
In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

The world of flowers and flowers is fascinating to the eye, and the world is so impetuous

Too many temptations to stir the heartstrings

A simple little girl can easily lose herself

But as a woman with thoughts and depth

How could he be easily captured by glitz?

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things"

You can get steady happiness, can you do it?

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

01, vanity comparison

Every woman has a little sister, today A bought a luxury brand bag, tomorrow B went to the Maldives to take a group of beautiful photos, and the day after tomorrow, C wore diamonds sent by her husband all over the street.

Obviously is a little sister who grew up together, wearing a skirt to eat food on the same school, how can people find a golden turtle son-in-law, they are looking for embroidered pillows?

When you are young, you may be more concerned, but middle-aged women who have seen more vicissitudes of the world will not take this matter to heart. Comparing with each other brings only ambition and desire, and she understands the value of the person next to her pillow.

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

02, money

Money can make ghosts grind, so the charm of money is difficult for both men and women to resist.

Living in the world, no one can not eat human fireworks, mature women know the preciousness of money, but will not be fascinated by money. They will choose to arrange their lives, preferring to obtain it through their own hands and minds, rather than clinging to others.

When people come to the world, power and fame are tempting, but the eclipse is not more than three meals, and it is good to earn enough. Contentment is such a truth.

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

03, Hope Jackie Chan

Look at other people's children are the first grade every time, well-behaved at home, sweet as honey when they go out, and look handsome and tall, such as green pine and bamboo pavilions, although it is still a little bit, but it can already be seen that the future is unlimited after growing up.

Such a good child, unfortunately not their own family, who will be sour. Looking back at the stinky boy at home, playing crazy all day long, going to school is more painful than anything, let him learn and remember revenge with you, he can't help but cover his chest and lament.

Most middle-aged women don't give their children too many shackles. They understand that flowers have a hundred reds, some children are born with a communication show, some children are born cheerful and flexible, three hundred and sixty lines, as long as they do not take detours, they are all good seedlings.

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

04, the sense of ceremony

Young people always attach so much importance to the sense of ceremony, birthdays, anniversaries, and major holidays, so they must celebrate to be willing.

However, with the abundance of experience, middle-aged women no longer value these days, they are more concerned about the twilight of the morning, and the other party does not abandon the kindness of the liver and gallbladder, and the family's peaceful and salty life.

Gathering together in their leisure time, busy with their own camps, and occasionally looking back at each other, with these, the sense of ceremony seems to be less important.

In marriage, women look down on these 4 "things", they can get stable happiness, can you do it?

For women in this life, love is not the only one, how many friends to make is not the goal, relatives and children will leave one by one, the important thing is that the moment is happy, the world is peaceful.

Don't think about tomorrow's sorrows, don't look back at yesterday's grievances, life is just a hurry, don't waste time and thought on things that are not worth it, and loving yourself well is the right way to have this effort.

Women who are easy to satisfy are lovely, and God will also favor these women, and can't bear to see them unhappy. Therefore, if you want to live this life well, let's start with pure heart and widowhood.

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