
Is it difficult to learn composition in elementary school? This method trains both memory and imagination

Mr. Ye Shengtao, a chinese language master and famous writer, said: "Writing articles is not the embellishment and decoration of life, but life itself. "Life plus imagination has a sense of picture, if you bring emotions, let the reader feel empathy, present images in the brain, cause emotional resonance, then it is a very good composition." When the article presents an "emotional sense of picture", it is a very big success. So how do you improve your writing?

Word association pairing method, enrich life experience, accumulate article material.

Arbitrarily give two words, guide children to connect words from different angles, make sentences or say a paragraph, and require that the sentences or words spoken can have a sense of picture. In this training process, it is necessary to guide the child to form a picture in the mind: colored, tangible, dynamic, bizarre, and interesting.

Example: Pairing the words sea and apple in tandem.

There are many apples floating in the sea.

There is an apple tree in the sea.

There is a huge apple in the sea.

Threw the apple into the sea.

Apples fill the whole sea.


In life, random words can be practiced, and they can be practiced like games anytime and anywhere, cultivating children's observation and sense of experience in life.

Is it difficult to learn composition in elementary school? This method trains both memory and imagination

Words chain ideas, enhance speech organization skills, and enrich vocabulary.

Chain associations are built on top of paired associations and require three or more words. It not only stimulates the child's imagination, but also exercises his memory. It is also a random three words, and the child can string the words together like a chain by adding actions in the middle and adjectives before and after. After the series, the child can also remember the words in an instant. While training imagination, it is also training children's memory.

Such as: roses, bookshelves, computers, gardens, islands, sunflowers, water glasses

Rose flew to the bookshelf and hit the computer, which actually flew up and flew into the garden. There is an island in the garden, and the island is full of blooming sunflowers, and the strange thing is that the sunflowers have a water cup in their hearts.

When doing such training, the child feels very playful and at the same time there will be a strong picture in the brain. Let the child repeat the story, then the words will be memorized. As the child's ability increases, the number of words can be increased, 10, 20, 30, and the child will have a very sense of accomplishment.

Brainstorming exercises divergent thinking and improves the ability to describe pictures.

Brainstorming, exercise is the child's divergent thinking, unrestrained, radiating outward from the point, thinking is not limited. Therefore, regular "brainstorming" of children is very helpful for improving the level of writing.

For example, give your child a black spot and talk to your child about what you see and think.

This little black dot can be sesame seeds, briquettes, black holes, brown sugar, snot, aliens, and so on.

There is no right or wrong in this process, it is just a fanciful chat and say whatever comes to mind. Be careful, though, that you should also guide your child to say what is in his head. For example, if the child says it is an alien, then guide him to tell what kind of alien it is, and what story may happen. Chances are, a good essay starts with this little black dot.

Is it difficult to learn composition in elementary school? This method trains both memory and imagination

Sit and meditate to enhance emotional experience and repetition, and learn to integrate emotions into the picture.

Meditation has a magical effect that relieves emotions, can input the subconscious, and is self-motivated. Then meditate on the child, the effect is even more magical, and it is effective for the presentation of the "picture sense" of the child's writing.

For example, you can have your child lying on the bed or on the sofa.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Imagine you lying on the soft sand, your whole body relaxed, very comfortable from head to toe, and very happy. The sea breeze gently blows on your face, soft and cool. "Whoops—" The sound of the sea, like singing a cheerful song. The sky is very blue, blue is very pure, like a huge sapphire, under the blue sky, there are several white clouds fluttering, some like marshmallows, some like lively rabbits, some like running horses------- at this time you, feel the happiness you have never had before, the whole body is full of energy, at this time you have unlimited potential, you are very good, is a super great child-------

When meditating on your child, pay attention to the soft tone of voice. After the end, guide the child to repeat it, emphasizing the color, shape, sound, etc. of the picture seen during the retelling. Repetition is output, and text expression is the collation and output of the information received by the senses.

Is it difficult to learn composition in elementary school? This method trains both memory and imagination

Imagination is essential to write a good essay. Children's imagination is very rich, but in the traditional educational process, unconsciously stifle children's imagination. Therefore, we need effective methods and means to re-stimulate the potential of children. Let children in the imaginary world, can be imaginative, whimsical, free to gallop.

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