
"Live, get a little fun" | Master Wang Zengqi's Insect Chronicle

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"Live, get a little fun" | Master Wang Zengqi's Insect Chronicle

Author: Wang Zengqi

Publisher: Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House


The people of Hebei call the pointed green grasshopper "hanging big flat child". The West River drum sings: "Hang the big flat child on the buckwheat leaf", this line has a strong sense of season. Why is it called "hanging big flat child"? I blame it for liking the name. Xu Wenchang once felt that its head could be dipped in ink to write and paint, which was a whimsical idea.

Pointed grasshoppers are very popular paintings by Chinese painters. It is rare that the grass worms have not been painted without painting grasshoppers. Qi Baishi and Wang Xuetao have both painted. I also painted when I was young, just because its form is very good to grasp, very good to draw.

The pointed grasshopper will fly and make a noise, and I don't know how it made this sound. Grasshoppers have elytra wings, and elytra have hymenoptera wings. The hymen wings are a faint pinkish red and are very good-looking.

We also have a "soil grasshopper" there, with a short body, a square head, a color like dirt, and black spots on its wings. This grasshopper, catch it, it spits out a bubble of brown saliva, very annoying.

What the Tianjin people call "grasshoppers" are actually locusts. Tianjin's "flapjack roll grasshopper" is rolled with roasted locust belly. The people of Hebei Province ridiculed the peasants for their inefficiencies, saying that they were "grasshoppers sneezing — full of crop gas", and they were also talking about locusts. Do grasshoppers sneeze? This is really a "bad change" cropper!

Small locusts are called flies. One year, my hometown was plagued by locusts, and before that, the streets were full of locusts, which looked really ominous.

Big Sister Flower

The ladybug fell down and folded its black silk petticoat, the membrane wings, smooth and slippery: the hard wings were folded and tightly sewn. Ladybugs are the most delicately made insects.

"Do" it? Who did it?

Oh, God.

Oh, God?

God made gadgets to play with his little granddaughter.

God's granddaughter?

oh. God said, "To you! Does it look good? ”

"Looks good!"


Ladybugs are the most beautiful of insects. Beijingers call it "Big Sister Flower", a good name!

Ladybug, vermilion, enamel-like hard wings with small black dots on them. Dots are fixed and cannot be blinded. Black dots, called "stars". There are seven-star ladybugs, fourteen-star ladybugs... With different stars, ladybugs are divided into two main categories. One is an aphid-eating insect, which is a beneficial insect; the other is a pest that eats the young leaves of potatoes. I said eat ladybugs with young potato leaves, can't you change the taste and eat aphids?


One by one, the dragonflies choose places to rest, and it is almost late. There is a kind of iron-colored dragonfly with narrow wings called "ghost dragonfly". Watching its model fly in the corner of the wall, I don't know what the reason is, and there is an unspeakable sadness in my heart.


My hometown is called "Called Worms". One is called "a bug". It's really "woo", like calling a donkey, and it is very noisy to call "ding". Feed it a little chili, and it's even more noisy.

One is called "autumn called grasshopper", the whole body is as green as glass, small and exquisite, and the sound is also soft.


It has become an adult thing. But the interest of adults is fighting, and our interest in catching crickets is probably even greater. Catching a cricket, I couldn't tell if the fine hairs on its neck were whether they were wawled green or cinnabar, whether its teeth were rice teeth or vegetable teeth, but I was still so happy.

Listen, Qu Qu Qu Qu With grass plucking, hand pickpocketing, water irrigation, poof, jump out. Gu Buluo took his hand, pounced, and chased after it. Sometimes I was playing well outside, and suddenly remembered that my crickets had not been fed, so I hurried home. Every time I eat a pear, a piece of lotus, a pomegranate, and a diamond, I have to give it a little. I was eating dinner when my crickets barked. I would hold up chopsticks and listen for half a day, and after listening to my father, I smiled and smiled, and I was very proud.


Some cicadas don't bark, we call them dumb. But dumb also has a way to play. Put two purslane petals to cover its eyes, which are just right, as if the purslane valves were born for this purpose to grow into such a small pocket, as soon as you let go, the dumb fly all the way up, never deflecting and turning.

One-horned cattle

At dinner, woo-hoo! A one-horned cow flew in and fell under the lamp. Knocked unconscious. With a gentle squeeze, it was pinched.

The unicorn is a hard beetle, which is probably the largest of the beetles, from head to toe, about two inches. The carapace was black and hard, with a rhinoceros-like horn at the tip of the head. This guy is the overlord of insects.

The strength of the one-horned cow is great. In the past, Beijing Longfu Temple had one-horned cattle for sale. Put a clay cart on it and pull it along.

What the scientific name is, I don't know.


There are often celestial bulls on the big weeping willows, sometimes one, two times more. They always seem to have something to do, the six feet keep moving, sometimes stopping, and what moves is two knotted tentacles. We thought that the celestial bull had one tentacle and it was one year old. Catching the celestial bull by hand is not how difficult the job is. This little creature is exactly like a well-educated gentleman, acting calmly, although it has wings, it never thinks of flying; even if it flies, it is not far. As soon as it caught, it squeaked and squeaked in disagreement, but the behavior was still gentle. The black ground and white spots of the Celestial Bull are the most numerous, and there are also extremely magnificent colors. One of them also seems to have a hint of rose scent.

Kowtow worm

I caught a kowtow and showed it to my children, thinking they didn't know it.

"Kowtows, we played with them when we were kids."

The kowtow worm's neck did not know how to have so much strength, pressing the back of its shoulder on the table, and it kept prostrating itself. Put it on its back facing the sky, it will be lucky for a while, and as soon as its neck is up, it will bounce back high, turn in the air, and land on the ground head-on.

Earth bees

For years I didn't see the earth bees. This stupid guy, I think it's also poking its ass around on the flowers, it's a bit unworthy, so I often fool it. Earth bees dig holes in the mud as a trap. Watch it drill a small hairy head out of the hole (that spirit is like a myopic eye looking east and west), hum, fly out, I sealed the hole with a little wet mud, dug it next to the original, waited, a moment, it dragged its stomach back, look for it, find the hole I dug, drill in, look, no, so in the four near big to find a breath, a look. Or, just watch it go into the hole, plug it with a branch, and watch it open a hole somewhere else and come out again. It was so easy that it was time to see the light of day, and the old gentleman sat down by the new gate to rest and blow the wind. There seemed to be a little anger in his expression, because by this time there was no sound.

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