
Before Sima Yi's death, he secretly promoted a minor official, and 13 years later hit Jiang Wei without temper

Three Kingdoms Period: Is an era of talented people, but also an era of years of war and chaos, in this period there are many capable people and strangers, of which two top strategists are worth learning, one is Zhuge Liang and the other is Sima Yi, these two have the talent of heaven and earth, the characters who have determined the strategy of the country and the state are mortal enemies, the two have fought for many years, each has a victory or defeat, from the overall point of view of military strategy, Zhuge Liang is far superior to Sima Yi, but Zhuge Liang does not have Sima Yi to survive, due to overwork and illness died in Wuzhangyuan, and the two people's struggle also ended because of Zhuge Liang's death Sima Yi also did not attack Shu Han for the rest of his life after Zhuge Liang's death. In fact, the struggle between the two people did not end, just another way, everyone knows that Zhuge Liang's mantle was passed on to Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang has been cultivating him, until after his death, he also passed on the martial arts he learned to him, and Sima Yi also promoted before his death, cultivated a small official, after Sima Yi's death, thirteen years later beat Jiang Wei was not confident.

Before Sima Yi's death, he secretly promoted a minor official, and 13 years later hit Jiang Wei without temper

Everyone knows that 234 AD was the last Northern Expedition of Zhuge Liang's life, Cao Wei, and also the year of Zhuge Liang's death, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi fought wits and courage, fought for many years, already knew each other well, Sima Yi knew that he could not fight Zhuge Liang, he could not hold the camp out, no matter what method Zhuge Liang used, he did not dare to go out to fight with him, wanted to consume the Shu Han army grass to let Zhuge Liang fade on his own, but the clever Zhuge Liang Tun tian did not eat his set, gave him to consume, but the sky did not go according to people's wishes, because of years of tiredness, Zhuge Liang was in poor health and fell seriously ill, arranged the aftermath, and left. However, after Zhuge Liang's death, Sima did not quickly attack the Shu state, but instead solved other external problems, and before the death of Emperor Ming of Wei in 239, he appointed Sima Yi and the general Cao Shuang to jointly assist the new emperor.

Before Sima Yi's death, he secretly promoted a minor official, and 13 years later hit Jiang Wei without temper

In 243, Sima Yi sent an army to attack the Eastern Wu ruler Zhuge Ke, which ended in victory, when the Shu Han side was ruled by Jiang Huan, who proposed a strategic plan to attack Wei by water, but it was not adopted. In 246, Jiang Huan died of a serious illness, and after Jiang Huan's death, he was sovereignty by Fei Yi, who advocated a policy of recuperation and would never attack Cao Wei for a short time. Sima Yi began to compete with Cao Shuang for power, and in 251 AD Sima plotted the Gaopingling Rebellion, killing Cao Shuang and others, and emptying Cao Wei in one fell swoop, and the power was henceforth controlled by Sima Shi.

Before Sima Yi's death, he secretly promoted a minor official, and 13 years later hit Jiang Wei without temper

Sima Yi also really became the biggest winner, but did Sima Yi really have no scruples about Zhuge Liang's successor Jiang Wei? The answer is no, he felt that although he could not fight Zhuge Liang, he also had to cultivate an apprentice to defeat Zhuge Liang's successor Jiang Wei, as early as 243 AD, Sima Yi had just defeated Zhuge Ke of Eastern Wu, he promoted a small official, but at that time this person was still a small grain and grass official, Sima Yiguan He had far-reaching considerations, and was definitely a wise general, and at that time he immediately promoted him to be the Taishou of Nan'an, and he was very important to him, and this small official later became one of the sixty-four generals in ancient times. This person was none other than Deng Ai, who had destroyed Shu Han.

Before Sima Yi's death, he secretly promoted a minor official, and 13 years later hit Jiang Wei without temper

In 251 AD, Sima Yi died, the Shu Han general Jiang Wei was still there, but Sima Yi had already made preparations, Sima Yi's two sons were also brave and strategic rulers, he promoted Deng Ai after several years of cultivation, has long been deeply familiar with the art of war, Jiang Wei's many years of Northern Expedition completely angered Cao Wei, in 263 AD Sima Zhao, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai and others formulated and launched a strategy to destroy Shu, under the Zhong Hui onslaught Shu Han successive defeats, Deng Ai smuggled across the Yinping Trail, defeated Zhuge Zhan's father and son, and finally directly attacked the shu Han hinterland, Liu Chan directly announced surrender, Deng Ai's advanced boldness and wisdom completely shattered Jiang Weikuang's dream of supporting the Han Room.

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