
Signature gourd chicken Fried gourd chicken color golden red skin crispy meat tender flavor and mellow taste

author:Meal Creation Classroom

Signature gourd chicken

Traditionally, the production of Xi'an gourd chicken is divided into three processes: boiling, steaming and frying, and the boiling will be changed to white brine to help it taste and better maintain the shape. The fried gourd chicken has a golden red color, tender skin and tender flesh, and a mellow taste, which achieves the effect of chopsticks to bone removal.

Signature gourd chicken Fried gourd chicken color golden red skin crispy meat tender flavor and mellow taste


1 free-range chicken (about 1 kg) is slaughtered and purified, blanched in cold water, and fished out to control the dry water.

Cooked processing

1. Put the blanched chicken in the white brine for half an hour, turn off the heat and soak for another 1 hour, drain and drain.

2. Hang the marinated chicken on a layer of crispy paste, put it into the oil pan that burns to 60% heat, fry until it is crispy, fish it out, when the oil temperature rises to 70% hot, put it into the pan and re-fry, fry until golden brown, fish out the draining oil, and serve it with 10 grams of paprika when it is plated.

Technically critical

NO.1 Choose 2 pounds of free-range chicken to make this dish, choose a 2 pound of free-range chicken, one is the young chicken is tender and juicy, the other is that the free-range chicken exercises more, the chicken eats more tough, more meaty.

NO.2 Half an hour with white brine Replace the traditional boiling method with white brine to make the chicken more flavorful. The method of white brine is to pour 40 grams of water into the bucket, put 2 kg of blanched old hen chicken rack, add 100 grams of green onion and ginger slices, spice packets (60 grams of white root and peppercorns, 50 grams of cinnamon, star anise, and Henan dried peppers, 20 grams each of fragrant leaves and cumin), add 300 grams of salt and monosodium glutamate, 200 grams of chicken powder and chicken juice to taste, boil and then add 1 blanched chicken for half an hour, turn off the heat and soak for 1 hour.

NO.3 Hanging crispy paste fried crispy coloring Want to get a crispy taste, but also hang a layer of crispy paste fried, in which white vinegar is added, which can make the fried chicken more crispy.

The method of crispy paste is: 2 kg of flour, 300 g of corn starch, 200 g of tempura powder, 100 g of baking powder, 20 g of white vinegar, 1.2 kg of water, mix and stir well.

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