty miles from the capital, Tian Heng kissed his neck with a knife and killed himself, and instructed his entourage to take his head to see Liu Bang, saying that although he did not want to surrender and be humiliated, he was willing to save the lives of five hundred people on the island with one death.

Tian Heng: He is the last nobleman in history, not Xiang Yu, who died to save the lives of five hundred people on the island

Tian Heng killed himself in this way, and he did not enjoy the position of prince, so why did he want to seek death? I didn't think about it before, but I just felt that one didn't want to be humiliated and died to save the lives of five hundred people on the island. In fact, this is a bit of a matter of course, and the deep-seated reasons are afraid that there are more than this.

How to say that Tian Heng is also a nobleman, is a gentleman, he is the last nobleman in history, in Chinese history, a gentleman will always be a villain, and Tian Heng's contemporaries Xiang Yu how to get, with that Liu Bang villain for half a day, not ended up with a Wujiang self-murder, you Tian Heng is wise and courageous, presumably not Liu Bang's opponent, Tian Heng also knows, Liu Bang will not let go of himself. He didn't even have the chance for Xiang Yu to cross Jiangdong, seeing that it was impossible to fight back, and it was impossible to sneak a life, so Jade Fragment was the only choice.

This is just like we play Go, we did not play well, the game must be defeated, the mood at this time is the most entangled, admitting defeat is certain, but also to maximize the value, to put it bluntly, that is, to find a step for themselves, even if it is to make a mistake, to explain that I am not good at chess? This step is face for Xiang Yu, for Tian Heng, it is to save his five hundred brothers, as a gentleman Tian Heng, he will die frankly, he killed himself so close to the capital, he let his head be presented to Liu Bang when it was alive, so that he was completely at ease. Gentlemen do things, open up!

Tian Heng: He is the last nobleman in history, not Xiang Yu, who died to save the lives of five hundred people on the island

However, when his two retinues offered their heads to Liu Bang, the scoundrel also shed a few tears in disguise, made the two retinues a lieutenant, and buried Tian Heng with the etiquette of the princes. Unexpectedly, after the funeral, the two retinue dug two holes next to Tian Heng's tomb, then lay down in the hole to commit suicide and went with their master. So this Liu Bang sent people to the island to summon the remaining five hundred people into the DPRK, they heard that Tian Heng was dead, they did not want to be insulted, and they secretly lived, so they staged the most tragic scene in history, and the five hundred heroes committed suicide by throwing themselves into the water at the same time. Before they died, they swore loyalty to Tian Heng, and after death, their souls also had to follow Tian Heng. They used suicide to leave many memorable thoughts for future generations.

Sima Qian once wrote with emotion: "Tian Heng's high festival, guests are righteous and die from the horizontal, is not the most virtuous", the ancients have always advocated "the death of a soldier for a confidant", these five hundred people did it. They are the condensation of the spirit of the ancients. Tian Yoko's personality charm can also be seen.

In this regard, Mr. Dongpo's evaluation is the most appropriate: "Xi Tian Heng, Qi Zhi's widow, Han Gao Zu Shi Li Sheng's regrets, sent envoys to the island, said Heng Lai, the big king, the small Hou, still able to kill themselves with strength, not willing to humiliate the Liu clan with their bodies." Han Xin was tied to Han in the land of all qi and could not die under mu. Since ancient times, people who have the same merit, heroes and heroes, chaos is used to cut, and Chengping must be suspicious. Instead of being cursed by Han Xin, it would be better to die in the festival of Tian Yoko."

Tian Heng: He is the last nobleman in history, not Xiang Yu, who died to save the lives of five hundred people on the island

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