
Men do not take the initiative in these three aspects, in fact, they do not love, do not be stupid and do not understand

Men do not take the initiative in these three aspects, in fact, they do not love, do not be stupid and do not understand

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You've seen a man love you, and if you don't, how can you not feel it? It's just that you don't have the courage to accept such an ending for the time being, so you choose to deceive yourself.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, in a wrong relationship, it will only continue to consume itself.

Because you can never touch someone who no longer loves you.

When he loves you, he can do anything for you, he will care about everything about you, he will care about your mood and feelings, he will say a lot of sweet words to you, he will make a lot of touching promises, and so on.

But no love, none of this exists.

He will slowly take back the things he once gave you, so that you can intuitively feel his change, although he did not say a word of no love, but every action, every detail, is telling a change of heart.

At this time, whether you still love deeply or not, there is no need to deceive yourself, or face the reality.

Men do not take the initiative in these three aspects, in fact, they do not love, do not be stupid and do not understand

One: Take back his concern and turn a blind eye to everything you have

In the past, when he loved you, he always greeted you warmly, even if you replied to his message a little late, he would constantly ask you what you were doing and why you replied so late.

He is so nervous about you, it is nothing more than because he loves you deeply, loves you so much that he can't overwhelm it, loves so much that he is afraid of losing.

But later, I don't know when it began, this love has changed, he no longer cares about everything about you, and will even take the initiative to break off contact with you. What you do, who you are with, he doesn't care at all.

On the surface, you are still lovers, but in fact, you are as distant as strangers.

As you slowly fade out of his world, you should know that the most important person for him at this time is no longer you

Men do not take the initiative in these three aspects, in fact, they do not love, do not be stupid and do not understand

Two: Take back his responsibilities and continue to avoid the problems and contradictions that arise between you

Two people together, it is inevitable to run into each other, after all, each other's growth environment and acquired experience are different, personality, three views and temperament, etc., there will be a variety of differences.

In the run-in period, we must know how to understand and tolerate each other, otherwise even if it is a small thing, there will be a big contradiction, so that it will be inseparable, light cold war, heavy breakup.

It's just that you have quarreled before, and at that time he will take the initiative to bow his head and apologize.

Later, his responsibility was gone, and he knew that there were many problems between you, but he still chose to turn a blind eye. He did this because he didn't care.

For him, even if they are separated, it does not matter, even if it is a kind of relief, which is why they are so unscrupulous.

Men do not take the initiative in these three aspects, in fact, they do not love, do not be stupid and do not understand

Three: Take back his enthusiasm, continue to be cold to you, and even use cold violence to make you compromise

During the love period of a couple, the feelings of two people cannot always be as sweet as hot love. Couples who can withstand the test of time can finally become dependents, and those who can't survive the dull period of love can only be like strangers in the end.

There is a kind of man, they have changed their minds during the relationship, but they are not willing to take the initiative to mention the breakup, so they will use cold violence to make the woman overwhelmed and take the initiative to ask to leave.

From a psychological point of view, this kind of man is selfish in his heart, not only does not want to bear the insult of changing his heart, but also wants to shape himself into the image of a good man.

Whether it is in the face of friendship or love, women must carefully consider, learn to screen, and avoid being in the company of despicable people.

When he continues to be cold to you, you should know that his heart is not on you, he no longer cares about you, and no matter how many excuses you make for him, you can't hide the fact that he doesn't love you.

Men do not take the initiative in these three aspects, in fact, they do not love, do not be stupid and do not understand

Sometimes, love is far less complicated than we think.

Loving you will take the initiative for you, not loving you, will take back these initiatives, you only know how to discern in time, in order to avoid being hurt in the wrong feelings.


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