
Food recommendation: Hakka ginger chicken, fragrant pot old tofu, secret bullfrog preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Hakka ginger chicken, fragrant pot old tofu, secret bullfrog preparation method

Hakka chicken with ginger sauce


1, the earth rooster slaughtered and cleaned, take about 1500 grams of chicken, chop into small pieces down into a cold water pot, cook for 10 minutes on low heat to remove the blood water, fish out and set aside.

2, put spice vegetable oil, soybean oil into the pot 200 ml each, after heating, under the oil watercress 150 grams, Pixian fine watercress sauce 100 grams, fry for 2 minutes before adding 300 grams of minced ginger and 200 grams of minced garlic, stir-fry until crispy, add chicken pieces, stir-fry for about 5 minutes, mix in the appropriate amount of fresh soup to boil, and then turn to low heat to continue cooking.

3: Take aged vinegar, chicken powder, monosodium glutamate, sugar, soy sauce and water starch, mix into a bowl and set aside.

4: Cook the chicken until it is cooked thoroughly, pour it into a bowl and stir well, wait for the green onion to burn for a while, then it can be put out of the pot and put on the plate.

Operation Essentials:

1, the amount of bottom oil should be large, so that it is more fragrant to fry.

2, the amount of minced garlic should be slightly less than the minced ginger, this is because the garlic flavor can not be robbed of the limelight of ginger.

3, the amount of vinegar should also be moderate, the finished product should be sour weaker than ginger spicy taste is better.

Since ginger chicken has a little more oil and soup, after eating chicken, you can also go back to the pot and add noodles to cook, making a rich ginger sauce noodles.

Spice vegetable oil:

When the net pot is boiled with vegetable oil until it is 40% or 50% hot, add fragrant leaves, cumin, cardamom, star anise, grass fruits and ginger pieces, soak and fry for 20 minutes, filter, and then get the spice vegetable oil.

Oil watercress:

When the pot is heated to 30% in vegetable oil, stir-fry the coarse bean paste first, and add peppercorn powder, chicken powder, sugar, cardamom powder, cumin powder, cinnamon powder, star anise powder, etc. together until sautéed until fragrant.

Food recommendation: Hakka ginger chicken, fragrant pot old tofu, secret bullfrog preparation method

Fragrant pot of old tofu


Old tofu, lard, dried chili, millet spicy, pork belly, salt, soy sauce, garlic seedlings.


1: Cut the old tofu into slices and press into a pressure cooker for 10 minutes before taking it out.

2: Put the lard in the net pot, and sauté the dried chili pepper festival, millet pepper festival and pork belly slices until fragrant

3: Mix an appropriate amount of fresh soup and add old tofu, add salt and soy sauce to adjust the taste

4: Simmer for 20 minutes, sprinkle garlic seedlings, and put it in a hot stone pot.

Food recommendation: Hakka ginger chicken, fragrant pot old tofu, secret bullfrog preparation method

Secret bullfrogs

Ingredients: Bullfrog 500 g

Accessories: 100 grams each of cucumber and enoki mushrooms, 800 grams of broth boiled in advance

Seasoning: 30 grams of homemade spicy oil, 20 grams of cane pepper oil, 30 grams of green beauty pepper, 20 grams of peppercorns, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate and chicken powder.


1, bullfrog clean, change the knife into 3 cm long, 1 cm wide small pieces, after the basin humidified starch 20 grams, cooking wine 15 grams, monosodium glutamate, white pepper 5 grams each, salt 2 grams of grasping and marinating for 10 minutes, and then add 5 grams of rattan pepper oil and mix well.

2, cucumber washed and peeled, change the knife into a finger thickness of the long strip; Wash the mushrooms and remove the roots. The two are cooked in boiling water, fished out to control the dry water and placed on the bottom of the plate.

3, the pot into the advance boiled soup boiled, down into the bullfrog, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder seasoning, boil again after reducing the heat to cook for 2-3 minutes, hook rice soup, from the pot poured into the pad with accessories in the dish, the surface sprinkled with beautiful pepper segments, peppercorns.

4: Heat the pot with homemade sesame oil and rattan pepper oil until it is 70% hot, then pour it into the dish and stir it.

Soup making:

1, the pot into the bottom oil to 50% hot, down into the Hainan Huanggong pepper sauce 600 grams, wild mountain pepper segments 250 grams, red millet spicy crushed 50 grams sautéed incense, flush into water 20 pounds of high heat can be boiled, need to use up on the same day.

2, the purpose of boiling the soup in advance is to speed up the speed of cooking, so that when you walk, you do not need to fry the yellow pepper sauce, wild pepper, etc., you can directly scoop the soup into the pot, convenient and fast. There is also a hot dish "boiled knocked shrimp", which is also made from this soup.

Homemade sesame oil:

1: Take a stainless steel soup bucket, add 2 kg of dried chili peppers and 2 kg of Da Hong Pao peppers and mix evenly.

2, the pot into the cooked rapeseed oil 40 kg to 40% hot, down into the white section of 3 kg, ginger slices 2 kg, garlic 2 kg, simmer until the onion floating, slightly yellow (pay attention not to boil too long, otherwise the oil in the onion aroma is too large, will cover up a part of the spicy taste) when fished out.

3, then under the green pepper 3 pounds, wild mountain pepper crushed 4 pounds slow simmering aroma, out of the head of the material, the oil temperature rises to 60% heat, from the pot into the soup bucket containing pepper segments, peppers, while stirring, so that it is heated evenly, covered at room temperature for one night, the next day slagging to leave oil.

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