
Kunlun Pass victory, the Japanese major general Masao Nakamura was killed, why did Du Yuming erect a monument to him

On the battlefield, it is rare to erect a monument for the enemy, which is to express respect and respect for the enemy, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army once erected a monument for Chinese soldiers, and the town of Beigukou on the edge of the Great Wall now has a "Monument to the Seven Warriors of Beigukou", and the earliest monument for these seven warriors is the Japanese army.

Kunlun Pass victory, the Japanese major general Masao Nakamura was killed, why did Du Yuming erect a monument to him

It was 1933, 80,000 Kwantung Army invaded the passes of the Great Wall, the Nationalist 25th Division defended the Beigukou was fiercely attacked by the Japanese army, the defenders insisted on resisting for 8 days, on March 12, under the orders of Du Yuming, deputy commander of the 25th Division, the troops retreated to the south Tianmen line.

The troops were bombarded by Japanese aircraft and artillery during the retreat, and the Japanese infantry chased from the North Mountain, at this time 7 fighters were left to take on the task of blocking, due to the haste of retreat, they forgot to give the 7 fighters a retreat order, so the 7 fighters died on Hat Hill.

7 soldiers blocked more than 2,000 Japanese troops for more than three hours, none of them surrendered, none of them were captured, the courage of 7 fighters to see death as home was admired by the Japanese army, the Japanese brigade commander personally ordered the burial of 7 soldiers, erected a monument "Tomb of the Seven Warriors of China".

The fact that the Japanese army erected monuments for Chinese soldiers has always been little known, let alone known, after 6 years, Du Yuming actually personally erected a monument for Japanese Major General Masao Nakamura, and hated the Japanese Kou Chinese to the bone, why did Du Yuming erect a monument to the Japanese major general?

This incident occurred in the Battle of Kunlun Pass, which broke out at the end of 1939, when the troops were under the command of Xiao Zhuge Bai Chongxi, and the soldiers counterattacked Nanning from the north, east and west in three ways, which was to fight the Japanese army's offensive battle, Kunlun Pass was the gateway and barrier of Nanning, the terrain was dangerous, and there was a saying that "one husband should be a pass and no one can open it".

Kunlun Pass victory, the Japanese major general Masao Nakamura was killed, why did Du Yuming erect a monument to him

The Japanese army had the advantage in terrain and weapons, and the difficulty of the Nationalist army to attack Kunlun Pass was self-evident, and the Nationalist 5th Army, under the command of Du Yuming, was the main force of the north road attack, and divided into left and right wings to encircle the five ponds, six ponds and nine ponds behind Kunlun Pass, serving as the task of blocking the enemy and besieging.

After several days of fierce fighting, the outer highlands of Kunlun Pass were occupied by the Chinese army, and the Japanese army reached the point of burning eyebrows, and on December 20, the commander of the Japanese Fifth Division regimental commander ordered Major General Masao Nakamura, the commander of the 21st Brigade, to lead two brigades to reinforce Kunlun Pass.

This order put Nakamura Masao on the road to death, on the way to the march Nakamura Masao was blocked at Wutang and Qitang, the advance was very slow, it took 4 days, less than 50 kilometers, on the 24th, Nakamura Masao reached between Batang and Jiutang.

At that time, there was a dramatic scene, Du Yuming's Fifth Army under the honorary 1st Division of the 3rd Regiment Commander Zheng Tingji through the telescope, found the Japanese officers on the front roadside lawn on the lecture, immediately concentrated machine guns and mortars at the Japanese officers, Nakamura Masao was killed immediately.

This is the record of the killing of Masao Nakamura in the history of the National Army, and there is another record in the Japanese military history "History of the Chinese Incident Army Operations", Nakamura Masao was first injured by a bullet, and during the operation, a shell hit the roof of the operating room, interrupting the operation, and Nakamura Masao was killed in the early morning of the 25th.

Regardless of which record is true, in short, it is a fact that Nakamura Masao was killed, after the victory at the Battle of Kunlun Pass, Du Yuming buried the Japanese major general Masao Nakamura and erected a monument for him.

Kunlun Pass victory, the Japanese major general Masao Nakamura was killed, why did Du Yuming erect a monument to him

The first is that Du Yuming admired Nakamura Masao's military temperament, just as the Japanese army admired the "Seven Warriors" before, and the second was that Nakamura Masao led his army on the way forward, did not harm the villagers along the way, and strictly ordered his subordinates not to act recklessly.

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