
Guo Hua: How a good teacher takes a good lesson - taking Hua Yinglong's "Beauty of the Military Parade" as an example, this attitude of full dedication to work is what young teachers should learn. 1. Let students solve problems on their own 2. Let students find and correct mistakes on their own 3. Let students experience the results of learning and achievements "The beauty of the military parade" This lesson, education and teaching are inseparable, it is an organic integration.

author:Chinese Teacher Magazine
Guo Hua: How a good teacher takes a good lesson - taking Hua Yinglong's "Beauty of the Military Parade" as an example, this attitude of full dedication to work is what young teachers should learn. 1. Let students solve problems on their own 2. Let students find and correct mistakes on their own 3. Let students experience the results of learning and achievements "The beauty of the military parade" This lesson, education and teaching are inseparable, it is an organic integration.

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Guo Hua: How a good teacher takes a good lesson - taking Hua Yinglong's "Beauty of the Military Parade" as an example, this attitude of full dedication to work is what young teachers should learn. 1. Let students solve problems on their own 2. Let students find and correct mistakes on their own 3. Let students experience the results of learning and achievements "The beauty of the military parade" This lesson, education and teaching are inseparable, it is an organic integration.
Guo Hua: How a good teacher takes a good lesson - taking Hua Yinglong's "Beauty of the Military Parade" as an example, this attitude of full dedication to work is what young teachers should learn. 1. Let students solve problems on their own 2. Let students find and correct mistakes on their own 3. Let students experience the results of learning and achievements "The beauty of the military parade" This lesson, education and teaching are inseparable, it is an organic integration.

A good teacher is, first of all, a good lesson. Their lessons are often imitated, from big ideas to small details. But how good lessons come about may not be thought out by many young teachers. Let's take Hua Yinglong's "Beauty of the Parade" lesson as an example to see how good teachers treat classes and what young teachers should learn.


Immerse yourself wholeheartedly

Teacher Hua treats each lesson as an artistic creation, as an artistic creation experienced with the students, full of passion and expectation.

"The Beauty of the Parade" is a math hands-on lesson. In this lesson designed by Mr. Hua, students should not only comprehensively use the knowledge they have learned to solve problems, but also be able to observe with mathematical eyes, think with mathematical minds, express themselves in mathematical language, and be able to discover the beauty of life, experience the source of beauty, and establish correct values. To design such a lesson, passion alone is not enough, but also serious, meticulous and fully prepared. Teachers should know what knowledge is related to this lesson, such as "train crossing problem" and "tree planting problem"; to seek a good problem to stimulate students' attention and thinking, and to drive students to learn independently... In short, in order to find mathematical problems in ordinary life that everyone can see, it is even more necessary to connect mathematical problems with students. Just a "student pre-class study list", Teacher Hua revised it five or six times, and even his dreams were related to the class. The "beauty of the military parade, the beauty in the speed" is the result of the dream, the so-called "day and night have dreams", the dream wakes up, the class eye out.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" > such a full-time attitude to work is something young teachers should learn. </h1>


Sincerely treat students as subjects

In Mr. Hua's class, students are the absolute protagonists and the main body of teaching, and the role of teachers is to provide appropriate situations and conditions to guide and stimulate students to learn.

In the lesson "The Beauty of the Military Parade", there are materials collected before the class, in-depth thinking after the class, and there is interaction between teachers and students in the class, and the main position of the students is vividly reflected.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" >1</h1>

"Where is the beauty of the military parade, where is the beauty" is the fundamental question that runs through this lesson. Based on this, Mr. Hua decomposes a series of sub-problems, guides students to transform sensory feelings in daily life into rational thinking in mathematics, and actively uses mathematical knowledge and methods to solve problems.

"At the beginning of the class, a video clip of the honor guard, the navy team, and the Dongfeng-41 ballistic missile team passing through the review area at the National Day military parade was played." Playing a video is creating a problem situation. Students have watched the parade video, but when they watch it with teachers and classmates in class, they must bring mathematical vision and brain. Sure enough, Teacher Hua asked a question: "This military parade is a national celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and 70,000 peace pigeons and 70,000 balloons were released in Tiananmen Square... The distance between the general and the first row of soldiers is 6 meters. Now, can you ask any questions? On the one hand, this question is intended to guide students to make careful observations and ask interesting questions in ordinary times; on the other hand, it is to guide students to use the data collected before class to comprehensively think about how to solve this problem. The student's solution to this problem is reasonable and perfect: "75 centimeters step by step, if the distance is 6 meters ... After 8 steps... If the distance is 7 meters, the first row of soldiers needs 9.3 steps to step on the salute line, it is not beautiful. "Solve this problem, let students fully appreciate the significance of data collection and data analysis, take the initiative to speak with data, think about problems with data, and form data awareness." When various kinds of data are brought together, the scattered data can be used as a resource to solve problems, allowing students to understand that "where there are numbers, there is beauty".

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" >2. Let students find and correct mistakes on their own</h1>

In Mr. Hua's class, "mistakes" are valuable educational opportunities and resources. Ms. Hua does not directly point out the students' mistakes, but provides opportunities for students to discover and experience the mistakes on their own. For example, when calculating the square's forward pace speed of "how many meters to walk in a second", the student did not pay attention to the change in units, and calculated that the square forward pace speed was "140 meters per second". Teacher Hua did not respond immediately, but provided the speed of the high-speed rail, so that the students realized where and why they were wrong in the comparison. This kind of treatment is not only to believe in students and respect students - to believe that students have the ability to discriminate and correct their own mistakes; but also to truly acknowledge that students are the main body, so that students can experience and feel for themselves. In this way, the classroom atmosphere is harmonious and pleasant. In the face of their mistakes, the students "laughed over", but they will definitely remember deeply, know that the numbers are not sloppy, and should be treated with a rigorous attitude. Such a treatment is to tolerate and cherish the inevitable mistakes made in the process of students' growth, admit that mistakes are the norm of human exploration of the truth process (that is, "trial and error"), guide students to face up to the mistakes in growth, give students a relaxed atmosphere and open environment for active exploration, so that students can better understand the world, know themselves, understand their relationship with the world in resolving mistakes, and grow into a better self.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h3" >3. Let students experience the fruits and achievements of learning</h1>

If students can truly feel and experience the active activities, harvests and growth of students in the classroom, they can be aware of the difficulties overcome and the real value of the activities they have experienced, and they can confirm their subjective ability and be full of confidence in themselves. In this lesson, Mr. Hua guided the students to understand why the general and the first platoon of soldiers were 6 meters apart, and inspired them to "independently" calculate the correct time for the trekking party to pass through the parade area. The results of this calculation are correct calculated by the students based on various data, while the data reported by some media is wrong, which makes them extremely proud. In doing so, Ms. Hua is to let students experience the power of mathematics and experience their own learning achievements.


Cultivate people naturally

"Teaching is always educational", which means that education cannot be simply and rudely indoctrinated from teaching, but must be carried out in teaching, and teaching itself is education. There is no teaching without education, and there is no education that is divorced from teaching.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" > the lesson "The Beauty of the Military Parade", education and teaching are inseparable, and they are an organic integration. </h1>

Teacher Hua let the students collect data to understand that it is to educate people, let students experience that the "plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold" of the parade square "84.2 seconds" is to educate people, and let students find out that ignoring the mistake of calculating units is also educating people. Teacher Hua's classroom educates people naturally and silently.

Teacher Hua's education is mostly implied in this way. For example, Mr. Hua provided a set of basic data for the DF-41, and the students calculated that the speed of the DF-41 was "8333.3 m/s". So, how fast is it? Teacher Hua did not state in words, but by providing students with a familiar high-speed rail speed of "69.4 m/s", allowing students to indirectly perceive the speed of Dongfeng-41, so that students are proud of their motherland in objective and accurate figures.

Teacher Hua's classroom education is also clear and straightforward. For example, on the question of the usefulness of the Dongfeng-41, Teacher Hua clearly stated in language the excellent Traditional Chinese concepts of "Harmony is Precious" and "Useless Use, Great Use" in response to some students' statements. Teacher Hua said: "Dongfeng-41 has never had to fly, that is the biggest and best use of Dongfeng-41." Here, a clear statement is appropriate, a clear value guide.

Teacher Hua summed up this lesson and said: "The beauty of the military parade lies in the speed. So, is speed fast or slow? "Slow" and "fast" are beautiful, but "when it should be fast, the faster the more beautiful; when it should be slow, the slower and more beautiful", the same is true for educating people, the direction is right, and the methods will be diverse.

The author is | Professor and doctoral supervisor of the Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

The source of the article丨China Teachers, No. 10, 2021

WeChat Editor | leaxyi

Supervisor: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

Organizer: Beijing Normal University

Publisher: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group

Editor: Editorial Board of China Teacher

Postal code: 82-113

General Domestic Circulation: Beijing Newspaper and Periodicals Distribution Bureau

Domestic unified issue number: CN 11-4801/Z

ISSN 1672-2051

▌ Cooperative database

Guo Hua: How a good teacher takes a good lesson - taking Hua Yinglong's "Beauty of the Military Parade" as an example, this attitude of full dedication to work is what young teachers should learn. 1. Let students solve problems on their own 2. Let students find and correct mistakes on their own 3. Let students experience the results of learning and achievements "The beauty of the military parade" This lesson, education and teaching are inseparable, it is an organic integration.

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