
Sour soup rice noodles, mushroom soup noodles, fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton + seaweed fresh meat wonton noodles, delicious into the taste

author:Orange-flavored rose tarts

Introduction: No one is born to cook, but life makes us have to learn this skill, perennial outside can not eat the meal made at home, and do not want to eat takeaway, you can only try to do it yourself, and then slowly learn, but in fact, sometimes, what to eat is not important, the important thing is that they enjoy the process of cooking this time.

In addition, when I occasionally feel that I am alone in eating alone, I will call a few relatives and friends to come to the house and get together to enjoy the happiness brought by food!

Today to share with you a few super delicious soup noodle methods, the method is simple and fast, the taste is fragrant but not greasy, delicious to lick the plate, the appearance and taste coexist, highly recommended to everyone, too like the powder, the powder makes me happy! Don't miss it.

Sour soup rice noodles, mushroom soup noodles, fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton + seaweed fresh meat wonton noodles, delicious into the taste

【Sour tommy noodles】

-Ingredients and seasonings: rice noodles, marinated beef, peanuts, coriander, green onion, minced garlic, cooked sesame seeds, soy sauce, aged vinegar, salt, sugar, paprika.

-Cooking steps:

1: 1 tbsp each of minced garlic, minced green onion, cooked sesame seeds and paprika, drizzled with hot oil, add 2 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp aged vinegar, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1 drop of salt and stir well.

2, the appropriate amount of water in the pot boiled, under the rice noodles cooked to catch up a cold water, again fished up into the mixed sour and spicy sauce, add some boiled rice noodle soup, cut a few slices of marinated beef, and then sprinkle with coriander, peanut rice, mix a mixture can be eaten

Spike the sour tommy rice noodles from the roadside stall ~ sour and spicy appetizer, delicious enough to lick the bottom of the bowl, eat once and fall in love! 10 minutes to get it, the method is super simple, did not regret the series, let's take a look at it ~

Sour soup rice noodles, mushroom soup noodles, fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton + seaweed fresh meat wonton noodles, delicious into the taste

【Mushroom noodle soup】

-Ingredients and seasonings: various types of mushrooms (white jade mushrooms, white mushrooms, grass mushrooms), Yangchun noodles, carrot corn soup, salt, water

1: Wash and cut the mushrooms into pieces, pour hot water and cook for 3 minutes to drain.

2: Bring carrot corn soup to a boil, add noodles and mushrooms and roll for 4 minutes, add salt.

Breakfast came to a bowl of mushroom soup noodles, instantly is a full of vitality of the day, carrot corn soup is cooked in advance of the old soup, mushrooms bought is white jade mushrooms, white mushrooms, grass mushrooms ~

Sour soup rice noodles, mushroom soup noodles, fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton + seaweed fresh meat wonton noodles, delicious into the taste

【Fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton + seaweed fresh meat wonton noodles】

-Ingredients and seasonings: bamboo noodles, green vegetables, wonton skin, fresh minced meat, prawns, seaweed, crab seeds, eggs, salt, salad oil, oyster sauce, ginger, Tai Tai Le fresh chicken juice.

1: Shell the prawns and remove the head, wash and cut into small pieces.

2: Put minced pork and shrimp grains and crab seeds into a container, add salt and oyster sauce to taste, add eggs and salad oil, stir well to form the filling.

3: Put minced pork and seaweed in a container, add salt and oyster sauce to taste, add eggs and salad oil, stir well to form the filling.

4, take a wonton skin, put in the middle of the filling, smear some water around the filling, the wonton skin on both sides of the wonton skin to the middle, make fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton, use the same method to make seaweed fresh meat wonton.

4: Boil the water and add the fresh chicken juice of Tai Le, boil and pour into a bowl, sprinkle the green onion into the soup.

5: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add a handful of bamboo noodles and green vegetables to cook, fish out and put them in a soup bowl.

6, put the two kinds of wonton into the water pot to cook and fish out, put on the bamboo noodles, a bowl of fresh shrimp and crab seeds wonton + seaweed fresh meat wonton noodles can be enjoyed!

The delicious Q bomb of fresh shrimp, the bursting sauce of crab seeds, the unique umami taste of seaweed, the thickness of the meat filling mixed with the thickness, the strong egg aroma of bamboo noodles, and the fresh flavor of the soup are simply absolute

-Cooking Tips: If you're too lazy to make Wonton yourself, you can buy ready-made ones outside!

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