
She made students fall in love with the Ideological and Political Science Class: Guo Hua, the winner of the Third Teaching Contribution Award and a teacher at the Changli Marxist College

author:New Hunan

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, May 28 (Correspondent He Wenjing Wu Zongzhe He Yi) "Teacher Guo, where to go? "Go on a date with the students!" This is the dialogue between Guo Hua, a teacher at the Marxist Academy, and her colleagues before the class, and it also shows her attitude towards the classroom and students.

Since coming to school in 2005, Guo Hua has regarded the class as a "date" with students. In the 14 spring and autumn years of teaching, she has made great efforts in teaching, not only exceeding the teaching tasks every year, but also doing her best to improve teaching methods and means, organically combining scientific research, practice and teaching, and better showing the connotation of ideological and political theory courses, all in order to make students want to go to the ideological and political class and fall in love with the ideological and political class.

She made students fall in love with the Ideological and Political Science Class: Guo Hua, the winner of the Third Teaching Contribution Award and a teacher at the Changli Marxist College

"Elaborate dressing" allows students to fall in love with the ideological and political class at first sight

In the initial impression of Nie Wei, a 16th grade of marketing student at Seongnam College, the ideological and political class involved too many theories and was inevitably a little boring, so when he learned that he would continue to take the ideological and political class in his freshman year, he had some resistance in his heart. Unexpectedly, after listening to Guo Hua's first class, he was deeply attracted by this vivid and humorous Ma Yuan class with clear veins, and he tried to sit in the first row every time he attended class.

"Mr. Guo's class was in the second semester of my sophomore year, which was the time when we had the most professional classes, and the nerves of the students were always tight, but every time I took Mr. Guo's class, I would feel happy and relaxed." Nie Wei smiled. Nie Wei was just one of many students attracted to Guo Hua's Ma Yuan class. Guo Hua hopes that his class will be able to firmly attract the attention of students when they first meet, breaking their understanding of the theoretical knowledge of traditional ideological and political science classes, and Guo Hua has put a lot of effort into "dressing up" his class.

She made students fall in love with the Ideological and Political Science Class: Guo Hua, the winner of the Third Teaching Contribution Award and a teacher at the Changli Marxist College

Therefore, in Guo Hua's class, students will hear online language like "666", discuss hot events such as "celebrity tax evasion", see the recent explosion news in qq space and circle of friends, and sit in groups according to the class, so as to launch healthy competition... In order to combine the knowledge points he imparts with the topics that students are most concerned about, Guo Hua consults a large number of news materials every week and updates his courseware in a timely manner. Under the temptation of Guo Hua,the students gradually discovered that Ma Yuan's class was so interesting and charming.

Guo Hua, who regards the class as a "date", sometimes jokes with his classmates in class, so that everyone can unconsciously grasp the knowledge points in a relaxed atmosphere. In her eyes, teaching and learning are always a mutual process, a lesson with good results, and it requires the tacit cooperation of teachers and students. "Students are willing to learn, teachers are willing to teach, and only when students learn and teachers teach to achieve a state of equality and integration, the classroom can be better." Guo Hua said.

The combination of knowledge and action makes students fall in love with the ideological and political class

Guo Hua knows that Ma Yuan's class is not enough to have a "face value", but also needs to make great efforts to show its rich connotation, so that students can "goodbye to it" and be willing to continue to learn this course and study this course.

Therefore, Guo Hua has made progress with the times, integrating "theory-practice-network" teaching into the classroom, and through practice and online teaching forms, so that difficult theories can be better understood by students.

She arranged for students to conduct a variety of social survey practices such as the Xiangjiang River water quality survey, the survey of college students' satisfaction with their professions, and the exploration of the kitchen behind Jinpenling Bbq Street, and then asked them to submit practice reports through the online teaching platform, and report and discuss in the classroom in small groups. Every practice and report made the students harvest full, and the results of each student's homework also moved Guo Hua.

She made students fall in love with the Ideological and Political Science Class: Guo Hua, the winner of the Third Teaching Contribution Award and a teacher at the Changli Marxist College

To give a student a bowl of water, the teacher must have a pool of water. In Guo Hua's view, scientific research is the foundation, research to promote teaching, teaching and research can accumulate and develop. "Ma Yuan is a theoretical class, if you want to explain the theory to students clearly, you must use materials to support, where do these materials come from? That has to come from research! ”

In the 2017 Hunan Provincial Education Science "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" education planning project presided over by Guo Hua, the teachers involved in the project had discussed around optimizing teaching elements, and everyone's exchanges provided Guo Hua with new teaching ideas, "All say that theory is boring and difficult to talk about, but we find that from Marx's original works or words said by great people, students will also be very interested!" ”

For example, in class, she would introduce the process of cotton sales in India that Marx had talked about: cotton produced in Mumbai, India, was sold to Manchester, England, spun into cotton yarn, then sold to Paris, France, for processing into fashion, and finally sold all over the world. Students find that this is the manifestation of globalization of the world market, which Marx proposed a century and a half ago. "Using these vivid examples to communicate with students and make students have reverence for Marx can resonate with Marxist theory." The class must have content and skills, the class will have 'knowledge' and taste, and this 'date' can become 'hot love'. ”

Hard work has made the ideological and political science class into the mind

Behind the rekindling of students' interest and love for ideological and political classes is Guo Hua's investment of a lot of time and energy in teaching and scientific research. As Li Yuyan, vice dean of the Marxist Academy, said: "Teacher Guo Hua has a selfless dedication of enthusiasm, an incomparable enthusiasm for life, and an infinite love for the cause of education. ”

Just by the provincial classroom teaching competition in 2017, we can see Guo Hua's intentions for teaching. In order to make the classroom more exciting and constantly innovative, she stayed up all night, overturned all existing courseware, reimagined the curriculum framework, re-found materials, re-did ppt, re-recorded videos, cut videos, and re-wrote teaching summaries... In the end, she won the second prize in the Provincial Classroom Teaching Competition.

In July last year, Guo Hua was diagnosed with a "liquid cyst" and needed surgery. During the two weeks of hospitalization, she continued to grade students' final exam papers with the help of her colleagues. But she believes that these things are "not worth mentioning, and are what you should do as a teacher."

She made students fall in love with the Ideological and Political Science Class: Guo Hua, the winner of the Third Teaching Contribution Award and a teacher at the Changli Marxist College

There are many more such small things. Guo Hua's dedication has made many students blossom and bear fruitful fruits in their "love affairs" with the ideological and political science class.

Sang Ye, a 2017 student in engineering management at Seongnam College, feels that she has benefited a lot after taking Guo Hua's Ma Yuan class, and she used to pay more attention to personal small things, but now she will think about problems from a more macroscopic perspective of national society. "Teacher Guo used a vivid and interesting way to link the party's policies and current affairs and politics with the ideological and political class to penetrate deep into the hearts of our students, and after studying, I felt that I had a higher level of thinking about problems."

Nie Wei, who is now preparing for graduate school, said that Guo Hua's "framework model" teaching method has greatly helped his examination review. "When Teacher Guo teaches the theory, he does not talk about it in piles or most of them roughly, but divides the content of a chapter into three or four small parts, so that we can first form an overall framework and then elaborate on the content of each part." The original complex knowledge content, after being summarized into a concise framework, everything is clear and clear. As long as students can fall in love with the political science class and feel the charm of the political science class, Guo Hua feels that all the hard work is worth it. She said: "As the guide of the students, how much effort is necessary, as long as the students can really learn and gain, then the hard work I have endured, although bitter and sweet!" ”

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