
A simple recipe for sour tommy noodles ❗❗


Today at home made a person to eat sour tommock noodles, the method is simple ten minutes to the table, super suitable for lazy people, sour and spicy appetizer ❗Q bomb addiction ❗

【Sour tommy noodles】

Ingredients: rice noodles, green onions, garlic, coriander, cooked peanuts, paprika, cooked sesame seeds, sugar, salt, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar

A simple recipe for sour tommy noodles ❗❗
A simple recipe for sour tommy noodles ❗❗
A simple recipe for sour tommy noodles ❗❗
A simple recipe for sour tommy noodles ❗❗
A simple recipe for sour tommy noodles ❗❗


1⃣ Sour soup: Prepare a large bowl with a spoonful of minced ➕ garlic a little green onion ➕ A spoonful of chili powder ➕ A spoonful of cooked sesame seeds ➕ drizzled with hot oil ➕ Two spoonfuls of light soy sauce ➕ Two spoons of balsamic vinegar ➕ A spoonful of sugar ➕ A small spoonful of salt, stir well and set aside;

2⃣ Open the water into the rice noodles to cook, put it in the freshly prepared sour soup, add the appropriate amount of water, add cooked peanut rice and coriander;

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