
The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust

author:Aunt Rinko

#9月吃什么 #

Have you ever eaten hot dough in Hanzhong?

When the coolness of autumn begins to emerge, a bowl of hot noodle skin in the morning, paired with a dish of tofu, the day of the Hanzhong people begins.

The hot dough is mixed with soup and vegetables, which is more rich than the cold one. For every Hanzhong person, it is excellent to eat a bowl of hot noodles for breakfast every day. The breakfast time of Hanzhong Hot Noodle Peel Shop is always full of people, and sometimes there is no place to sit.

The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust
The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust

Hanzhong hot dough skin is actually not made of wheat noodles, it is made of rice by Hanzhong people, the method is the same as the general rice skin method, that is, the rice is soaked and ground into rice milk, steamed into a white soft thin dough skin, while hot, smeared with rapeseed oil, the large knife is divided into wide strips, as wide as a belt, sprinkled with some bean sprouts, shredded potatoes, celery, etc., drizzled with special marinade, poured a spoonful of caramelized and spicy red oil... A bowl of fragrant hot rice peel is made!

The characteristics of the remi skin are: the cut should be wide, and the width is bold. Peppers should be large and the pepper seeds should be intact. All kinds of spices should be complete, and the seasoning water should be more, and it should be eaten smoothly and sweat slightly.

The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust
The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust

Hanzhong people can't do without the dough, just like Xi'an people can't do without steamed buns, Chongqing people can't do without spicy hot pot, and northeastern people can't do without pork stew noodles. If you go to Hanzhong and don't eat the dough, it's equivalent to coming for nothing.

Hanzhong people always have the plot of dough, no matter how far away from home, the first meal after returning home will never be without dough. Generally, the family makes its own dough, the seasoning is relatively simple, there are oil and spicy seeds, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, vinegar, garlic paste on the line, the taste is very good. But the noodle shop is not the same, now people's taste is more and more eating more and more, the noodle shop is also very fierce competition, the taste is more than three, in order to cater to everyone's taste to retain repeat customers, each noodle shop is more than eight immortals across the sea each shows its magic, each dough shop has its own set of ingredient secret recipes, will put more than a dozen or even twenty kinds of spices, with these spices plus water plus vinegar simmered to make a sauce, both vinegar aromatic and not sour.

The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust
The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust
The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust

Looking at the picture to say that the food, my hunger addiction is also hooked out, just in the refrigerator at home there are two rice skins frozen, just eat a hot lotus root braised rice skin.

It is the season when a large number of lotus roots are listed, lotus root nutrition is good, recently eat every day continuously, you must eat a meal with lotus root every day, ha, what is good nutrition is what, what is not good for the body to solve not to eat, the body to eat well Everything is not a problem.

【Lotus root braised rice peel】

1: Pour boiling water into the pot, turn on the stove, put some corn oil, put some tempeh. A soaked dried shiitake mushroom is minced and put in, a few cowpea carobs are diced, the lotus root is peeled and cut into triangular slices, stewed and stewed, and the cowpea is stewed.

2, the rice peel is cut into square pieces, cut at will, and the square pieces are not exquisite. Add the chopped rice peels, simmer for 2 minutes, add some pepper, salt and vinegar, and stir well. Eat it, lotus root stewed rice peel, delicious.

The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust
The bold hot dough crust is more suitable for autumn eating, and it is more flavorful than the cold dough crust

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