
Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

author:Love to cook rice grains

When I was a child, I ate coarse tea and light rice every day, and some of the meals without oil and water did not want to eat in this life, but there is one kind of rice that has not been eaten enough, that is, vegetable dumplings, which is our local name, I don't know what other areas are called. It is a kind of filling made of cornmeal, which is made of corn flour and filled with various vegetables, which can be made into noodles or dead noodles.

I can use cornmeal and cornmeal, I am used to mixing fine cornmeal and cornmeal together, making it taste good, with the aroma of cornmeal, and the dough skin is not sticky, very tasty. The following will be the specific recipe of the dish to share with you, I hope to help you.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

【Ingredients】: cornmeal, fine corn residue, zucchini

【Ingredients】: shrimp skin, egg

【Seasoning】: Salt, chicken essence, sesame sesame oil, peanut oil

——【Cooking steps】:——

(1), put the appropriate amount of cornmeal and fine corn residue into the pot, add boiling water, stir with chopsticks while adding water, stir into granules. After cooling, knead into doughs. Leave on for 30 minutes to wake up. The dough should be slightly drier and not too thin.

To make cornmeal food, you must blanch the cornmeal with boiling water, otherwise there will be a smell of raw noodles.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(2) Beat two eggs into a bowl and whisk into egg mixture.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(3) Put a small handful of shrimp skin, wash and drain.

(4) Turn on the heat, pour peanut oil into the wok, after the oil is hot, add the shrimp skin, fry for one minute, stir-fry until fragrant.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(5) Set aside the shrimp skin, add the egg mixture and fry.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(6) Mash the eggs, mix them with the shrimp skin, let them cool and set aside.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(7) Wash a zucchini, cut off the roots, and use a wire wiper to form a silk.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(8) Wrap the zucchini silk in a drawer, and squeeze it with your hands to squeeze out the water to prevent the water from coming out when mixing the filling for a while.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(9) Put the zucchini shreds, eggs and shrimp skins into the basin, add two tablespoons of peanut oil, a large spoonful of sesame sesame oil, a small spoon of salt, and a small spoonful of chicken essence, and mix well. Do not stir too hard, otherwise it will produce water.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(10) Take a bowl filled with cold water. Dip your hands in the water, take a piece of cornmeal and make a cake in your hand. To make tortillas, you must dip your hands in cold water, otherwise you will stick to your hands.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(11) Place the filling in the middle of the tortilla.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(12) Wrap the cornmeal around you with both hands, wrap the filling, and after wrapping, you should dip your hands in some water and smooth the surface of the molded vegetables.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

Just like this, wrap them all up in turn.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(13) Put it on the drawer cloth in the steamer, steam for 30 minutes, and steam in hot water. Drawer cloth should be wet with water to prevent sticking.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

(14) After steaming, fry it in a frying pan, put a little oil on it, and fry the golden crispy skin at the bottom to taste better.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now

Farm meals are ready, and eating four or five at a time is not enough.

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now
Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now


Here are the large and small scoops mentioned above for your reference:

Zucchini egg shrimp skin stuffed vegetables, the taste of childhood, still not enough to eat now


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