
The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

The history of the Three Kingdoms has always been talked about by everyone. There are many reasons, of course. First of all, this period is a chaotic world, and the chaotic world is the easiest to emerge many heroes, as the saying goes, "chaotic world produces heroes" and "the times create heroes"; secondly, Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is written too well, depicting the historical story of the Three Kingdoms in a colorful way, and the characters are portrayed vividly.

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

In Luo Guanzhong's pen, the people of Liu Bei's group represent justice, such as Zhuge Liang is the "embodiment of God", he is clever and resourceful, people are admired, he bows down, dies, and then people cry; Guan Yu is the "embodiment of justice", he is righteous and thin, he is heavy on righteousness, he is highly respected by people, he has extraordinary skills, strong martial arts, and people are admired. Cao Cao, on the other hand, represents evil, a "traitor", and a "Han thief".

Obviously, the character image of the Three Kingdoms in the eyes of ordinary people is almost the same as that in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

But after all, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is only a novel, and it does not represent the truth of history. Below, I will take stock of three undervalued people in the three countries and three overrated people.

Three underrated people

1. Sun Quan

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

When it comes to Sun Quan, many people are influenced by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, saying that he is the "second generation of the rich" and "the second generation of officials", relying on the inheritance of his father and brother to establish the Eastern Wu regime. In fact, Sun Quan in the history of Zhengzheng is very good, he will employ people, his vision is high, and he has reused a large number of civilian and military generals, such as Zhang Zhao, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lü Meng, Lu Xun, and so on.

2. Zhou Yu

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

Zhou Yu was also underestimated by everyone, and he was narrow-minded in the interpretation, and was eventually killed by Zhuge Liang. In fact, Zhou Yu in the history is very powerful, and the Battle of Chibi was led by him, otherwise Su Shi would not have said:

"I think back then, Xiao Qiao was first married, with majestic hair, lupine scarves, talking and laughing, and the tree ashes and smoke."

Everyone can think about how spirited Zhou Yu was at this time.

In addition, Zhou Yu was also handsome (long and strong and resourceful) and proficient in music (proficient in music, although after the Three Lords, there were mistakes, Yu must know). Therefore, people at that time circulated such a sentence, "The song is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu."

3. Yuan Shao

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

When many people mention Yuan Shao, they think that he is mediocre and incompetent, and narrow-minded. In fact, such an evaluation is too one-sided. Chen Shou, the author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, commented that Yuan Shao was "a handsome and powerful corporal who could fold the knots". Therefore, Yuan Shao would gather so many military generals around him, such as Tian Feng, Guo Tu, Yan Liang, Wen Ugly, and so on.

Three overrated people

1. Zhuge Liang

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

Zhuge Liang in the history of zhengyi is not what is said in the speech, he cannot be "clever and clever". According to Chen Shou, he was just a politician, who could govern the country and had average military skills:

"The rule of law is long, the plot is short, and the work of the people is better than that of the general."

2. Zhao Yun

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

Many people who have watched the relevant Three Kingdoms film and television dramas believe that Zhao Yun is the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, even more powerful than Lü Bu. In fact, throughout his life, Zhao Yun did not become a famous general. During Liu Bei's time, he was only a general of the Yi Army, and during the Liu Chan period, he was given the title of General of Zhengnan and General of Zhendong, and was later demoted to the rank of General of Zhenjun for "losing to Jigu".

3. Guan Yu

The real Three Kingdoms, who are the underrated people? Who are the overrated people?

Guan Yu did not "kill Huaxiong with warm wine", "pass five levels, and cut off six generals", nor did he "kill Yan Liang, Xue Wen ugly" (only kill Yan Liang), and there was no "righteous interpretation of Cao Cao".

Finally, thank you all for reading, welcome to follow me!

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