
Delicious little crispy meat

author:Lose a moment

Ingredients: 1 piece of chicken breast, 2 eggs, 100g of starch

To prepare the small crispy meat:

Cut the chicken breast into strips and add a spoonful of cooking wine eleven spoonfuls of raw soy sauce less

Allow salt to marinate with black pepper for 10 minutes

Pour in the starch in a bowl, beat two eggs, pour in an appropriate amount of water and stir into a paste. The marinated chicken breast is wrapped in egg paste.

Delicious little crispy meat

Heat the oil in the pan by 60%, add the chicken breast strips, fry until golden brown, fish out, the oil temperature rises again, pour the meat strips and fry for about a minute to control the oil. Remove the appropriate amount of pretzel salt and chili noodles, and the delicious little crispy meat is finished

Delicious little crispy meat

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