
The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

author:Figure B
The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

"It hurts me to death, help, I can't be born!" Liu Hongqiong, a young mother on the delivery bed, was in pain and exhausted, and the doctor immediately found her husband and told him that the maternal reaction was relatively large and recommended a caesarean section. Liu Hongqiong's husband froze, full of worry instead of the joy of becoming a father. He thought about it for a long time, and felt that the caesarean section would hurt the fetus and his wife too much, and after thinking about it for a long time, he still made the decision to have a normal birth. But at this time, they did not know, because this difference in thought would lead to an irreparable tragedy. The picture shows little Lyotine crying.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

The picture shows Liu Hongqiong holding her son.

The wife cried out in pain during labor, and the husband insisted on giving birth smoothly

Liu Hongqiong, 35 years old from Qujing, Yunnan Province, although he and her current husband are married for the second time, but the relationship between the two has always been very harmonious. Soon after the marriage, Liu Hongqiong became pregnant, because there was bleeding during pregnancy, Liu Hongqiong began to be hospitalized to protect the fetus when she was 48 days pregnant, and since then, she has been hospitalized for fetal protection many times, and it is difficult to keep the child. In March 2019, Liu Hongqiong began to be hospitalized to prepare for childbirth, but because the fetus in her stomach was too large, she herself was very thin, and the child could not be born during childbirth, so for the sake of safety, the doctor recommended a caesarean section.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

However, when asking for the opinions of the family, Liu Hongqiong's husband felt that the caesarean section was very harmful to his wife, insisted on a smooth delivery, and eventually gave birth to a 4.63 kg son Qian Luting. After much hardship, she finally gave birth to a son, but her mother Liu Hongqiong found something wrong when she looked at the child. The newborn little Lu Ting was wrinkled, his body was still a little red, and his head was like a balloon filled with water, touching a pit. "Doctor, my child's head is so soft, it seems to have water in it." Liu Hongqiong touched her son's head and asked the doctor eagerly. The picture shows the little Lawting receiving rehabilitation.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

"This is caused by the squeezing of the birth canal when the child is born, and the child's head has some bruises, which will be slowly absorbed later." After listening to the doctor's words, Liu Hongqiong relaxed her mind slightly. After returning home, she would observe her son's head every day, and after about 1 month, Xiao Luting's head finally became the same as a normal child, and Liu Hongqiong thought that this was probably the doctor's stasis blood being absorbed. Not long after, because of her husband's work, Liu Hongqiong took her son, who had just turned a full moon, to Jiangsu with him. The picture shows the little Court playing.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

The picture shows Liu Hongqiong pushing her son to the hospital.

A family of three went out to work, and the child's symptoms made them panic

In order to live conveniently, a family of three rented a room in Jiangsu, during the day her husband went to work in the factory, and Liu Hongqiong took care of her son in a ten-square-meter rental house. After arriving in Jiangsu for more than a month, Xiao Luting has been crying and making trouble, how to coax is not good, and not long after, there were symptoms of vomiting, fever, and diarrhea, and he did not see any improvement for several days. Looking at her son who vomited up and down, Liu Hongqiong was so anxious that he couldn't eat or sleep. Then she took her child to the hospital for examination, and after going to many hospitals, she took her son to a children's hospital in Shanghai.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

After queuing up for examination, the doctor told Liu Hongqiong that the child was suffering from adenovirus, and his condition was more serious and needed hospitalization. Thinking that her son was a common cold, she immediately panicked, called her husband to let him hurry to the hospital, and then began to be hospitalized under the doctor's arrangement. After spending all the couple's savings, Xiao Luting's condition still did not improve, and Liu Hongqiong had to borrow another 30,000 yuan with his relatives. After spending more than 80,000 yuan for 18 days in the hospital, Xiao Luting was finally discharged from the hospital. The picture shows the doctor treating the little lawyer.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

The picture shows Liu Hongqiong wearing corrective shoes for her son.

I thought it was left-handed, but in fact, I was a troublemaker

After returning home, her husband worked odd jobs everywhere, while Liu Hongqiong took care of her son at home. As Xiao Luting grew up, when he was more than 1 year old, Liu Hongqiong found that his son's right hand and right foot were not very flexible, his right foot was always dragged when he was in a walker, and his right hand seemed to have no strength, and he could not grasp anything.

"The child may be left-handed, the left hand is good, the right hand is not good." Although Liu Hongqiong always had a little illusion in her heart, she was still very worried. The appearance of her son's head when he was born reappeared in front of her eyes, and she was terrified. Liu Hongqiong took her son to Kunming Children's Hospital nervously, but did not expect that after examination, Xiao Luting was diagnosed with right hemiplegia and cerebellar atrophy.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

"When the child was born, the nerves were compressed by the cerebral hemorrhage due to the squeeze of the birth canal, and now the congestion is dry and there is no way to do surgery, but can only be treated through rehabilitation training." The doctor's words hit Liu Hongqiong's head like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and what she was most worried about happened. Liu Hongqiong was suddenly stunned there. She did not expect that the bruises on the head of the child at birth would cause such serious consequences as hemiplegia. The picture shows the little Court playing.

"When I gave birth to him, I was afraid that Shun would not be able to produce it, and there would be accidents in the future, but I didn't expect it to be fulfilled." During the period when she got the test results, Liu Hongqiong washed her face with tears every night. "If I had had a caesarean section instead of a vaginal birth, wouldn't the child have been healthy and healthy?" Liu Hongqiong blamed herself, but no matter how much regret she regretted it, it would not help. Subsequently, Liu Hongqiong had to face the reality and follow the doctor's advice to take her son on a long road to recovery.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

The picture shows the little Law Ting receiving treatment.

Keep the clouds open, hoping for a glimmer of light

After recovering in the children's hospital for 2 months, not only did he spend all the borrowed money, but Xiao Luting's condition did not improve, his right hand and feet were not flexible, he also spoke unfavorably, and he had to be held by Liu Hongqiong wherever he went. The doctor told her that the rehabilitation cycle was very long, and there was no effect in a short period of time, but Liu Hongqiong's economic strength could not be sustained, and seeing that Xiao Luting's treatment was going to end without disease, one of Liu Hongqiong's cousins called and told her that qujing had a rehabilitation center with policy subsidies and could take the child there to try it.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

As if grasping the last straw, in June 2020, Liu Hongqiong came to Qujing with her son. She didn't know how long the treatment would last, and she rented a bedroom outside the hospital, ready for a protracted battle. Physics, homework, sensory system, language, cognition... Liu Hongqiong takes her son between various rehabilitation rooms every day. What made her happy was that after several months of systematic diagnosis and treatment, Xiao Luting's situation slowly improved. The picture shows the little Court playing.

"When I first came, I struggled to climb, but now I can take a few steps on my own, and I have a lot to say." Liu Hongqiong said happily. Liu Hongqiong will talk to her son every day, and normal children will talk and teach him once, but he must learn, Liu Hongqiong has to talk to him 10 times, 20 times, or even more. Behind the little improvement of the legal court is the 100% efforts of her mother Liu Hongqiong.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

The picture shows Liu Hongqiong dressing her son.

Hope is followed by despair

Every day, Liu Hongqiong got up at 6:30 to make breakfast, then woke up Lu Ting to massage his right right leg for an hour, then washed and ate, and left for the hospital at 8:40 to do rehabilitation training. At 5 p.m., after finishing the day's class, after returning home to eat, Liu Hongqiong took Lu Ting to the open space outside to practice walking, and then massaged his right and right legs before going to bed, and then went to wash his clothes and clean up the house when Lu Ting fell asleep. This is the trajectory of Liu Hongqiong's life in one day, without a day off. "I'm not afraid of suffering or tiredness, I'm just afraid of not seeing hope." As long as my son has a little progress, I feel that any hard work is worth it. Liu Hongqiong said.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

"The child's father has not returned home for more than two years after working outside, and originally had a salary of more than 4,000 a month, plus borrowed from relatives, and he could barely maintain the treatment of the court and the life of a family." Recently, because of the power ration, their factory work is less, and they only have a salary of 2,000 yuan per month, not only is life more tight, but the rehabilitation of the court has no money to continue. Liu Hongqiong's tone was confused. Even if he cut back on food and clothing, the husband's salary could no longer maintain his son's rehabilitation. The picture shows the foot of the little Lytine.

The wife was pregnant with a 9-pound baby, and the husband insisted on letting her have a smooth birth, and there was no regret after the birth of the child

"The recovery of more than a year has greatly improved his condition, which shows that rehabilitation is effective." But his right hand is still unable to take things, and his right foot is obviously dragged low when walking. I believe that as long as we persist in recovery, the child's right hand and right foot will definitely be better. Liu Hongqiong said, "When I gave birth to a child, because of the natural delivery, the child's cerebral hemorrhage became like this, and at that time I couldn't make a decision to hurt him for a lifetime." Now I just have to insist on rehabilitating my child no matter how difficult it is. Liu Hongqiong's eyes shone with determination. The picture shows Liu Hongqiong teaching his son to identify the card.

After reading the story of Liu Hongqiong's family, do you approve of her husband's decision? Welcome to comment on the message. Original works, it is strictly forbidden to reprint in any form, infringement will be investigated! #Photography Headlines ##图片故事 #

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