
Be careful about these 3 conditions during pregnancy, which may be fetal hypoxia

From the second trimester, pregnant mothers will worry about the baby's lack of oxygen, especially seeing that some pregnant mothers are because of the wrong sleeping position, too long bath time, abnormal fetal movements, occasional stomach pain, etc., and when there are signs of fetal hypoxia, it will make pregnant mothers extra worried, afraid that the baby will also lead to intrauterine hypoxia due to their own negligence.

Be careful about these 3 conditions during pregnancy, which may be fetal hypoxia

Is intrauterine hypoxia really so easy to occur?

What is intrauterine hypoxia?

In general, intrauterine hypoxia is divided into acute and chronic.

Acute intrauterine hypoxia mostly occurs during childbirth, that is to say, pregnant women are during childbirth, because of placental abruption, umbilical cord and other factors caused by fetal hypoxia in the womb.

Chronic intrauterine hypoxia is common in the third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers are generally difficult to find, if not timely obstetric examination, the symptoms of hypoxia are likely to continue until delivery, will gradually aggravate the fetal hypoxia situation.

Therefore, understanding intrauterine hypoxia is a matter that pregnant mothers need to pay great attention to.

Be careful about these 3 conditions during pregnancy, which may be fetal hypoxia

Manifestations of intrauterine hypoxia

Intrauterine hypoxia will affect the growth and development of the fetus, if the fetus has the following 3 conditions, it is likely to be intrauterine hypoxia:

Abnormal fetal movement: Under normal circumstances, pregnant mothers will start at 18 or 20 weeks, can feel the activity of the fetus, because the growth and development of each fetus is different, so some fetuses are more active in the mother's stomach, the action is large; some are relatively quiet, the movement is relatively light.

If a pregnant mother who insists on counting fetal movements finds that the frequency of fetal movement is different from usual, such as when the fetus is usually active, but suddenly becomes quiet, the number of fetal movements is higher than 40 times or less than 10 times in 12 hours, it is likely that the fetus has abnormal fetal movement due to lack of oxygen.

Fetal heart rate abnormalities: One of the most common tests done in the third trimester is fetal heart monitoring, which monitors the fetal condition in the womb by recording changes in the fetal heartbeat over a period of time.

When a fetal heart rate is done, if the fetal heart rate exceeds 160 beats per minute, there may be early fetal hypoxia; if it is less than 120 beats per minute, it may be an advanced stage of hypoxia.

However, fetal fetal heart abnormalities can also be affected by other factors, so if the fetal heart rate monitoring results are abnormal, the doctor will still ask the pregnant mother to do another review to determine whether it is abnormal.

Developmental delay or cessation of development: When the fetus has chronic hypoxia, it can also lead to slow fetal growth or stop development.

When the pregnant mother goes to the hospital for examination, the doctor will measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, that is, the distance from the pubic joint to the highest part of the uterine floor, to judge the development of the fetus. This method can also be measured by pregnant mothers at home for a fixed time.

Be careful about these 3 conditions during pregnancy, which may be fetal hypoxia

Generally starting from 28 weeks, the height of the uterine floor of the pregnant mother will increase by about 1 cm per week, if there is no change in the data after 2 weeks of measurement, it is necessary to go to the hospital for further examination.

How is intrauterine hypoxia detected?

Fetal intrauterine hypoxia generally occurs in the middle and late stages, in addition to the hospital equipment can detect abnormal fetal intrauterine conditions, at home several fetal movements is also a simple way to screen for intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus.

Under normal circumstances, the doctor will recommend starting from 32 weeks to count the fetal movements, and the fetal movements during this period will have certain regularity. And according to research surveys, most of the fetal sleep time is also very regular, basically between 20-40 minutes, up to 90 minutes.

According to this physiological phenomenon, the standard of fetal motility is 2 hours, not less than 6 times.

Because the baby's fetal movement is uncontrollable, the doctor will recommend that the pregnant mother count once a day in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Although it is said that the kinetic energy of several fetuses allows us to detect the abnormalities of the fetus early, the lack of fetal movement is not necessarily the lack of intrauterine oxygen, it can only remind us to be vigilant and go to the hospital in time for further examination.

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