
Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

author:Splendid v Shandong

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Cold mix radish seedlings

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of radish seedlings, appropriate amount of kumquat, appropriate amount of black fungus, appropriate amount of carrot, appropriate amount of apple cider vinegar, appropriate amount of cold vinegar, appropriate amount of minced ginger, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of chili oil, and a little olive oil. Method 1: Wash the radish seedlings and wash the kumquats. 2: Rub the carrots into strips and slice the kumquat. 3: Put the radish seedlings, shredded carrots, black fungus (blanched water) and kumquat into the pot. 4. Add cold sauce and mix quickly. 5: First put the mixed cold radish seedlings into the dish. 6. Put other mixtures into the plate and the finished product can be served.

Pickled white radish slices

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

The ingredients required are as follows: 1 white radish, garlic, millet pepper, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, cold and white. The cooking steps are as follows: 1: Wash the radish, remove a piece of skin, cut into thick and evenly sliced slices, cut the millet pepper into rings, and cut the garlic into garlic slices for later. Place the sliced radish in a container, put the right amount of salt and the right amount of sugar, stir well and marinate for 30 minutes. 2: Drain the marinated water and squeeze out the water stored in the radish. Put the processed radish in a large bowl and put the garlic slices, chilli rings. Then pour in six spoonfuls of light soy sauce, three spoons of balsamic vinegar, two spoonfuls of sugar, and an appropriate amount of cold white, stirring well. Close the lid, put it in the refrigerator for a night, and eat it the next morning!

Fried fungus with Dutch beans

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: Hollandaise beans, black fungus, garlic, oil, oyster sauce, salt, sugar Recipe 1, pick and wash the hollandaise beans and drain. 2: Wash the black fungus after soaking. 3: Cut the garlic into small pieces. 4: Heat the oil in a hot pan, add garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the beans and stir-fry evenly. 5: Stir-fry the black fungus and add oyster sauce, salt and sugar to taste. 6: Cook a little water, stir-fry quickly over high heat, and the surface of the fried hollandaise beans will change color evenly before being put out of the pot and plated.

Braised striped fish

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients with 2 fish, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 2 tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, salt, cooking wine, green onion and ginger, 1 chives, ginger slices, garlic slices, 3 or 4 dried red peppers, 1 tsp peppercorns, dried flour, cooking oil 1, clean the fish, cut into segments, add salt, cooking wine and sliced green onion and ginger, grasp and marinate for 30 minutes; 2, cut the chives into green onions and cut into 2 parts; ginger and garlic slices; dried red pepper and pepper are wiped clean and set aside; cooking wine is 2 tbsp, soy sauce is 2 tbsp, Put 2 tsp of soy sauce and 1 tsp of sugar into a small bowl and mix it into a sauce for later; 3, pick up the shallots and ginger from the marinated fish, and evenly wrap a layer of dry flour; 4, add the appropriate amount of cooking oil to the hot pot, burn until it is 60% or 70% hot, shake off the excess flour with the fish pieces, and put it into the oil pan; 5, fry until both sides are golden brown, fish out the drainage oil for later; 6, leave a little oil in the pot, add half of the green onion and ginger garlic slices, and heat it to produce the aroma; 7, add the dried red pepper and peppercorns, and continue to sauté until the pepper is dark jujube red; 8, put in the striped fish, And cook the sauce at the same time, turn it upside down; 9, add an appropriate amount of boiling water, not more than 1/3 of the fish nuggets, turn to high heat to boil; 10, when the soup is nearly thick, sprinkle the other half of the green onion, out of the pot.

Snowflake mushroom chicken soup

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: 1 chicken, snowflake mushrooms, a small amount of goji berries, 1 green onion, a piece of ginger, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, salt to taste. Directions: 1. Prepare a turkey. 2: Soak the snowflake mushrooms 2 hours in advance, cut a piece of ginger into ginger slices, 1 green onion knot, a small amount of goji berries, and a little coriander. 3: Clean and treat the chicken, chop into small pieces, rinse with water and drain. 4: Pour enough cold water into the pot, add a little ginger slices of chicken nuggets, bring 1 spoonful of cooking wine to a boil, skim off the floating powder. 5: Remove the foam from the washed surface. 6: Put it in a casserole dish and add the soaked and washed snowflake mushrooms, goji berries, green onion knots and ginger slices. 7: Pour in water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium-low heat and simmer. 8, at least stew for about 2 hours, chicken can be easily penetrated with chopsticks, the time can be appropriately extended, the soup becomes thick and fragrant, add salt out of the pot. 9, fragrant chicken soup is ready, delicious and not greasy, nutritious and delicious, adults and children love to drink. 10, put out, sprinkle with a little coriander, add enough water at a time when cooking soup, do not add water in the middle, the chicken soup itself is very fresh, and finally only need to add salt to taste it.

Farmhouse small stir-fried meat

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: pork belly 100g; lean meat 200g; accessories: large green pepper 100g; chicken essence 8g; soy sauce 12g; vegetable oil 50g; thirteen spices 3g; salt 4g method: 1, pork belly, lean meat slices, large green pepper patted after chopping, garlic slices; 2, pot on high heat, pour vegetable oil, put pork belly fried; 3, add green pepper, garlic slices sautéed; 4, add lean meat slices, soy sauce, chicken essence, salt, thirteen spices, stir-fry until cooked and plated.

Scrambled eggs with black fungus

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 handful of black fungus, 1 green pepper, oil and salt to taste. Method: 1, soaked black fungus, tear into a moderate size by hand, green pepper cut into pieces and set aside 2, add oil to the pot, burn to 70% heat, pour in the sprinkled egg liquid, quickly stir-fry, fry until both sides are golden, out of the pot for later. 3, 3, add a little oil to the pot, the black fungus under the pot, stir-fry over medium heat, when you hear the black fungus making a crackling sound, add the pepper and stir-fry together. 4: When the pepper changes color slightly, add salt and scrambled eggs, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pan

Roasted chicken nuggets with apricot abalone mushrooms

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: 1 large chicken thigh, 2 apricot abalone mushrooms, chili pepper, ginger, garlic cloves, cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, white sugar, salt Recipe: 1, chicken thighs washed with belt bone chopped into small pieces, apricot abalone mushrooms cut into hob pieces, pepper cut into pieces; cut the chicken legs again, add the right amount of cooking wine, pepper, salt and mix well and marinate; 2, burn oil in the pot, add ginger and garlic slices to fry, put in the chicken nuggets and fry them slightly; add soy sauce, oyster sauce, white sugar a spoonful, turn the seasoning and add a bowl of water, bring to a boil, boil on high heat, Cover the pot and simmer over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes

Stir-fried winter melon with tomatoes

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Ingredients: 100 grams of winter melon, 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon of salad oil, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 piece of spring onion Method: 1. Peel and cut into small pieces of winter melon, tomatoes are washed and chopped, chopped on spring onion 2. Put salad oil in the pot, pour the winter melon slices into a hot pot, stir-fry a few times 3. Add tomato pieces, add the right amount of water 4. Add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of chicken essence, stir-fry evenly 5. Finally sprinkle with green onion to get out of the pot and plate

Garlic minced eggplant strips

Delicious recommendations: Pickled white radish slices, braised striped fish, snowflake mushroom chicken soup, farmhouse small stir-fried meat preparation

Appropriate amount of eggplant, june fragrant bean paste, minced meat, garlic, rice vinegar, sugar, pepper, chicken essence, cooking wine. Recipe 1: Wash and cut the eggplant into segments, then cut into four parts into strips. 2, put more oil in the pot, first fish out the eggplant over the oil. 3: Add a small amount of oil left in the pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add minced meat and stir-fry. 4: Add 2 tablespoons of cooking wine and 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, and then 2 tablespoons of June fragrant watercress sauce. 5: Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, add a little chopped pepper, sauté a few times and evenly. 6: Stir-fry the eggplant in oil a few times, add some chicken essence and green onion.

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