
10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

author:Bonnie White

#我的花样生话 #

Fast-paced life, fast-paced work, breakfast rushed into our mouths in the gaps between traffic jams and subway roads, tasteless work meals at noon and fast food full of gutter oil suspects make our quality of life deteriorate day by day. Since the large number of food additives and gutter oil incidents in China, the people's livelihood issue of food safety has once again been taken seriously, and takeaway has made more and more people feel insecure.

Because some companies have equipped employees with refrigerators and microwave ovens, the number of people with rice families has been increasing. Since you have chosen to bring rice, it is natural to consider whether the dish itself is easy to deteriorate and whether the color and aroma of the dish after being heated in the microwave have changed. Fish, seafood and fresh greens are not suitable for overnight microwave heating. Leftover dishes, especially overnight dishes, due to the many chopsticks stirring and after an overnight salting, the content of nitrite will be higher, and the nutrients of the leftovers themselves will also be lost. Therefore, if you consider bringing food to the unit the next day, you must do a good job of quality preservation and freshness in advance.

Since the epidemic last year, Mr. Jiang has not eaten much lunch provided by the unit, and he brings his own meal for about four days a week. So every night after making a meal, I will immediately put out part of each dish separately, cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate it. I bought him an electric heated bento box, plugged it in about half an hour after work, and while others were still hungry waiting for a hard work meal, he could enjoy his delicious food leisurely.

This is a home-cooked dish from my family, and it is also a dish that Mr. Jiang orders every three to five minutes. This dish snow vegetables and shredded meat are the protagonists, and I sometimes change the side dishes inside, such as russet, cucumber, green beans, corn kernels and so on.

Preparation Method:

Ingredients: potatoes Sherry Dried Tofu Edamame A small piece of pork A small red pepper

Seasoning: cooking oil Salt White sugar Soy sauce Ginger minced garlic puree Green onion

Preparation: 1. Wash potatoes, sherry, red pepper and pork and set aside

10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

2. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and steam them first while making other preparations

10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

3. After the pot is hot in oil, put some ginger minced meat, add soy sauce, cooking wine, a little salt and sauté until cooked, leave the soup oozing from the fried meat for later.

10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

4. Put the edamame in a pot and cook

10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

5. Put in the snow vegetables and dried beans, add a small amount of salt and water and stir-fry evenly, cover and simmer for about two minutes

10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

6. Finally, put the shredded meat and steamed potatoes together in the pot, add the minced garlic and millet spicy, put some sugar to freshen, sprinkle some green onions and you can get out of the pot.

10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat
10 minutes to make a delicious lunch suitable for bento - spicy sherry edamame stir-fried shredded meat

The ingredients are very simple, the preparation method is very simple, the various ingredients are nutritionally matched, and the ten minutes of achievement are delicious. At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, when others are still hungry waiting for takeaways or worrying about the company's unpalatable work meals, you can enjoy a delicious and hearty lunch. Hurry up and prepare this bento for yourself and your dear TA filled with the taste of happiness.

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