
He was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, but he joined our party and came to Jinggangshan, where he won two victories and established himself as a general

After graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, Xiao Ke always maintained a fiery dedication and enthusiasm for the revolution, and he actively responded to the party's call to participate in the "August 1st" uprising in Nanchang. In October of the same year, he retreated with his troops to Shantou and Chaozhou, where he was frantically pursued by the Nationalist army and subsequently scattered. When he returned to Shonan, he did not lose confidence or be pessimistic about the future of the Party and the revolution. Instead, he took the initiative to get in touch with the local party organization. Under the party's arrangement, he became the leader of the guerrilla group in Yizhang County, leading the team to attack the enemy army. In early January 1928, he learned that part of the Nanchang Uprising led by Zhu Laozong had arrived in Shonan.

At this time, he, who was still leading the guerrillas in his hometown, immediately rushed to Mr. Zhu with his troops and strongly requested to join Mr. Zhu's troops to continue the revolutionary struggle. Mr. Zhu was very pleased when he saw him and appointed him as the deputy battalion commander of the independent battalion. After the Shonan rebellion, the Nationalist troops who heard the news concentrated their main forces and frantically suppressed the rebel forces. Mr. Zhu knew that eggs could not touch stones with the superior enemy, so in this tense situation, he asked Schock to take up the position of vanguard, not only to find a safe route for the rebels, but also to find out whether there were other areas where the revolutionary teams were active on the way.

He was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, but he joined our party and came to Jinggangshan, where he won two victories and established himself as a general

After taking on 2 difficult assignments, he marched while asking people if he had seen a team with a red flag. One day, he led the team near Longxi Cave in Zixing County, and suddenly encountered the Jinggangshan Red Army led by the chairman. Walking in the middle of the group, he saw the report of the correspondent who had come quickly, and he said that there was a team coming from opposite us, with more personnel and guns than we did, and he immediately made the troops ready for battle. Although the troops he led were battalion-level, with a total of 600 men, there were less than a hundred guns, and the rest were shuttle darts, and it was really a battle, and it was difficult to determine who lost and who won.

But he suddenly found that the opposite army was holding the same flag as our army, and they still had red streamers on their chests, which was the most essential difference between the Chinese Communist army and the Kuomintang army. Just when he found that the other side's army was the same as our army, the other side's army also found him, the chairman immediately sent someone to contact, the two sides informed each other, it turned out to be a misunderstanding, everyone is their own people. When he came to the Chairman, the Chairman jokingly said that he had not received your Commander-in-Chief, and the same had been received from you. He was overjoyed, because the task assigned to him by General Manager Zhu was to inquire about the activities of other revolutionary contingents in the nearby areas during the march, which was really nowhere to be found when stepping on the iron shoes, and it did not take much effort to come.

He was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, but he joined our party and came to Jinggangshan, where he won two victories and established himself as a general

After the Jinggangshan Division, the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was established, with Zhu Laozong as the commander and him as the company commander. On May 10, fearing that the base area would gradually expand, the Kuomintang army sent two elite troops to encircle and suppress the Red Army. He was responsible for blocking the enemy army in the village of Huang'ao, scouting and reporting to him the enemy sitting at the entrance of the village who was resting, and when he heard that the enemy had arrived, he immediately reported to his superiors: "The enemy has just arrived, and it should be used to fight!" Unaware of the specific situation ahead, his request for battle was not immediately granted, since once the fighting began, the follow-up forces did not keep up, and victory could not be guaranteed by our strength alone. He was very anxious, the fighter planes were fleeting, as soon as we started, the team behind would come to support immediately, and his superiors also knew that he had fought a lot of battles in the Northern Expedition and should have experience, so he gave him an order to quickly fight the forward.

Receiving the order, he immediately led the whole company and 2 other brother companies to cooperate with the battle, and rushed all the way to attack the enemy. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire and explosions was everywhere, and it was really a blink of an eye, which caught the enemy off guard and caused dozens of casualties. The enemy stationed in the village heard the fierce gunshots and explosions in the village and rushed to the battle. When you reach the entrance of the village, you will be shot by rows of bullets.

He was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, but he joined our party and came to Jinggangshan, where he won two victories and established himself as a general

The enemy was blinded by this surprise attack, and they were confused. He immediately ordered a charge against the village, and from start to finish, the entire battle took less than 20 minutes to defeat the enemy's forwards, eliminate more than 100 enemy troops, and take more than 40 prisoners. When Mr. Zhu learned about the whole process of the battle, he was very happy. His method of attacking the enemy by surprise left a deep impression on Mr. Zhu.

Due to his outstanding performance in this battle, he was also appointed as a battalion commander. Less than 10 days after he was promoted to battalion commander, he commanded the first battalion to guard Taishan Pavilion, one of the main positions of the New Seven Streams Ridge.

Taishan Pavilion was the primary position of the Red Army in the New Seven Streams Ridge. It was also personally ordered by Mr. Zhu that the 1st Battalion led by Shock to complete this important task, which was enough to show Mr. Zhu's trust in his military talent and combat experience. After entering the position, he carefully observed the position and found that there was only a winding mountain road, and the enemy could only attack from the front. He fortified on both sides of the mountain beam, using his main firepower on this road, and once the battle began, he tried his best to stop the enemy's attack. In order to enable the 1st Battalion to hold the enemy for a long time, Mr. Zhu deliberately gave him the rare two mortars of the 1st Battalion. With the mortar, he was more powerful against a conventional military academy training, which gave him greater confidence in attacking the enemy. When everything was ready, he and the commanders and fighters of the first battalion only waited for the enemy to come and die.

He was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, but he joined our party and came to Jinggangshan, where he won two victories and established himself as a general

Sure enough, the enemy still came. Of course, the enemy troops who have not yet entered the Taishan Pavilion have found that in order to open the way to victory on such a dangerous terrain, they can only use cannons to fire at the mountain beams on both sides, and if they cannot completely eliminate our army defending snipers, then launch another charge, the enemy army is not eager to launch a charge or blindly advance, but blindly and frantically bombard the Red Army position. As a result, many battalions fell into a pool of enemy feverish bombardment and bombardment. When the enemy felt the same, thinking that the Red Army had no decent resistance after this blow, it quickly launched a charge. At this point, he ordered the commander and combatants to calm down, asked the mortar to aim at the enemy's machine gun position, and waited for his orders.

When the enemy approached, under his command, only eight inches away from our position, after the sound of gunfire, grenades fell on the enemy's charge, countless corpses appeared, and were about to retreat, but the drug-fighting troops behind them aimed their guns at them, and they had to turn their heads again to fight, and the enemy, who had already hit the red eye, continued to bombard the positions of his first battalion with heavy artillery fire, and the number of casualties of the first battalion also increased. At this time, Zhu Laozong, who was commanding the battle at Wangyue Pavilion, the main peak of the New Seven Streams Ridge, was worried that he would suffer more and more casualties and that his position could not be defended. He sent people to understand the battle situation many times, but he said with confidence: Resolutely block the enemy's onslaught.

The enemy added 2 battalions and five or six machine guns. The bullets fired at the 1st Battalion became denser and denser, and the shells exploded, dust and rubble hit the soldiers, blood flowing. He personally entered the position and fought the soldiers. By noon, he and the soldiers of the first battalion had been fighting on the position for more than 2 hours, buying valuable time for the brother troops to attack the enemy. Mr. Zhu was very satisfied with the performance of the first battalion throughout the battle, and he was convinced that Shock was a brilliant commander. In his later combat experience, he was indeed as Mr. Zhu said, which was very brilliant.

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