
The words that Ishihara Guan'er said: The evaluation of Zhang Xueliang is thought-provoking

Text/Kingdom Building

He was the mastermind of the "918 Incident" and was also recognized by the world as a Japanese military strategist during World War II. Because his words and deeds were too mean, he sat on the cold bench after the Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937 and finally escaped the war trial. The cattleman, known as the last military strategist of the Japanese army, was Ishihara Guan'er. Below, Xiaobian will sort out and introduce the harsh and mean remarks of Ishihara Guan'er.

Before the "918 Incident" in 1931, Ishihara Guan'er, at a secret meeting of senior officers of the Kwantung Army, said this about Zhang Xueliang, then commander of the Northeast Security: "A second-rate man who can only lie in bed and smoke a big cigarette. "

The words that Ishihara Guan'er said: The evaluation of Zhang Xueliang is thought-provoking

At the time of the "September 18 Incident", Ishihara Estimated in advance that the Soviet Union, the United States, and Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Government would not intervene, so he concentrated his main forces against Zhang Xueliang's Northeast Army. What can make Ishihara Guan'er miscalculate is that the 300,000 Northeast Army actually withdrew from Kannai without firing a shot, allowing the Japanese Kwantung Army to occupy the three eastern provinces in vain. Ishihara Guan'er got a bargain at the celebration afterwards and said obediently: "In fact, there is no need to occupy Yingkou, even if Zhang Xueliang is built a modern highway, he will not go back to his hometown!" And called Zhang Xueliang "General of Non-Resistance!" "

The words that Ishihara Guan'er said: The evaluation of Zhang Xueliang is thought-provoking

After the establishment of the puppet state of Manchukuo, ishihara Guan'er, in order to control the military and political power in Manchuria, united a group of militarists to form the "Concorde Party". After applying for the newspaper, there was no news for a long time. Ishihara ran to ask the puppet Manchurian chief of domestic affairs, Tokuzo Komai, what was going on. Komai tokuzo said that Puyi hated things with "party" and did not agree to establish it. "Puyi is something, he does not agree to it?" Ishihara said fiercely. Later, Ishihara Made Concessions, changing the "Concorde Party" to "Concordia", and laughed at itself: "This is the only time in Puyi's life that he said no to the Imperial Army!" "

The words that Ishihara Guan'er said: The evaluation of Zhang Xueliang is thought-provoking

Ishihara and his boss Hideki Tojo are in conflict. When Hideki Tojo was the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, Ishihara Wan'er was the deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, and Ishihara Wan'er wanted to meddle in the affairs of the puppet state of Manchukuo, but Tojo Hideki entrusted all military affairs to Ishihara Guan'er, so that he did not have the energy to take care of those "idle things". Ishihara was angry about this and addressed Hideki Tojo as a "superior soldier". Once Ishihara Guan'er's compatriot Ōkawa Shumei (a Class A war criminal) came to visit a friend, and by the way to to say hello to Hideki Tojo, Ishihara Guan'er pointed to the opposite office and said to Okawa Shumei, "That superior soldier is inside." Ishihara's sarcasm soon reached the ears of Hideki Tojo, who had the insidious and cunning Hideki to have the gendarmes monitor Ishihara's every move and search every letter from Ishihara, so that Ishihara's letter to his superiors traveled for more than 40 days from Changchun, China, to Tokyo, Japan. Later, after Hideki Tojo became the minister of war and prime minister, the retaliation against Ishihara Guan'er was even more fierce, even though Japan recruited teenagers and fifty-somethings into the army because of the shortage of troops, and still arranged a lot of gendarmes around Ishihara Guan'er's house to monitor Ishihara Guan'er's every move.

The words that Ishihara Guan'er said: The evaluation of Zhang Xueliang is thought-provoking

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Japanese dignitaries asked Ishihara about his strategy and tactics against the United States. Ishihara said bitterly: "If Japan and the United States need 10,000 yuan to fight a war, now the Americans have 1 million yuan in their hands, while the Japanese only have 1,000 yuan in their hands!" His pessimism made the visitor very angry, and naturally it was impossible to make a comeback.

After Japan's surrender in 1945, Ishihara was exempted from responsibility for his consistent opposition to Hideki Tojo and to the war with the United States. On August 15, 1949, the fourth anniversary of Japan's surrender, Ishihara died of bladder cancer at the age of 60.

Japan's Emperor Hirohito commented on Ishihara Guan'er: "What kind of person Ishihara is, I don't know. "

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