
Caucus china automobile association forecast: annual car sales are expected to exceed 26 million new energy sales of 3.4 million

Caucus china automobile association forecast: annual car sales are expected to exceed 26 million new energy sales of 3.4 million

On December 14, Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president and secretary general of the China Automobile Association, predicted at the 2022 China Auto Market Development Forecast Summit that China's annual automobile sales are expected to exceed 26 million this year, of which new energy vehicles are expected to sell 3.4 million vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year.

According to the latest data from the China Automobile Association, from January to November, automobile production and sales reached 23.172 million units and 23.4892 million units, respectively, an increase of 3.5% and 4.5% year-on-year. Among them, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.023 million units and 2.99 million units, respectively. It is worth mentioning that the market penetration rate of new energy vehicles in November this year has reached 17.8%.

Fu Bingfeng pointed out that under the transformation of electrification, intelligence and networking technology, the vitality of automobile enterprises has been significantly enhanced, and the overall production and sales of automobiles have maintained stable growth, and there is no lack of bright spots.

First of all, the performance of new energy vehicles is eye-catching, and since June, it has continuously refreshed the record and maintained rapid growth, and the new energy vehicle market has entered an explosive period;

Secondly, the rapid growth of automobile exports, accelerated into overseas markets, China's automobile exports continue the growth trend since the fourth quarter of last year, it is expected that the annual export is expected to exceed 2 million;

Third, the passenger car market share has increased significantly over the same period, with passenger car sales exceeding 8.4 million units from January to November this year, accounting for 44% of vehicle sales, maintaining growth for eight consecutive months.

Fu Bingfeng believes that this year's automotive industry has overcome challenges, and the overall operation of the industry's market is stable, showing strong resilience. On the one hand, a new round of technological revolution is accelerating the transformation of the automobile industry; on the other hand, the automobile market has broad prospects and just need is still strong; at the same time, the dual-cycle pattern is prompting enterprises to go global.

However, he also pointed out that this year's anti-globalization, chip shortage, and continuous high level of raw materials have also brought uncertainty to the development of the automobile industry, and hopes that companies will turn pressure into motivation and make up for shortcomings. (Text/Tencent Auto Zhang Cuicui)

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