
How children who have a caesarean section should improve their "congenital deficiencies"

How children who have a caesarean section should improve their "congenital deficiencies"

Children born by caesarean section are born without being squeezed by the birth canal and lack the first sense of touch and proprioception in life. Children who lack such an experience are likely to have problems of one kind or another.

Children who have been born by caesarean section may have the following disadvantages

1. Children born by caesarean section have poor immunity

Your child's immunoglobulin is obtained as it passes through the birth canal, which is a boosting protection against the immune system. During vaginal birth, the child is exposed to birth canal and environmental bacteria, establishing an intestinal flora system. During caesarean section, the fetus does not pass through the birth canal, the environment is sterile, so the immune system is worse, and the intestinal flora is less than half of the normal birth.

When a child passes through the birth canal, the mucus and water in the respiratory tract are squeezed out, which is a protection for the lungs. If a child who is born by caesarean section does not pass through the birth canal, the lungs are prone to problems.

How children who have a caesarean section should improve their "congenital deficiencies"

2. Feeling out of balance

The fetus that normally delivers through the birth canal will be subjected to contractions, moderate physical tension changes in the birth canal, etc., so that the fetus's body, chest, abdomen, and head are rhythmically squeezed. Caesarean section babies lack this stimulation, so they are prone to imbalances in the sense of touch, propriocception and vestibular balance.

3. Emotional disorders

Some children who have been born by caesarean section, compared with other children, are more likely to wake up and cry, emotionally unstable, timid and withdrawn, and even small noises can produce excessive reactions.

How can we improve the above shortcomings that they have?

First, after the birth of the child, as long as the nursing care is done, the child's immunity will be great.

1. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep can improve the body's immunity. Growth hormone is secreted the most during sleep, which promotes the growth and development of the body. At the same time, the body's energy consumption is at a low level, and the bones and muscles of the whole body are in a relaxed state, so that the body can be fully rested. If you don't get enough sleep, it will lead to a decline in physical function, a poor mental state, and a decrease in immunity.

How children who have a caesarean section should improve their "congenital deficiencies"

2. Exercise more

The child can be basked in the sun one month after birth, and the child is exposed to sunlight to enhance immunity. Exercise can strengthen the body, enhance immunity, be sure to let the child exercise more. One month of children have to practice lying down, three months to practice turning over, six months to learn to sit, nine months to learn to climb, twelve months to learn to walk, even very small children can exercise. After the child can walk, you can let the child walk more, slowly learn to run and jump, and do more exercise.

How children who have a caesarean section should improve their "congenital deficiencies"

3. Insist on breastfeeding and reasonably add complementary foods

Breastfeed your child after birth. Be sure to cherish colostrum, because colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins, which can strengthen your child's immunity. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until the child is 6 months before weaning.

Children need to add complementary foods around 6 months, because after 6 months, there is not enough iron in breast milk, which can easily lead to anemia. In addition, children's needs for nutrition are more abundant, oral muscles also need to be exercised, and the stomach and intestines need harder food to promote development, so complementary foods must be added on time.

How children who have a caesarean section should improve their "congenital deficiencies"

4, pay attention to hygiene, pay attention to cold and warm

Pay attention to hygiene, bathe the child frequently, and clean the child's folds every day. Doing a good job of hygienic cleaning can also enhance immunity.

After dressing the child, touch the back of the child's neck, as long as it is warm, if you sweat, you will wear too much. Children's warmth and cold are often different from adults' feelings.

Second, the cultivation of sensory imbalance

When the child is small, the baby can do more left and right tumbling, creeping, crawling, playing parent-child games, etc., and then the older one can train them to walk the balance beam, swing, do spinning games, etc., and give fine movements and other training in the early stage.

Third, the cultivation of emotional disorders

Babies are born with tactile reflexes such as sucking, grasping and defense, and at this time begin to give the baby skin tactile information stimulation, such as giving the child more caresses, cuddling, massaging, grasping things of different textures, when the weather is good, take the child out, let the child contact the wind and other stimuli, or let the child through the stimulation of hot and cold water. Older children can take him out for activities, playing with sand, playing in the water, swimming, and walking barefoot.

It can be said that the most basic way to deal with the various physical problems of children born by caesarean section is to let children be more active, play with soil, play with sand, etc. Are good ways to let them actively perceive the world and let children contact various things in play, so that children can slowly reverse the adverse effects of caesarean section and let them grow healthily.

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