
In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping


From the agrarian revolution to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, After countless tribulations, China gradually got rid of its past decline and stood up again on the land of Shenzhou step by step, embarking on the road of rejuvenation. There is no doubt that this period of history is singable and weepy and great, and the foundation for the achievement of this greatness lies even more in the great proletarian revolutionary who occupies the position of the great proletarian revolutionary in the trend of history.

It is precisely because of their struggle and sacrifice that China has been able to wash away its shame and look new. The names of those revolutionaries are still engraved in history and will remain in the minds of future generations, and Tao Zhu is undoubtedly one of them. Looking back at the historical scene, in 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping and others attended the memorial service of Tao Zhu, and Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > a "late" memorial service</h1>

On December 24, 1978, a special memorial service was held in Beijing.

The reason why this memorial service is special is first of all that the memorial service held by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is "long overdue"; secondly, the memorial service commemorates the death of two people, and the last special point lies in the identities of the two people. They were Marshal Peng Dehuai and Tao Zhu, a proletarian revolutionary who had been vice premier.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Marshal Peng Dehuai died on November 29, 1974, while Tao Zhu died on November 30, 1969. At that time, the two died due to the special background of the times, so that the memorial service could not be held.

And with the restoration of the two in 1978, a belated memorial service to justify the two to a greater extent, while expressing the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China's affirmation of their lives, this move is undoubtedly the best choice. And because the date of their deaths was close, the memorial service of the two revolutionary ancestors was held at the same time under the arrangement of the central government.

This special memorial service was personally presided over by Marshal Ye Jianying, while Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun delivered eulogies to Marshal Peng Dehuai and Vice Premier Tao Zhu respectively. Through their eulogies, we can glimpse the full affirmation of the two people's lifelong achievements by the CPC Central Committee, and also highly praise the two people's outstanding personal qualities, abilities, ideas, and loyalty as a party member.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Ye Jianying

In addition, in response to the death of the two, both eulogies present endless regret and grief.

Among them, in Tao Zhu's eulogy, it is mentioned that "learning from his revolutionary sentiments of frankness, brightness and honesty, and adherence to the truth" is very appropriate, just as in the previous article, "the heart is selfless and the world is wide", Tao Zhu is a great proletarian revolutionary who has been bright and upright all his life.

Speaking of which, it is advisable to review the deeds of Tao Zhu's life, and in the greatness that shocked mainland China in that year, I glimpsed the extraordinary tao zhu who was immersed in it.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Pottery casting

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > second, stepfather's ambition, embark on a revolutionary journey</h1>

Tao Zhu was born in 1908 in Qiyang, Hunan Province, when he was still ignorant and ignorant, just like the children of ordinary people's families, in the midst of poverty and suffering under the times, but he did not know what everything was for. However, as he grew older, he understood that the causes of the suffering of the people at the bottom were innumerable, and that the oppression of the landlord class was undoubtedly one of the main factors.

As a result, as early as his youth, Tao Zhu's young heart was already full of the great righteousness of the family and the country, and the seeds of the expected revolution had already sprouted in his heart. The reason why Tao Zhu had such an understanding when he was young was inseparable from the teaching and edification of his father Tie Zheng who spared no effort.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Although Tao Zhu's father, Tie Zheng, failed to engrave his name firmly in history, no one could deny his status as a revolutionary pioneer, after all, he had participated in the Xinhai Revolution that shocked China and foreign countries, so his democratic ideas and ideas must have had a profound impact on Tao Zhu.

As we all know, the revolutionary road is bound to be filled with blood and death, and in the past years, in the face of the brutal suppression of the landlord class, countless revolutionaries were forced to issue one last cry. As a revolutionary, Tie Zheng set up a new school in his hometown after the Xinhai Revolution to teach knowledge, and at the same time spread the ideas of democratic revolution.

For the landlord class, Tie Zheng's behavior was undoubtedly regarded as a thorn in the flesh in the eye, so the local gentry united to charge him with a series of charges, killing him in frames and humiliations.

At that time, Tao Zhu was only ten years old, and his father's death undoubtedly had a great impact on him. Especially in life, he and his twelve-year-old brother can only rely on chopping firewood to sell firewood to survive. However, poverty and suffering did not bring him down, but on the contrary, they honed his strong and independent personal qualities.

At the same time, his father's death undoubtedly made the young Tao Zhu see the danger of the revolutionary road, and also deepened his hatred for the landlord class. However, Tao Zhu not only did not look afraid of this, but was more and more aroused by the revolutionary fighting spirit, and a burning flame was ignited in his heart, which was a inheritance from his father and a relay of revolutionaries.

Adhering to his father's legacy, Tao Zhu finally embarked on the revolutionary road and gradually drifted away from it.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" >3, "The Miracle of Prison Robbery History"</h1>

At the age of 15, Tao Zhu once traveled to various places to make a living as a handyman, and during this time, he was busy making a living, but he did not forget the importance of acquiring knowledge. In the early years, he laid a good foundation for reading with his father, and after his father's death, he continued the habit of reading, so that whenever he had time to spare during this period, he would try his best to make up for his lack of knowledge.

Because of this hard work, Tao Zhu was finally successfully admitted to the fifth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1926, thus officially stepping into the revolutionary field. After that, he served as a company commander in the Northern Expedition, participated in the Nanchang Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising, and devoted himself to the work of "military movement", and always ran to the front line of the revolution.

In the midst of the revolutionary trend, Tao Zhu constantly fought for the country and the people, while leaving behind a piece of historical footprint and creating a series of achievements, and the most shocking of them was the "miracle of prison robbery history" that he personally cast in the past years.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

In the novel "Spring and Autumn in a Small Town", a prison robbery incident in the past years is recorded in detail, and 11 Communist Party members broke through the heavily guarded prison and successfully rescued more than 40 comrades. And this matter is tao zhu's doing.

In 1930, the Nationalist government received news that communists had convened a commemorative meeting of the Xiamen Anti-Imperialist Grand Alliance, so the agents of the Nationalist government heard the wind and arrested a number of communists and progressives. Among them was Comrade Liu Duansheng, then secretary of the Xiamen Municipal CPC Committee.

Immediately after learning of this news, the Party held a relevant meeting and said that it was necessary to rescue these comrades, so the whole rescue operation began. For this reason our Party drew up a close rescue plan, and the personnel who carried out this plan were identified as Tao Zhu and his carefully selected eleven fighters.

After receiving the task, Tao Zhu immediately made active preparations, and while conducting specific training for the soldiers, he carefully and repeatedly studied the situation inside and outside the Siming Prison where our party comrades were being imprisoned.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

On May 25, 1930, the date of the rescue was finalized according to the pre-planned plan, and in the bustling crowd near the prison, Tao Zhu and eleven soldiers were already lurking in place, slowly moving towards the prison. At the same time, some other comrades in charge of the peripheral reception have been installed in the shadows nearby, perhaps a vendor or a tourist.

The eleven soldiers and Tao Zhu himself were divided into two groups, inside and outside, and the inner group was infiltrated into the prison by six comrades in the name of visiting relatives, while at the same time two groups rescued some of the people to escape when the operation began. As for the other five fighters, as well as Tao Zhu, they were responsible for direct confrontation with the enemy's armed forces, covering the internal operation after the operation began.

As the internal team members successfully entered the prison and exchanged fire with the prison personnel, Tao Zhu led five fighters to quickly rush in from the outside in and control the whole situation. In the meantime, the captain of the prison guard was killed directly, as was the other guard, and the rest of the guards scattered and fled.

At the same time, more than 40 members of our party, who were trapped, quickly rushed out of the prison gate under the leadership of the inner team, scattered into the crowd, and left under the cover and help of the receiving personnel.

The entire rescue mission took about 30 minutes as originally planned, but the actual operation only took about 15 minutes. This is enough to glimpse the excellent ability of Tao Zhu as a frontal commander, as well as the strong combat ability of the soldiers.

And as the news spread that Tao Zhu and others had broken through the prison to rescue comrades, there was an uproar in the country. This action not only struck a blow to the arrogance of the National Government, but also won unanimous praise among the masses, which can be described as having a profound impact.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" >4, "Framed and imprisoned"</h1>

The above-mentioned action to rescue the prison comrades is enough to see Tao Zhu's resourcefulness and bravery, and in essence, Tao Zhu not only saved the comrades trapped in prison, but also had the experience of being saved as a comrade trapped in prison.

In May 1933, Tao Zhu received orders to go to Shanghai to report to the Party Central Committee, but in the process was betrayed by traitors, so that after being arrested by the Nationalist government, he was escorted to Nanjing as a key criminal and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Since then, Tao Zhu has been "placed" in the Nanjing Kuomintang Central Military Prison, where more than 20 people have been detained in a small space of about 10 square meters, and the environment naturally does not need to be repeated, which can be described as an inhuman place.

However, at that time, although Tao Zhu lived here, he did not compromise with the enemy because of his own encounters, nor did he worry about it, but rather a kind of indifference of "if it comes, it is safe".

In addition, the people who were imprisoned in the Kuomintang prisons at that time were often Communists or progressives, so Tao Zhu stayed here and had like-minded people to talk a few words, including Deng Zhongxia, a famous leader in the early days of our party.

Tao Zhu witnessed comrade Deng Zhongxia's indomitable and indomitable process until he was heroic and righteous, and Tao Zhu, who was deeply infected, made a decision for him: "I want to ask the heavens what is the sky, and cry with tears." "A moving poem of mourning.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Deng Zhongxia

With the passage of time, in order to face Japan's war of aggression against China, the kuomintang and the communist cooperation came to the stage of history for the second time, and on the basis of joint cooperation, the nationalist government promised to release political prisoners imprisoned in prison.

However, despite its apparent promise, the National Government obstructed it in every way, releasing only some "minor offenders", setting up many obstacles to "repeat offenders", including Tao Zhu, and waiting for the opportunity to be executed secretly.

The biggest obstacle made by the National Government is to ask our side to issue a specific list, after all, many of our Party members are secretly imprisoned after they are arrested, and it is undoubtedly difficult to learn about the specific situation, so it is difficult to carry out rescue activities.

However, by chance, we got a partial list of the Kuomintang Central Military Prison, which included many comrades of our Party, and Tao Zhu's name was also on it. Therefore, through this list, prison personnel and secret service organizations were suddenly dumbfounded, and they were forced to release people under the pressure of public opinion.

After that, although the National Government delayed for a certain period of time, fortunately, Tao Zhu and other comrades of our party finally walked out of prison unharmed.

Tao Zhu and others who saw the light again were undoubtedly overjoyed, and after some deliberation, everyone decided to take a group photo to commemorate the occasion, and Tao Zhu even made a poem "Returning from a hundred battles to recognize this body".

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" >5, take over Beiping</h1>

After leaving the prison, Tao Zhu continued to run around in the revolutionary struggle with more revolutionary enthusiasm than before, leaving footprints in many parts of the country, and also making great contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance and the liberation of the country. In the Liberation War, Tao Zhu also participated in the peaceful liberation of Peiping in the past years.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Today' Beijing, as the capital of our country, occupies a certain special position in the hearts of all Chinese people, and although Beiping was not the capital at that time, it was also quite special in the eyes of many people. After all, at that time, Beiping was the capital of the Qing Dynasty, and there were countless precious cultural relics and ancient city atmosphere.

Because of this, how to protect the city from war as much as possible while liberating Peiping was a question that many generals of our army considered at that time. However, as we all know, thanks to the profound righteousness of the Peiping Nationalist Army, in order to protect the national cultural relics and avoid fratricide, decisively abandoning unnecessary resistance and sacrifice, while allowing the ancient city to be preserved unharmed.

On January 26, 1949, the People's Liberation Army took over Peiping and began to reorganize the Nationalist army. As a symbol of this, the members of the joint office sent by the People's Liberation Army entered Beiping City, and this person was Tao Zhu.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

In the process of taking over Beiping, there were also some small episodes, which almost led to conflicts between the two sides, but it was fortunate that Tao Zhu resolved this in time to kill all hidden dangers in the cradle.

In the process of the People's Liberation Army taking over Beiping, the defenders of Fuxingmen, Fuchengmen and Xizhimen in the west of Beiping proposed to refuse to take over. Sun Yingnian, the commander of the Nationalist Army in charge of the defense of the three gates, was young and vigorous, and he was quite reluctant to surrender without a fight.

As this incident continued to ferment, the Beiping Military Control Commission intervened and ordered Sun Yingnian to meet with Tao Zhu, who was the deputy director. Tao Zhu has always dared to speak up, and as soon as they met, he directly opened his mouth, "Don't you hand over the West Three Doors?" You don't want a head yet! ”

After Tao Zhu drank loudly, he did not wait for Sun Yingnian to open his mouth to defend, and then said directly, "You are now the People's Liberation Army, all actions must obey orders, hurry up and hand over the city gate, and if you drag it out, you will really pay your gun!" After Tao Zhu's "intimidation", Sun Yingnian, who knew that he was powerless to return to heaven, no longer insisted and obediently handed over the defense work of xisanmen.

In 1978, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and others attended The memorial service of Tao Zhu, Comrade Chen Yun delivered a eulogy, a "late" memorial service, and the second, the stepfather's aspirations, embarked on the revolutionary journey three, "the miracle of prison robbery history" fourth, "framed and imprisoned" fifth, and took over Beiping

Sun Yingnian

To sum up, from the revolutionary period to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and after the founding of New China, he repeatedly held important posts and served as vice premiers, and Tao Zhu undoubtedly made many great achievements for the country and the people along the way.

However, under the "ten years of turmoil" wind and clouds, Tao Zhu ended in bleakness, but fortunately, a belated memorial service finally arrived, washing away the grievances for Tao Zhu and proving his life was flat.

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