
Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu


Pepper hooves

Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu

Ingredients & Ingredients:

Pig's trotters, conch, green pepper, marinade, red pepper, green pepper, pepper oil, ginger, shallots, raw garlic, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, salt, oyster sauce, corn starch, chili noodles


Cut the pig's trotters into small pieces, fly in the water, add the marinade to medium heat and cook for 30 minutes, then remove and set aside

After cleaning the snails, cut into slices, fish out the water control, heat the oil in a net pot and fry the chives, ginger and garlic, add water and spices and cook for 5 minutes, add the pig's trotters and soak for half an hour

Scoop out the pig's trotters and snails to beat the powder, put them in a frying pan and fry the pig's trotters to dry them, and then add the snails over the oil to fish out the oil control

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add green peppercorns and red peppers, green peppers and stir-fry, add pig's trotters and snails and stir-fry together, and stir-fry evenly out of the pan

Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu

The sheep are still fresh

Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu

Lamb, Yaozhu, ginger, shallots, mineral water, ginseng, millet pepper, very fresh, salt, white pepper, chicken powder, cooked ground, red dates

After the mutton is washed and set aside, Yaozhu soaks in water and reserves

Put the lamb and yaozhu into the saucepan, add the mineral water and add ginger and shallots to simmer until the lamb is 8 ripe

Simmer for about 2 hours over medium-low heat, then remove from the pan and plate

Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu

Dry gold tofu

Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu

Tender tofu, sprouts, sand ginger, beautiful and fresh, dark soy sauce, a poinsettia, bamboo salt, mushroom essence

Soak the tofu in light salt water and turn it into slices, using kitchen paper to absorb the moisture from the surface

Heat the tofu over medium heat and fry until the surface is golden and crispy, trim the corners and plate

Chop the buds, add salt and mushroom essence to taste, peel and chop the ginger and set aside

Pour hot oil into the seasoned bud crushed, then use the remaining hot oil to fry the chopped ginger, add salt, mushroom essence, a poinsettia, water, soy sauce, starch water, mix into a sauce, and then add the beautiful and fresh

Pour the mixed sand ginger sauce over the tofu on the plate and garnish with crushed sprouts after seasoning

Pepper hooves, sheep still fresh, dry golden tofu

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