
Home-cooked recipes, spicy fatty sausages. I learned to open a restaurant.

author:Joon Woo looks at the world

Spicy fatty intestines

Home-cooked recipes, spicy fatty sausages. I learned to open a restaurant.


Fat intestines 600g

10 dried chili peppers

2 cloves of garlic

Green pepper 10g


2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon of caster sugar

1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon chicken essence

4 dried chili peppers


1. The fat intestine is treated in advance, and then cut the oblique section (the fat intestine is repeatedly scrubbed with salt, white vinegar, and rice water, tear off the filaments inside the fat intestine, put it under the faucet and rinse repeatedly, and then blanch the water with star anise, ginger, green onion, and peppercorns, and then fish it out and cut it off);

2. Remove the stems of dried peppers and cut them into segments;

3. Peel off the garlic coat, wash it and cut it into garlic cloves;

4. Put the pot on the fire, after heating, pour in the appropriate amount of vegetable oil to heat; turn the heat to a low heat, add garlic cloves, dried chili peppers and simmer;

5. Put in the fat sausage and stir-fry over high heat;

6. Add an appropriate amount of caster sugar and stir-fry evenly;

7. After the ingredients are cooked, add an appropriate amount of salt;

8. Adjust the appropriate amount of chicken essence;

9. Add the chopped green pepper, stir-fry well, turn off the heat;

10. Serve.

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