
When buying a car, when hearing these few words, smart people turn their heads and leave, no matter how cheap they are

There is a saying on the Internet that is very popular, only the routine wins the hearts of the people, we are particularly easy to be sold when we buy things, and it is easy to get into the trap of the sales staff if we do not pay attention to it, and we are pit and count money for them. Today we will take stock of the most common routines when buying a car, and hope that everyone can stay awake.

When buying a car, when hearing these few words, smart people turn their heads and leave, no matter how cheap they are

When buying a car, we must understand the performance, price and preferential situation of the car, if the sales say a few words full of routines, everyone must leave quickly without returning.

When buying a car, when hearing these few words, smart people turn their heads and leave, no matter how cheap they are

First, the car must be charged a license fee.

Many novices are most likely to be sold when buying a car, and the sales may charge 2,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan from the owner on the grounds of the above brand. Some stores are even more excessive, not only requiring the owner to pay the license fee, but also allowing the owner to pay a number selection fee of 1,000 yuan.

Now the license plate is all free, if you hear the staff say such words, you can go directly to the car management office to shake the license plate. The owner only needs to spend more than 100 yuan to go through the formalities to shake the license plate for free, and neither has to pay the license fee nor the number selection fee.

When buying a car, when hearing these few words, smart people turn their heads and leave, no matter how cheap they are

4S stores charge this part of the fee to the owner of the car is actually making money in disguise, because now the price of the car has been very transparent, the owner of the goods is more than three, it is easy to choose a cheaper one. Since 4S stores can't manipulate the price of cars, they can only make money through invisible charges.

Second, a zero-interest loan is more cost-effective than buying a car in full.

Many sales will persuade the owner to take out a loan to buy a car, even if the owner has the ability to buy a car in full, the sales will also recommend that the owner pay in installments. Some 4S stores do provide zero-interest loan services to car owners, but it is definitely more expensive to buy a car with a loan than to buy a car in full.

After the loan to buy a car, the owner needs to go through complicated procedures and pay a part of the financial service fee to the bank. After the loan is repaid, the owner needs to go to the bank to go through the binding procedures, which is very troublesome and delays the time. If you have the ability to buy a car in full, it is best not to choose a loan to buy a car, let alone be fooled by the sales staff.

When buying a car, when hearing these few words, smart people turn their heads and leave, no matter how cheap they are

Third, the car is not responsible for leaving the store.

Before driving the car away, the owner must carefully check whether there are scratches on the surface of the car and whether there is a problem with the function of the car. If you drive the car back only to find that there is a problem with the car, the vehicle is likely to be a water-soaking car accident car or a refurbished car.

In this case, we must negotiate with the store to solve, if the dealer is not responsible for refunds, we can call the local consumer complaint hotline to complain and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Fourth, the giveaway is a steering wheel protector.

Many sales will tell the owner to give the owner a steering wheel protective cover, a triangle warning sign and an on-board fire extinguisher. In fact, these things are not gifts prepared by dealers at all, but come with the car when they leave the factory. We can continue to communicate with dealers to get them to send more sincere giveaways, rather than the configuration that these cars come with when they leave the factory.

When buying a car, when hearing these few words, smart people turn their heads and leave, no matter how cheap they are

Editor's Comments:

When buying a car, due to the unequal information between consumers and dealers, many car owners are easy to be pitted, obviously cheated by others but still counting money for them. Before buying a car, we must have a general goal, learn about our favorite model on the Internet, and be sure to test drive after shopping around. After making all these full preparations, you will pay for a car, and don't be tricked.

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