
Macron's invitation to Putin to participate again has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the United States and Britain

author:Sima Nan

Text/Sima Nan

The media controlled by Jewish capital, the media of all levels and types in the United States, under the wise leadership of the CIA, have portrayed the United States as the absolute main force in defeating the German, Italian, and Japanese fascists, while tens of millions of people have been sacrificed, the merits of the great Soviet Red Army have been completely wiped out, and Marshal Stalin has even become an ugly German Nazi mustache......

This is the power of ideological propaganda warfare, and this is the power of historical nihilism in the United States and the West.

Macron's invitation to Putin to participate again has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the United States and Britain

The Normandy landings were an absolutely important part of the anti-fascist war in World War II, and the American soldiers who died in World War II are immortalized. So now there is an important task, which is to turn the history of World War II upside down.

People are so forgetful, people are so easily deceived, those veterans of World War II are now more than 100 years old, and there are still alive, you don't see the Russian Victory Day parade, sitting on Putin's right and left hands are the heroes of the heroic fight against Nazi fascism during World War II.

Macron's invitation to Putin to participate again has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the United States and Britain

The fact that the ruthless facts that have once again reminded us that history is in the service of realpolitik that history is at the service of realpolitik, and that those who follow the United States are rich, and whether they are telling the truth remains to be examined, and those who follow the United States are confused, which is true.

Macron is not confused, which is rare.

Because Macron's 80% orientation in Sino-French relations, in Europe-US relations, and in some world trends is acceptable, and even should be praised, so I have recently seen Macron's eldest daughter-in-law a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Mr. Zhang Jiangping pointed out that "France provoked its allies by inviting Russia to participate in the commemoration of the Normandy landings. The European edition of the American "Political News Network" reported on the 17th with this title that France's decision to invite Russia to participate in the commemoration of the 80 th anniversary of the Normandy landings has aroused dissatisfaction among officials in the United States, Britain and other countries.

Macron's invitation to Putin to participate again has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the United States and Britain

The European edition of Politico mentioned that the organizers of the Normandy landing commemoration announced last month that they would send invitations to the Russian side, which "caught some Western countries off guard". However, the organizers did not confirm which Russian officials were invited.

The European edition of "Politico News" said that officials from Britain, the United States and other countries expressed "concern" about the French side's decision to invite the Russian side, and they raised a series of questions, including questions about the etiquette of the event and diplomatic contacts with Russian representatives. Two administration officials said the White House was unhappy with the invitation. In addition, a European diplomat called France's invitation to Russia "to everyone's surprise" and expressed dissatisfaction with France's lack of communication on the matter, "the French have been discussing the invitation internally."

In response to the above news, the European edition of "Political News Network" said that the French presidential administration refused to comment.

As TASS reported last month, there was information that France would invite the Russian side to the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded on April 16 that Russian President Vladimir Putin had not yet received a formal invitation.

Macron's invitation to Putin to participate again has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the United States and Britain

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Normandy landings were a historic battle in the late stages of World War II. On June 6, 1944, the vanguard of the Allied forces, with the British and American troops as the main force, crossed the English Channel from Britain and landed in Normandy, France, opening a second battlefield on the European continent and accelerating the demise of German fascism.

Let's not forget that in June 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. At that time, it could have been invited, but now why did Macron cause an uproar when he invited Putin to participate again? Has something changed in history?

History is not going to change, but the psychological projection of Americans has changed. Those friends who ridicule Russia's unsuccessful blitzkrieg must not forget the stupidity of the United States in this matter, and the strategic foolishness is not to listen to the advice of American rational scholars such as Kissinger and Brzezinski, and to lock China, Russia, Iran, and so on as an overall opponent, and to press them into an opposite side with strong external pressure. In fact, on the battlefield of Russia and Ukraine today, Russia is in a state of full initiative and calmly arranges troops, while Generalissimo Zelensky, the commander-in-chief of the actor supported by the United States, is overstretched and angry.

Macron's invitation to Putin to participate again has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the United States and Britain

Macron is a man who understands, Zelensky is a fool, and Putin is a brilliant politician who has taken a detour, but returned to the right path under the lesson of blood.

Why did France choke on America's lungs when it invited Russia to participate in the commemoration of this year's Normandy landings?

Because the United States was playing tricks yesterday and making trouble today.

Because a united Europe is least in the interests of the United States.

At the end of the article, I asked the cloud:

Are all those who follow the beauty rich?

Or say, those who follow the beauty are all ignorant......

(Before breakfast on May 19, 2024, I wrote at No. 8, Nanluoguxiang, Dongcheng District, Beijing, and suddenly remembered that Mr. Liu Xinwu wrote a reportage "519 Long Shot", and I haven't heard from this writer for a long time)

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