
How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

Recently, Xiaopeng Automobile has frequently appeared on the hot search, which can be described as very unpeaceful. As a new force in domestic car manufacturing, Xiaopeng once reached the top in sales in the fourth quarter of this year, pressing Weilai and ideals, and the scenery is unlimited for a while, but as the saying goes, people are not many, and a series of troubles followed. So what happened to Xiaopeng Motors recently? How far have you gone in catching up with Tesla? Don't worry, let's look down together.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

Postponement of delivery of the car, but also publicize the flying car to cause dissatisfaction

From September to November this year, the owner of the Xiaopeng P7 480 series model who placed an order was told that he could not pick up the car on time after the "expected 6-8 weeks" delivery period, and even some car owners did not receive the notice at all, but repeatedly asked after the deadline, and the sales said that they would be delivered late, and this late delivery would be later than February next year.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

For the delay in delivery, Xiaopeng's official explanation is "late delivery due to tight battery supply", and gives three settlement plans: continue to wait, reassign other models, and unsubscribe. But obviously this explanation and the plan is not convincing, many car owners expressed their unwillingness to reconcile, they wasted time and cost, hoping that Xiaopeng would give reasonable compensation measures, but Xiaopeng has not had a clear answer.

What makes car owners even more dissatisfied is that Xiaopeng is also promoting the development of Feitian automobile while delaying the delivery of the car, and is in an upward period, and is expected to go to heaven within three years. This is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire for car owners who delay picking up the car.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

Collecting face data is controversial

Recently, Shanghai Xiaopeng Automobile Store was fined 100,000 yuan by the Market Supervision Administration for collecting face data without consent. It is reported that from January to June this year, a total of 430,000 face photos were collected and uploaded. Afterwards, Xiaopeng Automobile responded that it hoped to better serve customers in the store through the collection and analysis of data such as store traffic, but due to unfamiliarity with relevant legal terms, it mistakenly purchased and used products from third-party suppliers that violated relevant legal terms. As soon as this matter came out, Xiaopeng's reputation once again faced major challenges.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

How far has Xiaopeng gone on the road to catching up with Tesla?

One is the new domestic new energy force, the other is the hegemon of the new energy industry, and the confrontation between the two is inevitable. As early as two years ago, He Xiaopeng, the founder of Xiaopeng Motors, publicly challenged Tesla online, saying that its Xiaopeng P7 could beat Tesla.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

Now that two years have passed, Tesla has completed the trillion market value, and Xiaopeng is still worried about delivery on time. Last month, the two manufacturers launched their own new electric vehicles, Geek Jun selected two models with similar prices for comparison, namely Model 3 2022 and Xiaopeng P7 2022 670N+, let's take a look at the configuration of the two cars.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

As can be seen from the figure, the model 3 is slightly stronger than the P7 670 in terms of power, torque, and speed, and the model 3 also has more auxiliary driving functions. Xiaopeng's only advantage is on charging, but this 0.55 hours 80% battery ratio is more like a word game.

How far has Xiaopeng Motors, in the eventful autumn, gone on the road to challenging Tesla?

In terms of technology research and development, Tesla's total R&D investment in 2020 is 1.491 billion US dollars (about 9.527 billion yuan), while the total investment in research and development of Xiaopeng Motors is only 1.726 billion yuan. Tesla has applied the chip of independent research and development, and Xiaopeng is still "working" for chip manufacturers, it seems that Xiaopeng has a long way to go to challenge Tesla.

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