
To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: About the things we eat and drink

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To buy hairtail fish for the Chinese New Year, to buy a narrow one or to buy a wide one? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

When it comes to seafood, we have to mention hairtail. My hometown Hubei is an inland area, 30 years ago there was very little seafood, the first time I ate seafood, is the Chinese New Year to catch the big market, my mother spent 3 yuan to buy me a big hairtail, at that time only a few cents a catty, really cheap. Even now, hairtail is one of the cheapest seafood, at a fraction of the price of crab and prawns.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

Therefore, many inland people love to eat hairtail, which is inexpensive and has high nutritional value, rich in protein, calcium, lecithin, etc., which can supplement nutrition and enhance immunity, and is a delicacy suitable for all ages. Although the hairtail fish is cheap, if you don't know how to buy it, it is easy to buy "bad goods", it is not delicious to eat, and the meat is firewood.

Everyone found that no, the same hairtail fish, but the difference is very large, for example, the eyes have "black" and "yellow", and the body shape also has "wide" and "narrow", which one should you buy? According to my years of experience, the difference is very big, and it is not delicious to buy the wrong one, so today I will share how to buy hairtail. As long as you keep these tips in mind, you can easily buy a good deal without spending money on it.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

Is it "wide" or "narrow" to buy a hairtail?

Many people should think that it is better to buy wide, there is more wide meat, and it is enjoyable to eat, is this really the case? Let's start by understanding the differences.

First, the origin of "there are south and north"

The sea area of the mainland is vast, with a coastline of 32,000 kilometers, and the coastal areas produce hairtail fish, so there is a difference between southern hairtail fish and northern hairtail fish.

The water temperature in the northern sea is low, so the hairtail produced is "cold-water hairtail". Hairtail grows slowly in cold water, so it is on the small side, with a body length of less than 1 meter, which is relatively narrow, and the eyes are also black.

The water temperature in the southern sea is high, and the hairtail fish produced is "warm water hairtail". Due to the high temperature, the hairtail grows relatively quickly, the size is relatively large, the body width is more than 3 fingers, and the eyes are generally yellow.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

Second, the meat is tender and woody

In addition to the large difference in body size, there is also a big difference in meat quality between the north and south.

Although the northern hairtail fish grown in cold water is small and narrow, the meat is relatively tender and the fishy smell is relatively small, making it very delicious.

Although the southern hairtail fish grown in warm water is large and the meat is very thick, the taste is firewood and the fishy smell is relatively large, which is not as good as the northern hairtail.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

How to distinguish between southern and northern hairtail? Keep these 3 points in mind to ensure that you won't buy wrong.

1. Look at the fish's eyes and dorsal fin: the northern hairtail fish has black eyes, and the dorsal fin is silvery-white; The southern hairtail is yellow-eyed, and the dorsal fin is pale yellow.

2. Look at the fish head: the fish head of the northern hairtail is small, and the fish head of the southern hairtail fish is large, after all, the size difference is relatively large.

3. Look at the length and width: the northern ribbon fish is generally not more than 60 cm, and the body width is not more than 3 fingers; Southern hairtail fish is generally about 1 meter and has a body width of more than 4 fingers.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

Through comparison, it can be found that the narrow-haired ribbon fish with black eyes is more delicious, the meat is more tender, the taste is more delicious, and the natural price is more expensive. The better hairtail fish in the market, Zhoushan hairtail is recommended, whether it is braised or steamed, it is delicious. But the name of Zhoushan hairtail fish is very big, and there are many fakes on the market, so you must keep your eyes open and pay attention to the place of origin when buying.

Whether it is a wide ribbon fish or a narrow ribbon fish, it is fresh and the most delicious, how can you choose fresh ribbon fish? It is necessary to keep in mind the "4 do not buy" and ensure that you do not suffer losses.

Ribbon fish 4 do not buy

1. Don't buy hairtail with gray fish eyes

Fresh hairtail with clear and translucent eyes and very plump. If it is not fresh, the fish's eyes will be gray, cloudy, foggy, and sunken.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

2. Don't buy hairtail fish with a large amount of silver grease falling off

Fresh hairtail with a silver grease (a layer of unsaturated fat, good for the body) on the surface is firm and does not fall off easily. If it is left for a long time, this layer of silver grease will fall off, and the more it falls off, the less fresh it is.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

3. Don't buy hairtail with peculiar smell

Fresh hairtail has a faint fishy smell, which is normal, if the fishy smell is relatively large, it means that it is not fresh. If you smell a pungent smell, it means that it is a hairtail treated with medicated water, so don't buy it.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

4. Don't buy hairtail fish with thick ice

The hairtail in the market is chilled, and it is kept fresh with ice cubes immediately after it is caught, so the thinner the ice on the surface, the fresher the hairtail. If the ice on the surface is thick, it means that it has been frozen for a long time.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

If you buy a good hairtail, how do you make it delicious? Share a dish of [sweet and sour hairtail fish], sweet and sour appetizing, loved by all ages.

Prepare hairtail, ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, tomato paste, starch, and cooking oil.

1. Clean the hairtail, cut it into long sections, add ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, soy sauce and salt, mix evenly with your hands, and marinate for half an hour. Add soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, tomato paste, water, and starch to a bowl and stir with a spoon to make a sauce.

2. Heat oil in the pot, wrap the marinated hairtail segment with thin starch, fry it in the pot until the color is golden on both sides, add green onion and ginger to stir-fry, pour in the prepared sauce and stew for 10 minutes, and finally reduce the juice over high heat, turn off the heat after the soup is thick, and sprinkle with chopped green onions after serving.

To buy hairtail, to buy "narrow" or "wide"? The difference is very big, figure it out and don't spend money in vain

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