
Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

author:The history of the Party is eclectic

Text/Ren Zhenjie

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

Luo Ruiqing was born in Nanchong County, Sichuan Province. He was tall, heroic and righteous, and although he came from a rich family, he had to "live and die with the revolution" from an early age. When he was a child, Zheng Zheng's oath really made him suffer several times, and he lived and died several times. Whether it was typhoid fever, which had killed him, or the "April 12" massacre directly faced by the Kuomintang; whether it was a bullet shot straight into the head or a heavy siege by the Japanese army; even though he was brutally persecuted by Lin Biao, Luo Ruiqing was still disabled and determined, always believed in the party and the people, and for the sake of the revolution, it can be said that he was full of courage.

First, the great difficulty does not die, and in order to go to the military academy for the revolution, he finally joined the party after several tribulations

Luo Ruiqing has been proud and ambitious since he was a child, plus he is tall and has the style of a brother, when he studied in Nanchong Middle School, many classmates affectionately called him Luo Big Brother. Once a rich man's stupid disciple bullied a poor student, Luo Ruiqing stepped forward and beat up this rich man's son, making him hold his head and run away, and no longer dared to act recklessly, which increased the ambition of the poor student. Because of his noble behavior, he was recommended by his classmates as the president of the student council.

When Luo Ruiqing entered Nanchong Middle School, the school already had communist activities, openly under the name of the Left Wing of the Kuomintang, secretly establishing a Communist Youth League organization. As a representative of the student union, he read progressive newspapers and periodicals such as "New Youth" and "New Shu Bao" sponsored by Xiao Chunu together with Ren Baige of the normal class, and his ideas were inclined to progress. When Luo Ruiqing learned that Ren Baige was about to join the Communist Youth League, he said to Ren: "Although I have an appointment with my family first, I cannot join the Communist Youth League now, but there is something that everyone can do together, and I am in the same heart as the revolutionary life and death." ”

In the continuous contact with the Communist Youth League, Luo Ruiqing gradually realized that only Marxist doctrine can save China. Just when he was determined to dedicate himself to communism, he met Yuan Shijing, a teacher at Nanchong Middle School and a member of the Communist Party. Yuan Shiying told Luo Ruiqing that the Whampoa Military Academy had moved from Guangzhou to Wuhan with the Nationalist government and was renamed the Wuhan Central Military and Political School. Yuan Shiying encouraged Luo Ruiqing to apply for the military academy. Hearing this news, Luo Ruiqing was very happy, from the initial examination in Chongqing to the re-examination in Wuhan, he passed the test with excellent results and became a student of the fifth phase of the school's infantry section. Since then, Luo Ruiqing has begun his military career that has endured hardships.

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ Luo Ruiqing

In the first half of 1927, due to Chiang Kai-shek's rebellion against the revolution, Xia Douyin, commander of the Independent 14th Division of the National Revolutionary Army stationed in Yichang, fell to Chiang Kai-shek and attacked Wuhan. In May, the Wuhan Branch Was organized into the Central Independent Division, with Ye Ting commanding a crusade against Xia Douyin. Luo Ruiqing firmly believes that in war, don't be afraid of death, shooting with a gun is not only glorious, but also more painful than anything, and it will pass in the blink of an eye. It was with this simple and heroic view of life and death that he entered the battle. During the battle, he gained a better understanding of the Chinese Communist Party, and Luo Ruiqing was introduced by Ren Bofang and Chen Gangbing to join the Chinese Communist Party. However, several proposals were not accepted.

After the troops returned to the division, due to the defection of wang Jingwei's group, the Wuhan branch was soon reorganized by Zhang Fakui into the 2nd Front Army Instruction Regiment. Luo Ruiqing recognized Zhang Fakui's anti-communist features, and although he was suffering from fever and diarrhea, he still left the team with illness and returned to Wuhan. In Wuhan, his illness became more and more serious, and the money he carried could not afford to pay too much medical expenses, so the hospital drove him from the ward to a moldy and dark hut in the Sichuan Guild Hall. He looked around, with no relatives or friends, and was seriously ill, feeling desperate and wanting to end his life by suicide, but found that the severe typhoid fever made him lose even the strength to move. A well-meaning master of the guild found him and, out of sympathy, brought a bowl of porridge to restore his young body.

At this time, Wuhan was still a white terror, and Luo Ruiqing, who had just recovered from a serious illness, and some other party members could not find the party organization. So they decided to go to Shanghai to continue the revolution. In August 1928, his military school classmate Pan Xianzhi and others saw that he had just recovered from a serious illness and had no food or clothing, so they persuaded him to join the Kuomintang reorganization organized by Wang Jingwei, Chen Gongbo and others. He said sternly: "I would rather freeze to death and starve to death than join this organization or deviate from the Communist Party." ”

Soon, Luo Ruiqing learned that Ren Bofang had taken over the party organization relationship, so he once again made a request to join the party. Ren Bofang proposed that in the case of the serious white terror and the party organization has gone underground, the only way to solve the organizational problem as soon as possible is to say that he joined the party at the military academy at that time, but lost the organizational relationship. Ren Bofang asked Luo Ruiqing to write a report, and he would be the witness. Although Luo Ruiqing knew that it was inappropriate to do so, because he was eager to join the party, he complied. After several tribulations, he finally became a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

Second, in the Southern Expedition to the Northern War, the Security Bureau performed opera and gritted its teeth to speak

Before and after Luo Ruiqing joined the party, he often talked with his comrades-in-arms about the Zhumao Red Army in Jinggangshan. They took advantage of the unique geographical environment of Jinggangshan and the contradictions of the local Xianggan rulers to carry out activities and struggles on the border, figuratively called it "shuttle edge", and they longed for it. In the spring of 1929, Luo Ruiqing was sent to western Fujian to form and train guerrilla groups, and in June he was incorporated into the Red Fourth Army with the troops, and participated in the Seventh Congress of the Red Fourth Army Party held in Longyan, the Eighth Congress of the Red Fourth Army Party held in Shanghang, and the Ninth Congress of the Red Fourth Army Party held in Gutian (Gutian Conference). On the eve of the Gutian Conference, Luo Ruiqing met Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong saw the tall Luo Ruiqing and asked him where he was from and what he was doing now. When he heard that Luo Ruiqing was from Sichuan, he was very surprised: "Chuan Xiang's children are not tall, but you and I are the eldest sons." Since then, Luo Ruiqing has received a nickname of "Luo Eldest Son".

After the Gutian Meeting, Luo Ruiqing took office as director of the political department of the Second Column, and worked hard together with Luo Ronghuan, who was the political commissar of the Second Column, to make the Second Column look new in a short period of time. At the end of 1930, Luo Ruiqing took over Luo Ronghuan, who had been promoted to political commissar of the Red Fourth Army, and served as the political commissar of the 11th Division (formerly the Second Column). Together with the division commander Zeng Shi'e, he led his troops to participate in the first anti-"encirclement and suppression." In April 1931, Chiang Kai-shek sent He Yingqin to lead another 200,000-strong army to launch a second "encirclement and suppression" campaign against the central base areas.

According to the orders of the Red Army headquarters, Luo Ruiqing and Zeng Shi'e led their troops to block the enemy under the Guanyin Cliff between Tomita and Donggu. The command post of the 11th Division was located in a separate house just below the top of Guanyin Mountain. But because Luo Ruiqing was tall, he had to bow his head when he entered and exited. Therefore, Yang Dezhi, commander of the division's special agent company, led people to build a shed next to it as the division's command post. As soon as the troops entered the position, Chiang Kai-shek carried out a suppressive bombardment of the position with heavy artillery fire, and the shed was quickly damaged. Luo Ruiqing and Zeng Shi'e were now using telescopes outside the shed to observe the enemy situation. But after the shelling, a burst of dense machine guns strafed over, and Luo Ruiqing was shot in the head, and because of the broken artery, in an instant, the blood flowed all over his face. Seeing that the political commissar had fallen, Zeng Shi'e was indignant, and while ordering the doctor to rescue him, he ordered Yang Dezhi to lead the special agent company to seize the hill in front of the 33rd Regiment, and he also took up the shell gun and rushed down the mountain...

The "eldest son of Luo" was injured, and when Commander-in-Chief Zhu De learned the news, he immediately sent the doctors from the headquarters to rescue him. However, due to the severity of the injury and the difficult conditions in all aspects, Luo Ruiqing developed parophyllal encephalitis shortly after his injury and had a high fever and was unconscious. I don't know how long later, Luo Ruiqing suddenly heard the sound of sawing wood outside, and someone was talking. Only one person was heard to say, "I'm afraid this person can't do it, so hurry up and make a coffin!" Another said, "The coffin has to be made a little longer, and that man is so tall!" However, the coffin prepared for Luo Ruiqing was not used. After a few days of coma, he miraculously came back to life.

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In 1935, Luo Ruiqing took a photo in front of the Yan'an cave dwelling.

In March 1932, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission issued an order to reorganize the Red Fourth Army, with Wang Liang as the commander of the Red Fourth Army and Luo Ruiqing as the political commissar of the Red Fourth Army. Subsequently, he led his troops to attack the Twelve Ridges and the Wind and Frost Ridge and occupy Zhangzhou in the operation into Fujian, and in the process of occupying the town of Shima, the local security captain did not understand the nature of the Red Army, but even laid out refreshments and waited for the Red Army. The next day, at the mass meeting to welcome the Red Army, Luo Ruiqing made an impromptu speech: When the Red Army first arrived here, because they did not understand the situation, the reactionaries came to welcome us, but our revolutionary masses did not dare to approach us. His humorous speech won a round of applause from everyone.

During the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, Luo Ruiqing had been appointed by the Central Revolutionary Military Commission as the director of the Red First Army Security Bureau. In his work, he applied the six W's in news reports to investigative work, proposing that every case should be "six hos", that is, who, what, when, where, why and how. It is precisely because of his meticulous work that Nie Rongzhen once said: In our first army, cadres who are wrong will criticize them, and they have not casually put on the hat of "enemy" and have not killed a single cadre. When marching and fighting, Luo Ruiqing always followed the head of the legion. For his remarkable achievements, he was awarded a second-class Red Star Medal in 1933.

Luo Ruiqing has loved literature and art since childhood, especially drama. After serving as the director of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Army, he began to show his enthusiasm and talent for organizing theatrical performances. As soon as he was appointed director of the Security Bureau, Luo Ronghuan, director of the Political Department who knew people and was good at it, immediately entrusted him with a cultural and entertainment training course in the Security Bureau. As a result, there was constant singing and laughter in this intimidating security bureau. After Luo Ruiqing was injured in the head, the corners of his mouth could not be fully opened, and sometimes he seemed to be gritting his teeth, but everyone loved to listen to his words.

During the Long March, in addition to marching, Luo Ruiqing spent a lot of energy in presiding over the daily work of the security bureau. Before crossing the meadow, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, And Li De and others moved with the Red First Army, and Luo Ruiqing clearly demanded that the peripheral vigilance of the central leaders be resolutely done to ensure absolute safety. After the Red First and Fourth Fronts met the divisions, they divided the left and right route armies to the north, and Zhang Guotao opposed the policy of going north and asked the troops to go south. Luo Ruiqing promptly convened a meeting of the cadres of the Security Bureau in Banyou and demanded that everyone obey the command of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission in all actions and resolutely follow the CPC Central Committee to the north.

Third, strive to take the initiative, resist the big rush to the forefront, and besiege the new security in North China

In Wayao Fort in northern Shaanxi, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a major decision in June 1936 to establish the Chinese Anti-Japanese Red Army University, and Luo Ruiqing was appointed chief of education. He studied and worked. After the Xi'an Incident, as a member of the CPC delegation, he accompanied Zhou Enlai, Qin Bangxian, and Ye Jianying in the handling of the Xi'an Incident. In the spring of 1937, the University of the Chinese Anti-Japanese Red Army was changed to the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and Luo Ruiqing was appointed as the education chief and vice president of the Anti-Japanese Army. Because Lin Biao, the president of the Kang Da University, was absent for a long time, especially after Lin Biao was injured in Pingxingguan, he went to the Soviet Union to recuperate, and it was Luo Ruiqing who actually presided over the work for a long time.

During the period of presiding over the work of kang da, a large number of intellectual young people from all over the country and even overseas flocked to Yan'an to study at kang da. This has replenished the Cpc And the Eighth Route Army with a steady stream of fresh blood and made them more vigorous. However, at this time, there was also the Incident of Huang Kegong shooting Liu Qian. Huang Kegong, who had been the political commissar of the regiment during the Red Army, served as the commander of the sixth brigade in 1938 at the Kang Da. Shortly after Huang Kegong and Liu Qian, a student of Northern Shaanxi Public School, established a romantic relationship, Liu Qian suddenly changed his mind, and the narrow-minded Huang Kegong lost his mind and shot and killed Liu Qian. After the case occurred, Luo Ruiqing listened carefully to the opinions of all sides, and he held that Huang Kegong was self-confident and meritorious, and he was lawless and must be punished according to law. Luo Ruiqing reported to the CPC Central Committee the opinions of the Kang Da Party organization and the reaction of the masses, and the CPC Central Committee quickly approved the execution of Huang Kegong according to law.

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In May 1936, Luo Ruiqing was appointed as the chief of education of the Chinese Anti-Japanese Red Army University, and took a group photo with the teaching cadres during the inspection of the central Red Army instructors. The fourth from the left is Luo Ruiqing.

The handling of the event was well reflected. The broad masses of knowledgeable young people praised the Strict Discipline of the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army as the hope of the country and the nation. At the same time, Yan'an has also attracted more knowledgeable youth. In the third period of the Anti-Japanese War, the number of intellectual youth was 477, and by the fourth period, it had increased to more than 4,000. Luo Ruiqing said excitedly: "Resist the great resistance, the greater the resistance, the greater the resistance." On May 26, 1939, Mao Zedong pointed out in the article "Commemoration of the Third Anniversary of the Kang Da": "Why is kang da famous throughout the country and the world famous. It is precisely because it is the most revolutionary and progressive than other military schools, and the best able to fight for national liberation and social liberation. On June 20, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee decided to relocate schools such as Kang Da and Northern Shaanxi Public School to southeastern Jin. When conveying the decision of the CPC Central Committee, Luo Ruiqing pointed out that the advance of the Kang Da behind enemy lines shows that North China can not only launch guerrilla warfare, but also run schools. Anti-communist elements and friction experts slandered the Eighth Route Army for propaganda in the rear, and the anti-Japanese war on the front line not only gave them a slap in the face, but also proved to the Japanese Kou that the spirit of the outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese nation can never be defeated.

Except for a small number of personnel who formed the Third Branch of kang da to stay in northern Shaanxi, the rest of the personnel were organized into the fifth column of the Eighth Route Army, with Luo Ruiqing as commander and political commissar, and Cheng Fangwu, director of the Northern Shaanxi Public School, as deputy commander. The four brigades of the Kang Da were renamed the First to Fourth Regiments, the Northern Shaanxi Public School, and the Lu Xun Art School into independent brigades, with a total of more than 5,000 people in the whole column. On July 10, under the leadership of Luo Ruiqing, the anti-Great Eastward March team embarked on a journey. This eastward march, which lasted for half a year, passed through more than 30 counties in Shaanxi, Shanxi and Hebei provinces, traveled more than 1,500 kilometers, and crossed the tongpu and Zhengtai railway blockade lines, which was called the Small Long March.

Soon after arriving at the anti-Japanese front, Luo Ruiqing became the director of the Field Political Department of the Eighth Route Army and participated in the huge Battle of the Hundred Regiments. Not only has he demonstrated outstanding talent in political work, but he has also been flexible and mobile in operational command. In May 1942, the Japanese army of 25,000 people, divided into 7 roads, carried out an "iron wall encirclement" of the northern bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, under the hard cover of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division, broke through in three directions: west, north, and south. Peng Dehuai highlighted the siege, while Zuo Quan and several cadres at the headquarters died heroically in the breakthrough. Luo Ruiqing and several other cadres were still surrounded by Japanese troops. In the face of the advancing Japanese army, Lu Yi Principal Chen Tiegeng excitedly said to Luo Ruiqing: "Director Luo, the devils have been pressed under our noses, we live and die together, and fight with them!" Luo Ruiqing looked at the excited soldiers and cadres and said affectionately: "Comrades, we live and die together, and life and death are the same, which does not mean that we will die together." Dispersing the breakouts is our only way out. "After the fragmentation, the passive situation was gradually reversed. After a month of bitter fighting, the Japanese army finally withdrew to the stronghold in ashes.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Luo Ruiqing was appointed deputy political commissar of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region and arrived in The newly liberated city of Zhangjiakou in September 1945. After our Party and the Kuomintang reached an armistice agreement, Luo Ruiqing was appointed chief of staff of the CPC delegation of the "Military Investigation Office Executive Department." In the course of the joint attack of the Jinsui Military Region and the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region on Datong and Jining, in the face of Fu Zuoyi's troops, Luo Ruiqing promptly sent a report to the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region to the Central Military Commission: The Tun troops were under the fortified city, they could not attack for a long time, the troops were scattered, and it would be difficult to deal with Fu Zuoyi's reinforcements. As a result, as Luo Ruiqing said, the enemies in Datong and Jining were not easy to deal with, and the front-line commanders were eager to win and dispersed their forces, resulting in the defeat of the Battles of Datong and Jining.

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In June 1947, Luo Ruiqing was appointed as the first political commissar of the newly established Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army, and Yang Dezhi was appointed commander. Group photo with the leaders of the field army, from right: Geng Biao, Luo Ruiqing, Yang Dezhi, Yang Chengwu, Pan Zili.

After humbly summing up the lessons, the Jin-Cha-Ji forces turned to a counter-offensive in 1947. In the newly formed Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army, Liu Shaoqi and Zhu De recommended Luo Ruiqing to serve as the first political commissar. In a telegram to the CPC Central Committee, Zhu De praised him as an "outstanding cadre here" and "capable of training in peacetime and commanding in wartime." In the ensuing battle, Luo Ruiqing and Commander Yang Dezhi jointly launched the famous Battle of Zhengtai, the Battle of Qingcang, and the Battle of Baobei. In the Battle of Qingfengdian, he led his troops to pretend to attack Xushui, resist the reinforcements, and the main force went south, and completely annihilated Luo Lirong, the commander of the Kuomintang 3rd Army, who was trying to attack the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army, and captured the commander of the army, Luo Lirong. This battle fundamentally reversed the situation in North China, and the Cpc Central Committee praised this battle as "setting a new record for the annihilation of Jin-Cha-Ji."

Not long after Luo Ruiqing led his troops to create a "precedent for seizing a large city" in Shijiazhuang, the CPC Central Committee decided to form the North China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the North China People's Government, and the North China Military Region. Nie Rongzhen was the commander of the military region, Bo Yibo was the political commissar, and Luo Ruiqing was the director of the political department. In the Battle of Pingjin, the 2nd Corps of the North China Field Army, of which Luo Ruiqing was the political commissar, successfully completed the task of besieging and annihilating the 35th Army of the Kuomintang Army in Xinbao.

Facing Fu Zuoyi's ace 35th Army, the main force of the 2nd Corps crossed the Great Ocean River in ice water and rushed north in the darkness. My hero's 12th Brigade took the lead in firmly "fixing" the 35th Army on the new security. After encircling the 35th Army, Luo Ruiqing resolutely carried out the order of the CPC Central Committee to "encircle and not fight", and he happily said to commander Yang Dezhi: "This pot of rice is cooked in the end." A staff officer interjected: "This pot of yam eggs is going to be boiled." Luo Ruiqing waved his hand and said, "You only saw the 'yam egg', which Chairman Mao boiled in that pot, but there are both the sea of Tianjin, the mountains of Peiping, and the golden hall of the 'emperor'!" "The siege and attack on the new security forces did play an irreplaceable role in the entire situation in North China, especially in the victory of the Battle of Pingjin.

Fourth, the world is at peace, the Minister of Public Security creates tranquility, and the Chief of the General Staff works day and night

On the occasion of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai approached Luo Ruiqing and asked him to become minister of public security. Luo Ruiqing, on the other hand, still had to go south with his army and liberate all of China. Zhou Enlai told him that becoming minister of public security was the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Mao Zedong also explained to him that making him minister of public security was the need of the development of the situation. As a result, Luo Ruiqing became the first minister of public security of the republic.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, society was extremely unstable. The remnants of the Kuomintang reactionaries are not willing to be defeated in the end and are still fighting back in a frenzied manner; some goons and bullies and bandits are even taking advantage of the rebirth of the republic to commit crimes; and the ugly phenomena that remain in the old society, such as brothels, casinos, and tobacco houses, are still endangering the health and tranquility of society. After the establishment of the Ministry of Public Security, Luo Ruiqing demanded that public security departments at all levels work with the PLA in the rural areas to suppress bandits and oppose hegemony and strengthen control over anti-bad elements; in cities, they should pay close attention to cleaning up the remnants of the Kuomintang and mobilize them to turn themselves in with a powerful policy offensive; they should resolutely crack down on hooligans and bandits who dare to take advantage of the opportunity to carry out illegal and criminal activities; and resolutely ban reactionary activities that endanger society, such as reactionary meetings and daomen. In just three months, Beijing Registered 3,533 secret agents and 3,243 reactionaries, seized 98 guns, and basically eliminated reactionary party organizations.

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In July 1949, Luo Ruiqing was appointed Minister of Public Security of the Central Military Commission.

Throughout the country, a total of 110,000 backbone members, secret agents, and reactionary officers of reactionary party groups were registered. In 13 major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, nearly 6,000 bandits were arrested, and the number of bandit cases in various places dropped sharply. Some well-known gangs and hooligan gangs, such as The Golden Rong and Du Yuesheng gangs in Shanghai, and the "Three Birds and One Goose" and "Three Star Regiments" in Beijing, have been completely destroyed, and the public order situation in the whole country has improved significantly. The masses gave the best appraisal: "The people's government has done great things to the people in addition to great harm. ”

At this time, Luo Ruiqing, who was also the director of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, also took the lead in carrying out strict measures in Beijing to ban drugs, gambling, and close brothels. He pointed out that drug addiction, gambling, prostitution, prostitution, and so on are ugly phenomena left over from the old society, polluting the social atmosphere and environment, and poisoning the souls of the people, and the new society will never allow its existence. He personally mobilized in Beijing and reported to the CPC Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government. On the afternoon of November 21, 1949, a total of 2,400 cadres and public security officers and soldiers were dispatched in the city, and with the cooperation of civil affairs, women's federations and other relevant departments, all 224 brothels in the city were closed overnight, and 1,268 prostitutes were liberated. By 1952, the scourge of opium and other poisons that had plagued the Chinese people for more than 100 years had finally been eliminated, the phenomenon of gambling had been basically eliminated, the number of idle people had been greatly reduced, and the social atmosphere had fundamentally improved, presenting a beautiful scene of "peace in the world." Under the leadership of Luo Ruiqing, the Ministry of Public Security has also waged a resolute struggle against spies and spies at home and abroad, and has also scored great achievements in the work of reforming war criminals. The broad masses clapped their hands and applauded: the thousand-year-old glacier thawed, and the dead wood of ten thousand years turned blue. The old society turned people into ghosts, and the new society turned ghosts into people.

In September 1955, Luo Ruiqing was awarded the rank of General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Order of August 1st Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the First Class, and the Liberation Medal of the First Class. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was quite satisfied with the work of the Ministry of Public Security, and Mao Zedong often said humorously: "As long as The eldest son of Luo stops by my side, I feel very relieved." ”

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In September 1955, Luo Ruiqing accepted the order of Mao Zedong.

After the Lushan Conference, Luo Ruiqing was appointed secretary general of the Central Military Commission, chief of the general staff, and vice minister of national defense. After he arrived at the General Staff, he first organized elite troops and strong generals to revise the strategic policy, and then began to eliminate the rebellion in Tibet. After the rupture of Sino-Soviet relations, he went to the northeast, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places to inspect and deploy combat readiness. In the second half of 1960, he participated in the operation command of the Sino-Burmese border demarcation guard. In 1962, Luo Ruiqing actively implemented Mao Zedong's instructions and vigorously solved the problem of war preparedness along the southeast coast. In accordance with Mao Zedong's instructions and the operational policy formulated by the Central Military Commission, the Central Military Commission has organized and convened several working meetings to study and implement measures. The Central Military Commission has held many operational meetings to make specific arrangements. By the beginning of July, the readjustment and deployment of the army had been prepared, all branches of the armed forces were in place on time, and the land, navy, and air force along the southeast coast were even more strictly waiting. Chiang Kai-shek saw that the mainland was fully prepared and had to abandon the plan to counterattack the mainland.

In October 1962, the Indian army continued to launch large-scale armed invasions into China in the Sino-Indian border area. The Chinese army was forced to fight back in self-defense. The decision-makers in the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack operation were Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, and Luo Ruiqing, as chief of the general staff, was extremely busy at the most intense time of the battle, and it had reached the point of day and night. He temporarily arranged a war room in his residence, hung up the battle map, and the deputy commander-in-chief, the chief of operations, the secretary, and the combat staff officer came in and out, and the lights went on all night. All kinds of combat materials and battlefield information were promptly sent to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai to provide a basis for their decision-making; at the same time, their instructions were translated into orders and sent to the troops participating in the war. The Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack lasted for a month, and not only did the fight be reasonable, advantageous, and moderate, but also played a role in national prestige and military prestige. When Luo Ruiqing reported to Mao Zedong on the situation of the war and said that "one is not afraid of suffering, the other is not afraid of death," Mao Zedong said happily: In the past, Yue Fei said that in the past, civilian officials did not want money, military attaches were not afraid of death, and the world was at peace! Now our People's Liberation Army is that civilian officials do not want money, nor are they afraid of death, and military attaches are neither afraid of death nor money.

Fifth, life and death are in the same heart, just and righteous is not against Lin Biao, and the ambition is in a thousand miles

Lin Biao and Luo Ruiqing first clashed in June 1961. At that time, Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan, who presided over the work of the Central Military Commission, had a disagreement on how to study Chairman Mao's writings. Luo Ronghuan advocated learning positions, viewpoints and methods, while Lin Biao insisted on "learning with problems" and "memorizing aphorisms". In the debate over this issue, Lin Biao believed that Luo Ruiqing was on Luo Ronghuan's side, and finally threw a tantrum at Luo Ruiqing.

In the autumn of 1962, Lin Biao again said that he could not get sick. Mao Zedong decided that While Lin Biao was recuperating from illness, He Long would preside over the daily work of the Central Military Commission. Mao Zedong also repeatedly instructed Luo Ruiqing to ask He Long for instructions in case of trouble. Since then, Luo Ruiqing has often inspected the troops with He Long and participated in various meetings and foreign affairs activities. In this regard, Lin Biao was also quite dissatisfied. He believes that Luo Ruiqing's proximity to Luo Ronghuan and He Long is to "praise others and follow others", and to treat Luo "as another Peng (Dehuai) Huang (Kecheng)".

While Lin Biao was paying close attention to Luo Ruiqing's words and deeds, Luo Ruiqing still proceeded from the overall situation of army building, vigorously grasped military training, extensively carried out and popularized Guo Xingfu's teaching method, and set off a climax of military training.

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In September 1962, Luo Ruiqing participated in the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission held in Guangzhou. From left: Luo Ruiqing, Chen Yi, Nie Rongzhen, Liu Bocheng, Xu Xiangqian, Lin Biao, Tao Zhu, He Long, Ye Jianying, Luo Ronghuan.

After that, Luo Ruiqing and Lin Biao had many disputes over the time allocation of military training and political and ideological work. On May 2, 1965, when Luo Ruiqing went to Shanghai to report to Lin Biao, Lin Biao took out the "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" and the Party Constitution, and after reading to Luo Ruiqing the chapter on strengthening organizational discipline, announced to Luo Ruiqing the so-called "strengthening ventilation and abiding by organizational principles" and other five "regulations." Lin Biao's deliberate difficulties made Luo Ruiqing walk on thin ice when dealing with his relationship with Lin Biao. In early August, in accordance with Lin Biao's regulations, he traveled from Beidaihe to Lin Biao in Dalian to "ventilate.". At that time, Luo Ruiqing braved the bad weather of the storm to fly to Dalian to report to Lin Biao, including drafting "Long Live the Victory of the People's War" for Lin Biao. Lin Biao was polite on the surface, but soon after Luo Ruiqing left, he declared that he was ill and asked Luo Ruiqing not to "ventilate" again within two months.

Two months later, Lin Biao still refused to receive Luo Ruiqing. Helplessly, Luo Ruiqing had to change to a written "ventilation". On November 18, Lin Biao issued the "Five Principles for the Work of the Whole Army in 1966", proposing: "We must greatly emphasize giving prominence to politics. Behind the prominent politics, Lin Biao also took the opportunity to rectify Luo Ruiqing, and he made a six- or seven-hour report to Mao Zedong to inform Luo Ruiqing of his complaint. On December 18, an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee was held in Shanghai, at which Ye Qun made three speeches to "expose" Luo Ruiqing, and printed and distributed Lin Biao's letter of complaint and 11 materials collected by Ye Qun and others as meeting documents. This meeting also officially opened the curtain on the approval of Dou Luo Ruiqing.

From the Shanghai Conference to the "Jingxi Hotel Conference" in March 1966, from back-to-back criticism to face-to-face struggle, from the initial "anti-Lin Biao" to "anti-Chairman Mao", and finally Luo Ruiqing had a series of crimes: "ambitionist", "hypocrite", "serf master", "agent of the emperor's rebellion", and even "anti-Mao Zedong Thought". As Mao Zedong's best guard, saying that he wanted to usurp the party and usurp the army and oppose Chairman Mao was an unacceptable shame and humiliation for Luo Ruiqing. Luo Ruiqing, who has always been upright, simply could not accept such insults. Luo Ruiqing, who was extremely angry, actually jumped from the platform on the third floor. However, Luo Ruiqing, who broke his leg, once again had a great difficulty not to die, while Lin Biao believed that Luo Ruiqing was "cutting himself off from the party and cutting himself off from the people."

Luo Ruiqing, a general who had many miraculous difficulties and did not die, and Lin Biao were unjustly criticized for many controversies, and were highly regarded by the leaders of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping

◆ In November 1965, Luo Ruiqing accompanied Mao Zedong in Shanghai to receive the military delegation of the Kingdom of Cambodia. This was the last time Luo Ruiqing accompanied Mao Zedong to receive foreign guests.

After Luo Ruiqing fell, he was immediately admitted to the hospital and hospitalized for 9 months. Even during his hospitalization, Lin Biao did not give up, but continued to go online. On May 18, 1966, Lin Biao upgraded Luo Ruiqing, along with Peng Zhen, Lu Dingyi, and Yang Shangkun, to an "anti-party clique." At the end of June, the central organs held a huge conference to denounce the "four major families of Peng, Luo, Lu and Yang". At the end of December, a group of Red Guards broke into the Beijing hospital and abducted Luo Ruiqing. Since then, Luo Ruiqing has been subjected to inhuman guardianship, even if he sleeps, he must turn on the lamp, his face must be facing the guard, and he will be reprimanded as soon as he turns over. Subsequently, it was a small fight in three days and a big fight in five days. These fights will be more fanatical than the other, and the crueler than the other. Since Luo Ruiqing's left leg was not healed and he could not walk up the steps, the rebels put him in the basket and dragged him to the stage.

Luo Ruiqing was not only subjected to one criticism after another, but also had to be subjected to endless "interrogation", and he even learned to fight against the so-called special task force skillfully and resolutely. Sometimes he used ironclad facts and sharp analysis to dismiss the "interrogators" into silence, and sometimes he calmly punished the small actions and slanders of the guards who regarded him as enemies. In July 1968, Mao Zedong personally approved Luo Ruiqing's hospitalization, and the 301 Hospital had already made an operation plan. However, Lin Biao and his gang viciously instructed the special task force to write in the report: At present, in order to seize the time to conduct uninterrupted interrogation and struggle against Luo Ruiqing, it is recommended that Luo Ruiqing's operation be postponed until after the autumn cool. However, it was not until early 1969 that Luo Ruiqing's left calf was amputated by a third, and then the femoral head was mistakenly removed.

After leaving the hospital, Luo Ruiqing was still in custody and began to write an autobiography, in which he wrote: "From the late night of December 20, 1966 to the present, my experience in the past three years or so has been: fighting, being tried, sitting in the classroom, and writing materials. Of course I am very bitter in these aspects, and there are many grievances! But he still had one heart with the party and firmly stated: As long as I survive, I will always be a supporter of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong Thought.

After the "913 Incident", Lin Biao's name disappeared from the newspaper, and Luo Ruiqing's conditions in prison gradually improved. In November 1973, on the instructions of Mao Zedong, Luo Ruiqing's imprisonment was lifted. On December 21, Mao Zedong criticized himself at a conference that he had listened to Lin Biao's one-sided remarks and misclassified Luo Ruiqing and others. In 1975, with the support of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping presided over the work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Luo Ruiqing was appointed as an adviser to the Central Military Commission, determined to "be an old cadre worthy of following Chairman Mao for decades." On his 69th birthday, he reflected on his life and wrote: "A young defection to a feudal family, although the tribulations are flawless. The Jiang bandits slaughtered the criminals and the people were angry, and the blood of the martyrs was poured with red flowers. The revolution has not wasted its life, and it has been humiliating and exaggerated for twenty years. I am now crippled and old, and I am determined to be in a thousand miles. This little poem is the true portrayal of the life of the great general Luo Ruiqing!

In 1978, Luo Ruiqing died tragically.

This article is the original of "Party History Bocai"

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