
Food recommendations: Pickled pepper mushrooms, spicy old tofu, soy crispy crown pork chops, braised duck wings

author:Xiaowen loves to eat

Don't know how to eat? Don't know what to eat yet? I'm here, I'm coming with good food, and today I'm going to bring you a full meal.

Food recommendations: Pickled pepper mushrooms, spicy old tofu, soy crispy crown pork chops, braised duck wings

Pickled pepper mushrooms

Ingredients: mushrooms, garlic sprouts, pickled peppers, pickled ginger


1, break the mushroom into small flowers, rinse with water, tear the washed mushroom into small pieces;

2. Cut garlic seedlings into sections, pickled pepper into sections, and sliced with pickled ginger;

3: Pour oil into the pot, add pickled pepper and pickled ginger and stir-fry the red oil, pour in the mushrooms and stir-fry evenly;

4: Add salt and oyster sauce and stir-fry well, finally add garlic seedlings, stir-fry well and then you can get out of the pot

Food recommendations: Pickled pepper mushrooms, spicy old tofu, soy crispy crown pork chops, braised duck wings

Spicy old tofu


1: Cut the old tofu into cubes with a knife and set aside.

2: Sauce in a bowl (salt, sugar, starch, oyster sauce, soy sauce, water).

3: Finely chop the shallots and set aside.

4: Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the tofu cubes to low heat and fry slowly.

5: Fry until golden brown on both sides.

6: Push aside the fried tofu cubes, add the green onion and chopped pepper and sauté.

7: Drizzle in the prepared juice and stir-fry to taste.

8: Sprinkle a little green onion out of the pan.

Food recommendations: Pickled pepper mushrooms, spicy old tofu, soy crispy crown pork chops, braised duck wings

Soy crispy crown pork chops


1: Rinse the whole pork steak with running water, cook it in a pot of cold water, then smear it with soy sauce, and then fry it in 60% hot oil pan until the surface is golden brown.

2: Put a little salad oil in the pot, add dried chili peppers, peppercorns, star anise, sweet potatoes and cinnamon and stir-fry, then fry with tomato sauce, mix the soup and add salt to taste, add the fried ribs, simmer over low heat until off the bone, then fish it out and put it on the plate to set aside. 3: Heat the salad oil in the pot, add green and red pepper grains, crispy soybean residue, fried garlic, fried bread chaff and stir-fry well, add salt and monosodium glutamate to taste, scoop on top of the ribs, and garnish with crispy soybeans

Food recommendations: Pickled pepper mushrooms, spicy old tofu, soy crispy crown pork chops, braised duck wings

Braised duck wings

Ingredients: Duck wings 300 g.

Ingredients: 2 star anise, 2 small pieces of cinnamon, 4 dried chili peppers, 1 grass fruit, 2 cloves of garlic, about 10 peppercorns, ginger, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, oyster sauce, cooking wine.

1. Wash and drain the duck wings after removing the residual hairs, cut them from the joints, and cut the middle wing part with two knives to taste; wash the star anise, cinnamon and peppercorns; cut the dried peppers into two pieces after washing and remove the seeds; wash the grass and fruits with a knife; slice the ginger and peel the garlic;

2. Heat the pan with oil, add star anise, cinnamon and peppercorns, and blast them into a fragrant flavor over low heat;

3. Add the duck wings, turn the heat to high, lay the duck wings flat on the bottom of the pan, fry one side and turn the noodles, and fry the two sides of the duck wings until they are slightly browned;

4. Add two small spoons of cooking wine and stir-fry well;

5. Add ginger, garlic, grass fruits, dried chili peppers, soy sauce, sugar, salt, oyster sauce and chicken essence, and sauté until the duck wings are colored;

6. Add an appropriate amount of hot water (to completely submerge the duck wings), and scoop out the foam with a spoon when the heat is slightly boiling;

7. Cover the pot and reduce heat to cook for about 30 minutes;

8. Open the lid and thicken the broth.

Today's food is here, like my little attention to me, continue to share more delicious to everyone, there are mistakes in time to propose corrections, thank you.

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