
Wonton noodles are served with noodles that everyone loves to eat

author:A delicacy on the tip of your tongue

Wonton noodles are the wonton noodles we often eat, its production method is very simple, friends in the morning rush can prepare ingredients in the evening, the next day directly under the pot cooked can be eaten. The filling of wonton can be meat and vegetable, and you can choose according to your own taste. Do friends want to know how to make wonton noodles and how to cook wonton noodles? The following is to introduce the practice of wonton noodles.

In fact, making a bowl of wonton noodles for the family in the morning is a very enjoyable thing, especially now that the weather is cold, eating a bowl of wonton noodles can also warm the body, the following will introduce several of its methods for everyone.

Practice 1

Wonton noodles are served with noodles that everyone loves to eat


Two fresh eggs, ravioli skin, pork, coriander, shallots, noodles.


1. Spread the ravioli skin flat in the palm of your hand and place the appropriate amount of pork on top.

2. Dip some water in the right corner and fold the left corner into a copy shape.

3. Then pull the two ends neatly so that the filling bulges in the middle, forming a meta treasure shape with the two ends cocked.

4. Then cut the appropriate amount of parsley and shallots into segments.

5. The method of shredded eggs is to beat the eggs and add a little salt, stir well and add a little water. Then heat the pan and spread a little oil with paper so that the pan surface has a thin layer of oil.

6. Then add the egg mixture and turn the pot so that the egg liquid is evenly attached to the pot. The heat should not be too large, wait for the surface of the egg cake to appear congealed, the color is bright yellow, be careful not to dry completely, turn off the heat, and put it slightly.

Peel the egg cake along the surface, use a wooden spatula to reach out from the place where it was lifted, and then fully prop up the egg cake. Fold the brightly colored layer of egg cake up and cut into strips.

7. The way to make the steamed soup not turbid is to add a little salt to the water, bring it to a boil over high heat, then put in the wonton blunt, immediately turn to medium heat, and cook without a lid.

8. Noodles, I use silver wire noodles here is also cooked in the same pot, and then over the cold water to control drying.

9. Put the wontons and noodles in a bar code, add the green onion, coriander, eggs, add the broth prepared in advance, and season with a little fresh soy sauce and fish sauce.

Practice two

Wonton noodles are served with noodles that everyone loves to eat

250 grams of shrimp, 3150 grams of semi-fat lean pork, 150 grams of leeks, 1 loofah, 2 egg noodles, salt, corn starch, chicken powder, cooking wine, raw soy sauce, raw oil, and earth fishmeal.

1. Shrimp head and shell after intestinal line wash, shrimp shell wash and spare, can retain a few shrimp noodles; Pork is washed and chopped; Wash the leeks and chop them; Peel and slice the loofah.

2. Stir the shrimp, pork and leeks well, then marinate with salt, corn starch, chicken powder, cooking wine, soy sauce and raw oil for 2 hours.

3. Wrap the wonton with a wonton skin.

4. After the water is boiled, add the earth fishmeal and shrimp shells and cook for half an hour.

5. Add loofah and shrimp to the soup base and bring to a boil and add salt and chicken powder to taste.

6. Place the soup base in a large bowl and set aside.

7. Cook another pot of water, add egg noodles to boil, drain and put into a bowl that already has a soup base.

8. Add wonton to the water where the noodles were previously cooked, cook until the wonton floats up and then pick it up and put it on the noodles.

9. Spread the shrimp and loofah from the previous soup base on the noodles, and sprinkle some leeks and chopped yellow.

Approach three

Wonton noodles are served with noodles that everyone loves to eat


2 egg noodles, 1 packet of wonton skin, 200 grams of semi-fatty pork, 150 grams of shrimp, 2 horseshoes, 1 egg.


Stock to taste, a little leek, lettuce to taste.


A pinch of pepper, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp Haitian Gold Soy Sauce, 1/2 tsp sugar, 2 tsp corn starch, 1/2 tsp chicken powder, a pinch of cooking wine, a pinch of sesame oil, 1 tbsp vinegar.

1. Place the minced pork, shrimp and horseshoe crushed together in a container.

2. Beat in an egg.

3. Put in an appropriate amount of Haitian Gold Standard Raw Soy sauce.

4. Add sugar, chicken powder and cooking wine.

5. Add a little corn starch.

6. Add a little sesame oil at the end.

7. Use chopsticks to stir well in the same direction.

8. Take a piece of wonton skin and put an appropriate amount of filling in the center.

9. Apply some water around the filling, fold in half and glue the wonton skin by hand.

10. Squeeze the dough with the tiger's mouth to form a fishtail style.

11. After all the wontons are wrapped, put them on the plate, pay attention to the spacing.

12. Put water in the pot to boil, put the wonton in, immediately stir it with chopsticks, boil it and cook it for another 2-3 minutes, until the wonton floats on the surface, it means that it is cooked thoroughly.

13. Bring the water to a boil again and put in the noodles to cook.

14. Pour Haitian red Zhejiang vinegar into a small bowl and use as a dipping sauce.

15. Place the cooked noodles in a bowl and add the blanched lettuce.

16. Top the wonton, drizzle with boiled broth, sprinkle with chopped leeks and sesame oil.

Practice four

Wonton noodles are served with noodles that everyone loves to eat

Noodles, wontons, rapeseed.

Broth (bone broth, chicken broth are available), seaweed, chives, salt.

1. First chop the filling and wrap the filling in wonton skin.

2. Noodles are actually very important.

3. Put the wonton into the broth and cook, after ten minutes, take the wonton out, pour a little more broth into the bowl, then add the ground dried fish, shrimp, shrimp shells, pork bones, soybean sprouts, etc., and finally, put the cooked wonton in the bowl.

4. Put the noodles into the broth and cook (clear chicken soup is also available), take the noodles out after 2-3 minutes, put the cooked noodles into the bowl of wonton, it is recommended that the cooking time is as short as possible. If possible, it is best to start work on both sides of the noodles and wonton.


Remember not to wrap too much stuffing when wrapping the filling, because the wonton skin will burst when cooking the wonton, so be sure to wrap the wonton skin tightly, because the filling will come out when it is not tightly cooked.

Conclusion: The above is the content of the wonton noodle practice introduced to you. Now everyone knows how to make wonton noodles, this is a good breakfast choice, not only delicious but also full of feelings. The methods introduced in the article are very simple, and interested friends should not miss it.

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